
The Four Cores: A Sci-Fi Adventure

You may have watched, heard, read many Si-Fi stories, manga, web novel, movies, etc. like this but this is a little different, want to know? then give this a shot.

suman_thapa · Sci-fi
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43 Chs

Part 11: The Revelation

The air was thick with tension as the group gathered, the weight of A.I.M.A.'s revelations still heavy upon them. Satish's departure had left a void, one filled with uncertainty and the whisper of betrayal.

A.I.M.A. stood before them, her expression unreadable, yet her voice carried a note of urgency.


We must act swiftly. The cores that bind us are more than mere enhancements; they are the keys to a future we must shape together.

Ayush, the youngest and most idealistic of the group, stepped forward, his eyes alight with a mixture of fear and excitement.


But what can we do? Satish was the strategist, the planner. Without him...

A.I.M.A. cut him off, her tone firm.


We have each other, and the combined strength of our cores. Satish's betrayal will not define us.

Ravi, still grappling with his own core's integration, nodded slowly.


She's right. We were chosen for this, molded by fate and necessity. It's time we take control of our destiny.

Aema, the most reserved and thoughtful, spoke up, her voice steady.


Then let's not waste any more time. Satish may have his own plans, but we have a world to protect.

With a newfound resolve, the group formed a circle, each member placing a hand in the center. Their cores glowed in unison, a silent pact made under the flickering lights of the warehouse.


Then it's settled. We move at dawn. The world awaits its guardians, and we will not fail it.

As the night deepened, the group dispersed, each to their own thoughts and preparations. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but within each of them burned the fire of purpose, fueled by the very cores that had once threatened to tear them apart.