
My Destiny are sealed

After the meeting with Xinlius, I was brought to another place.

He told me that the God of Life seeks an audience with me once I already made my decisions, which on this case I decided to take their offer on living my second life on the world that I once saved in my previous lifetime as Sakaki Hiyama.

Xinlius also said that once I get to meet the God of Life then I need to answer some questions, I don't know what kind of question that shall be thrown at the meeting, but from what Xinlius told me I guess it will be decided in what state I shall be reincarnated.

I have no wish of luxury nor any life as royalty, so if any questions regarding it came up, I shall give zero interest on the matter at hand.

Now, I am walking on slow pace.

Passing through an ethereal passageway that I found quite frightening, the reason why it was, because these passage seems to be quite a lonely place.

I tried to usher some courage and let out a voice, no, it was just a whisper, but the voices are reverberating through the whole passage. This place is scary or maybe even haunted, those were the conclusions that I made.

I shouldn't be surprised, I already know that.

This passage were the passageway that shall lead me to a meeting with the God of Life himself.

So, if I am meeting a spirit or two then I shouldn't be surprised.

But here I am, trembling in fear as I make my way through.

Yes, I was a Hero in the past, someone who put down the Demon Lord himself. Even if after that, I disappear afterwards, and return to my own world so I couldn't bask in the glory of my victory.

But! If it about something supernatural or to be specific; ghosts, then I am totally not your man!

Position! Ready to Move! Turn back!


Those were the things that going on my mind as I am passing throught the passageway, but as I just thought that running away was the best option at the time, I saw the light.

The light that marks the end of this passageway.

Oh, the joy!

There were no spirits, no ghosts, not even a single supernatural being on my path!

I could celebrate this, for a whole night. But nope, there's other thing to attend to.

I need to be in presence of the God of Life himself, celebration could come later if I have the chance.

The light grew brighter, it's becoming more and more closer, somehow I could felt the warmth of the light.

The feeling of being embraced by the whole light itself are strangely mesmerizing, yet I keep my feet moving towards the light.

The warmth grew, it became more and more warmer by the second, I could feel the light not through my body, but I could feel them through my soul.

What is this feeling? I thought to myself, standing still, mesmerized. I just need a few seconds before I pull myself together and be able to guess what this feeling is.

Ah, that's right.

Peace. I haven't felt it for so long that even I, am starting to forget about it. I am truly in bliss right now, comfort is the only thing that my heart could feel.

Then I move my right foot forward, slowly passing through the light.

The feeling of comfort didn't vanish, they became even stronger.

A gillyflower then came to my vision, I could smell its fragrance. The sweet aroma of its flowers and the tickling sensations of its petals played with my senses. If I was told to describe this feeling, there would be only one word that came to my mind.


Either the shape or the fragrance, both of them are so beautiful and captivating. The blue shade of the small herb is somehow strangely enhanced by the weird, picaresque surroundings of this realm. It's colors... so vivid, so hypnotizing.

In daze, I walked.

I saw visions of so many thread, yet it was a red thread that connects with each other, then it was pulled towards a gate that felt so phantasmal, yet strangely, I know it's real.

It was clear as day that the gate which stood in front of me are the very gate that connects to the realm of mortal.

Somehow, I knew. Even if I have no prior knowledge about it, but my experience with the world of Eos led me to this, as the answer of my question relies on what is beyond that gate.

I am a pragmatic man, seeing is believing. The gate in front of me definitely would be my entrance to my second life that came as the good karma of being a Hero.

"Man, that Gate sure is something..."

I muttered to myself while my gaze fixed at the scene of that majestic golden door, with its frame towering above me, flaunting its huge crystallized golden ornaments of angelic beings, flirting to each other, blowing their trumpets and picking their harps, while being shone by the divine light from the Divine Ruler above.

"...I could feel it, life and death, hope and despair, happiness and sorrow, and so many emotions that contradicts with each other are passing through it. They are coming and going, like something that shall never ending, these cycle are eternal and will persist until the definition of life and death become lost."



I heard a voice, that voice didn't came with the cliche of being something that it's inside my head. No, I definitely hear them through my ears and it was very clear, there's also no way to miss it as that voice are reverberating through this place.

Then He came.

Gracefully, he descends. His form resembles a manisfetation of a man with an owl head which by no means seems comical, it was the opposite, He looked so magnificent that even I lose the ability to comprehend clearly what manner of creature is in front of me.

Lavish overcoat cover his whole body, yet I was able to saw through a trouser that seem to be made by nothing but the most finest fabric that the whole universe has to offer before him.

There were no shining armor, gaudy clothes or anything that seems covering his whole body, only that overcoat hanging on his shoulder, but it seems more than enough for showing how impressive and indomitable He is.

At first there's no impressions that he carried a weapon with Him which would make this being seems menacing, then my gaze turn unto His waist, there's lay a single sword that seems so gigantic, so humongous, but it held a certain feeling of not to be used for harming something or someone, even anything at all.

That sword seems so to represent a peaceful death that it would bring, at least when it was being used but I doubt there would be anyone of worth meeting it's blade.

I thought to myself.

I still found myself in quite a confusing state.

But, deep inside my mind, I understand.

This majestic being are by no means a 'creature', he is far from being a creature.

He is, in fact, a creator and the one who control the threads that spreads on my sight of visions. The personification of life that rule over them too, He is the God of Life.

I gulped down the saliva that seems stuck on my throat.

The pressures are too great than what I imagined or expected!

The Demon Lord seems to be far more pathetic than He who stood before me, it was just like the old saying of, "The difference are just like heavens and earth," and if I am going to say it out loud then put exclamation mark at the end.

Should I fell to the depth of fear that starting to cling on my whole body?

He is terrifying. Those were the first lane of thought that passed through my feeble mind.

I, who have seen a lot of Demonic Being couldn't even bring myself to think that oppose Him would be a good idea.

Definitely nope.

And even so, these train of thought that goes on my mind were against the rationale of situation whose my mind already assessed.

Thus there were conflicted feeling that grew within me.

Should I gave myself up to the abnormal fear that I even yet to experienced or should I stand up against them?

Do I need to hold my ground or rose against the ground?

Hundreds, millions, or even billions of thought-process are inside my mind.

Then it came to me.

The reasons why I could not let this fear take me.

If I yield to this fear, wasn't that suppose to be mean I am returning to my old self?

That way of thinking, I shouldn't even consider them.

I am a different man.

I already changed.

I let my pride and self-awareness raged on.

It is a contradiction to my line of thought, but I could not just accepted the feeling of being frowned upon and underestimated.

I have already become a whole different person than who am I on the past.

A soldier who only keeps their head down and getting told to do this and that without questions.

That part of past, already passed on.

It's already gone, at least as far as I am trying to convinced myself.

I have decided, I will not become Sakaki Hiyama of the past, I shall use my own mind to think and moral compass to decide things.

I am a free man, just as what Xinlius told me earlier, these hands of mine is the one who forge the fate of who am I on my second life.

Our eyes then meet with each other.

I already steeled myself from the consenquence.

Even if the cost is my own life, or even the price of being reincarnated.

Foolish, indeed, I couldn't deny that at all, but my pride are something that I couldn't easily concede.

"Hooo... impressive."

The same voice then resounds, it contains amusement, yet there's no sarcasm to be felt at all. A genuine praise just came through the mouth of the God of Life.

"You seems able to stood through, even in my very presence, using your own will. Thus I shall deem you worthy to converse myself with."

He seems to be pleased, having me as a conversation partner.

Still, I couldn't let my guard down yet. There's must be something on this, a test? Riddle is also a possibility....

In the end I need to consider if it's even safe for me to speak. Even if He just told me that I am worthy, this is God we are talking about, so let's not be hasty.

Think before move.

Those words resound through my mind.

I need to be careful with every movement that I made.

Unfortunately, those thought are just for naught.

As once again, The God of Life spoke to me, with pleasant tone to follow it.

"Are you perhaps thinking on how you should approach this meeting. My, not only strong-willed but also calculating, you're a great thinker but it follows with eccentricity that seems to be a curse for you. Am I right, Sakaki Hiyama?"

Ah, bullseye.

There's no way I could maintain my calm composure anymore.

Any attempt on trying to put poker face would be useless.

Unlike a main protagonist in a Light Novel that I once read, I couldn't fool a God with my poker face skill.

I shown a smile from my face at The God of Life, on notion that he noticed what's on my mind, I decided that praises him is a good way to start this conversation with Him.

"My foolish thought are discovered then, I shall show you my humble self from now on as I am in front of a great presence just as I expected from your majesty. Unlike Xinlius, God of Life are more majestic and overwhelming to look at. Yes, I found your glorius yet graceful descend to be something quite of a spectacle."

"Tongue that moves just like how a skilled bard would play his lute, it was no surprise that you are seen as perfect Hero when Eos are on the grip of the Demon Lord. You hide your feeling with words, then trying to let the truth of your state to be forgotten. How entertaining, only those who have his own way with words like Elves usually speak with such charisma."

"And I bet they are still clamoring in fear! I am struck in awe of your presence, Your Majesty!"

"You do feel fear, but you put it behind. Trying to hide away your fear, it's admirable, for a mortal."

"I can't deny the words that The God of Life spoke, those were the truth, yet I beg to differ. I honeyed my words because I am truly found respect for the God of Life."

"There's no denying that. I found you words to be genuine, there's no lie, and no deception or ill will to be found in them."

Respect come from two things.

Fear and Honour.

Once you have both of them, then you would be worthy to be respected by anyone who understand your true capabilites, it wasn't limited to might, tactfulness, and guile, but every distinct aspect of someone, something, or anything.

I felt many aspect of the very being who now chuckles in front of me would overwhelmed just by anyone, yet he would be a match for another God.

As the God of Life, kindness seems to be something that came naturally for him.

Even if I was terrorized by feeling of fear because of his presence earlier, I knew that it was something beyond His control.

I mean, He is a God!

It wasn't even normal for human soul like me to be able laid a glance to His true form.

Only because special circumstances I was able to be present here.

Because I was a Hero, because I used to go around and saved the world from any form of great calamity who was brought to the Eos by the Demon Lord, there are so many reasons that I could mention here on why I have this chance now.

But it shall not be delivered on this occassions, let us save it for another time.

My lips still made crescent shape.

I was surprised by how smooth these conversations are.

The God of Life looked at me as a mortal, but he definitely showers me with praise, that was a very pleasant change from my day to day job of being a salaryman who usually get yelled at by my own superior.

I don't know whether he puts the same feeling of respect when He speak to me, but I was relieved that he deem me worthy to be able hold a conversation with Him.

It's been a hard day.

"Your mind seems to be wandering, Hiyama."

"I apologize, Your Majesty. It's just that I am feeling glad to be able having an audience with such kind Deity as Your Majesty. My daily life after being returned to the Earth are hard to bear, yet praises are given to me at the time I need it. Truly I am thankful for that."

"Now you were the one who praise me too highly, if I was not a God then I would definitely gives you more blessing than what you need once you go to your second life."

I take those word of Him as joke, I don't want to think that my praise are valued that high.

I know by experience, a praise is become effective by the way how it was delivered.

These knowledge saved my ass countless time.

"Well then," with light tone, the God of Life then spoke, "Let us go to the main topic then, it's regarding your reincarnation."

I gulped down my saliva, once again.

Anticipation, or rather, excitement are welling up inside of me. I was able to control myself from well enough, in meantime the God of Life speak once again.

"I need you to answer few questions for me, it will decide your new life at Eos. But before that, I must tell you that by the time you are reincarnated, the era of Sakaki Hiyama being known as Hero shall be something that akin to a mere myth. I hope you are ready for that."

"No need to be worry about me, Your Majesty. I become more grateful if that was the case, in the time the glory of Sakaki Hiyama has passed or even became just a mere myth, then I could relax myself as I do not need to feel association with my 'past'."

"How wise, Xinlius told the truth, what did you seek is only peace in your life, but let me confirm it with my questions, shall we?"

"I am ready whenever you are, Your Majesty."

"Good, then we shall begin at once."

Thus I was being questioned by the God of Life.

"Only answer with yes or no, there's no middle line for this, unless I told you so."


"Do you wish for luxury?"


"Do you wish for health."


"Do you wish for happiness?"


The questions then goes on, it's become so long that I believed that more than few hours are passed.

These questions indeed seem few in the eyes of God, it was not 'short' by any means for me, but my patience are one of the strong suits that I have.

As someone who used to grind on online games, having to answer these questions are nothing.

I proudly declared to myself in my mind.

Then the few last questions came.

"If by any chance, you are given the opportunity to become a leader who was self-appointed, would you take it?"


"Do you want to have a talent that was supreme than anyone?"


"The last question, answer it as you see fit. Do you love your own world?"


"It's the first time you seems to be confused, or maybe there's something tha wavered inside those firm determination of yours? I ask you once again and will be more specific this time. Do you love your own world where you are known to be no one, but a mere salaryman who used to be a soldier, do you love the world where you are the Sakaki Hiyama of Earth?"

I was left speechless.

The last question are something that I couldn't answer lightly, it was something that I feel so personal with.

When someone ask you, whether you hate or love the world then you need to answer between yes or no, and give the reasons why.

I was left in confusion, I didn't know which was the right answer for me.

Do I, as someone who have accepted the chance of living a second life in another world, have the right to answer this question?

I wonder to myself, that's what I did while the God of Life still waiting for my answer.

I was thrown to a deep thought.

To think that the last questions would be something that didn't have anything to do with my desire, it was something that I didn't expected to be honest.

Yet I still need to answer.

The line of being able to tell straight answer which led to my genuinity of being someone that was used to be called Sakaki Hiyama, or just act like it was none of my concern as I shall live a second life that has nothing to do with being who am I in the past.

To put it simply, I am in the middle of a dilemma.

It's surprisingly ironic to think that I was able to go through deep thought just by a question that usually require a confirmation or simple rejection.

This matter are something that as simple as having to nod or shake your head for giving answer, but it was whole different things altogether.

Concrete reasons are needed for this question, as the one who I face are the God of Life.

Being a hypocrite is an option, but....

It's against the moral compass of mine.

Thus I decided, I answer the last question with honesty.

I answered it just like the way the God of Life told me to, answer it as the way I see its fit.

"There are few things that I hate about my world, it was cruel, yet still kind, it was ugly, but still holds its own beauty, it was chaotic, still peace are something that common. Even I don't know whether what I said hold the truth, but with all of my pride I could say that thanks to this kind of world I was able to become who am I today. Do I love it? No doubt, I was someone who couldn't bring myself to do so, then do I hate it? I will never able to bring myself wholly hate it, even after I meet my end in the hands of tragedy by my kind...,"

Then I paused, letting the speech become more dramatic just as I want it.

"It's a beautiful world, but not a perfect one."

I put my whole feeling at every bit of words that I just said.

By no means I am trying to trick the God of Life, far from that, I am trying to made an impressions that I am being honest here.

Someone like me, who even He describe as a skilled talker, need to exert some effort to seems genuine.

It was something that out of habit, still I feel like there's no truer words that ringing on my ear than my answer.

I waited for the answer that shall came from the God of Life, yet he become very quite all of sudden.

Do my answers seems to be strange?

The answers came by the time I tilted my neck, stuck in confusion and anticipation.


Then I heard a laugh.

The laugh that seems trying to sounds quite but to no avail, as the owner of the voice are the God of Life in front of me.

This whole realm are under his jurisdiction, it was under His law and order.

Which means the whole realm are part of him.


A burst of laugh suddenly resounds in this very place.

It was so clear, yet sounds so refined. I could only stand there with my mouth agape, unable to believe on what kind of sight that the God of Life are showing me.

He laughed, it was no ordinary laugh either, it was the kind of laugh where someone sounds very entertained.

The laugh even last for a few minutes, before He was able to settle down and regain his composure.

Those piercing gaze disappear, instead a friendly stare are given to me.

"My, my, such answer is something that I want to hear, I have been here for so long as the first age of mortal, yet I was only able to hear the same kind of answer from the one who has noble soul. But you! Out of all people on this vast universe and realm, someone who has the madness to pull the collar of a God has to be the one who give me that answer!"

He then started to laugh again, but this time he able to suppress it, he seems to be struggled on having to control his laugh.

Also, he know that I pulled Xinlius collar?!

"Sure you got silver tongue, but we, the Deity, also knew that you were actually an eccentric bastard who was hard to predict. The very answer that you just gave me, it was surprisingly one of the most sincire one I have been encountered so far. You shall be reincarnated at haste, I am sure you will be a fine mortal, whether you want it or not."


I am at lost.

I didn't know how I should answered that.

Still in daze, the rambilng of the God of Life then continue.

"You shall have great destiny awaits you. It will be such a shame having an entertaining mortal like you living in peace, therefore I shall alter your destiny."


I, who is still in shock, then made to heard those declarations.

"Your fate will be one to weave on your own, but you shall achieve greatness and glory in your second life. These destiny are sealed, right here, right now!"

"Wa—wait! Do I get anything to say on this?"

"No, this shall be my form of being selfish after thousands of year. Don't you worry, you still experience those peaceful days that you long for, but in the end, you shall be the one who led the world. Now, your time has come, I bid you goodbye!"


The majestic golden door of the Gate that I forgotten to exist once I am swayed into a conversations with the God of Life suddenly shaking.

Then with a loud sounds of bang, the doorway then become wide open and my body which actually just my soul feel like they are being sucked.

It's wasn't just my feeling, it actually happen.

"You got to be kidding me!!"

The divine light that enveloped the gate shine brighter, the ornament of angelic beings starts living and playing their harps and trumpets. The melody that they bring sounds like the song of anguish for me who will live his second life at the most worst state I could imagine.

After that my mind are unable to focus, then I decide to close my eyes.

Hoping for the best.

From the distance, I could heard the laugh of the God of Life.

Thus, my destiny are sealed for my second life.

Even though I only seeks peace on my second life....

Hello, @Soren_Lev here.

I surprised by the fact that I could muster the motivation that I need to write this story again, I actually already write up to Chapter 8 but one of my friend told me that the story were no good.

I decided to do some rewrite.

I am grateful for anyone who still had the motivation to follow my story after everything that has happen, from now on, I shall try my best!

Soren_Levcreators' thoughts