30 Kicked Out by the Carters

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Davis's words put Charlotte in disbelief. The Stardust Corporation had a great reputation in Orange County because it had the support of the Huttons. It was famous, and the companies of the families of all sizes in Orange County dared not offend it and instead vied to cooperate with it. As the general manager of the Stardust Corporation, someone who held authority in the upper-class circle of Orange County, how could there be someone who had higher authority than him?

Who exactly is that person? How did the Carters offend such a person?

Charlotte was full of doubts as she headed downstairs to tell Cheyenne about the news. "Cheyenne, I just asked Mr. Davis. He said that we didn't offend him but someone whom even he doesn't dare to offend."

She didn't doubt the truth of Davis's words.

When Cheyenne heard her words, her face turned pale. Someone even more authoritative than Mr. Davis…


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