
The Form of Our Love

CURRENTLY ON HIATUS I will only be focusing on writing AcLegend for now. April has never felt her heart flutter and has never fallen in love. Due to this, she believes that her “perfect guy” doesn’t exist. However, forced by her overly worried friend’s constant nagging, the self-claimed ‘forever single’ 23-year-old April unwillingly downloads a newly released dating app called ‘Let’s Meet!’ and creates an account in order to get her peace and quiet back. “Uh, what? Download a dating app?! Are you nuts? Psh...stop fooling around I want to sleep.” As a freshly heartbroken 24-year-old who was just recently dumped by the woman who he thought was the love of his life, Zane’s belief in love had just hit rock bottom. Not being able to find any way to numb the constant pain, his brother recommends him to find another girl through ‘Let’s Meet!’ to get over his ex-girlfriend. Having no better idea, Zane downloads the app and creates an account with hopes of finding a better companion who could help him get over his heartbreak. “A dating app? I doubt this is going to work……” A lighthearted contemporary romance with slight comedy.

xZeechan · Urban
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


A handsome young man with natural silver hair was dressed in a pair of grey jeans and an expensive branded jacket. He sat alone in the corner of a modern cafe staring blankly at the two coffee cups on the table.

It was obvious to see that the owner of the cup across from him had already left a while ago yet the young man had no intention to leave.

Yet he stayed seated like a statue unmoving under the sunlight streaming through the windows, the sheer sight of his stunning features caused many females to steal quick glances at him with blushing faces. Many were just starting to gather up the courage to approach him when another man with looks that didn't lose out entered the cafe and walked up to him.

"Zane! It's been hours! How come you weren't picking up my calls? You had me worried to death, if not for the fact that you told me beforehand that you were here then I would have called the police!" The man scolded with a frustrated expression.

Zane finally moved his face to look at the man standing in front of him.

"Oh. Brother. You're here." He expressionlessly said.

His brother furrowed his brows, worried by his listless response. Noticing the two cups on the table, he seemed to get a hunch as to why Zane was in such a condition. He wanted to find out what happened but he noticed that they were already starting to attract attention.

He waved over a waiter and paid the bill for the coffee before dragging Zane out of the cafe and pushing him into an inconspicuous black Mercedes-Benz.

"Did you meet her? What happened? Why are you like this?" He immediately interrogated once they had some more privacy.

"Hey, wake up. Hey!"

Zane didn't respond and simply stared out the car window with unfocused eyes.

The man finally lost his temper.

"WAKE UP DAMMIT!" He shouted with an enraged expression. "You're going to be the end of me!"

Zane's eyes shook and tears finally started to slowly fall from his face.

"Brother…" He whispered softly. "Why did she leave me? What did I do wrong? I loved her so much. I would have willingly gone against the world to make her happy…..."

The brother's expression stiffened and he looked at Zane with disbelief.

"S-she, that woman actually dumped YOU?" He gasped in amazement. "She actually had the guts to dump my little brother! Does she not know who you are? The hell?!"

"Tell me, Will. Why does my chest hurt as if there's a knife stuck in my heart? Did she know that I would be in so much pain? Does she feel the same as me?"

He suddenly jumped in his seat.

"NO! If she feels such pain then I'd rather die! I need to find her, I need to make sure she's oka-"

"HAVE YOU GONE MAD?" Will finally couldn't take the sight of his heartbroken little brother anymore and yelled at his face. "She's the one who dumped you! Why would she feel hurt huh? She probably doesn't care a fuck about what you're feeling! Stop sobbing like some baby and snap out of it. Your relationship is over! Man up!"

Zane slumped back down and kept silently crying, not saying a word.

Drawing out a long sigh, Will started the car and drove towards their home. His heart hurt after seeing the state that his dear little brother, who was only two years younger, was in. He was determined to take revenge on the woman who had dumped Zane without hesitation or reason!

When they arrived at their family's mansion Will saw their worried parents standing in front of the doors anxiously at the car. Before the car's engine had even been turned off they had already run forwards and opened the door.

"Zane! Are you alright?" Their mom cried as she saw her youngest son sitting in the back with tears running down his face.

She already knew that something had happened between her son and his girlfriend since Will had texted them on the way back, but she had never expected her son's state to be in such a wreck. She had always pampered him from childhood and wouldn't allow any harm to befall him, seeing him as depressed as this pained her greatly.

"Zane…..come on dear, let's go in okay? You can tell us what happened later."

He listlessly got out of the car and walked inside. Instead of heading to the living room, he went directly into his room and shut the door.

His parents paled with worry and were about to go in when Will stopped them and silently shook his head.

"Mom, Dad, Zane will be fine, he's just suffering from heartbreak. Give him some time."

Inside his room, Zane was lying on his bed staring at a picture on his phone of him and a girl with delicate features smiling together. He suddenly felt a numbing pain within his chest and he grasped his shirt tightly before covering his eyes with his other arm.

Why did she leave me?

A few hours later Zane came out of his room and joined the family for dinner. His eyes were puffy from the constant crying but they also held a calm light that wasn't there before. Seeing his family looking at him with worried expression at the dinner table he smiled lightly and apologized for before.

"I'm fine now. I'm sorry for making you all worried." He calmly said. "I'll get over it soon. I guess it just wasn't our fate to be together."

The rest of the family sighed in relief and happily started enjoying their dinner with relaxed smiles. After dinner had ended Zane and Will both went out onto the porch and looked up at the night sky. It was only a few minutes before Zane started talking.

"Brother, after what I said before dinner why does my heart still hurt?"

Will studied his little brother with a pained look. "Just take your time to get over it. There are many other better women out there for you, you'll forget about her once you meet another girl."

"What if…..I can never get over her? I thought that she was the love of my life…..now that she's left me, I don't believe that true love exists anymore."

"You will…..you definitely will."


Will hesitated before taking out his phone and an app to Zane.

"Er, how about you download this dating app? Maybe it will give you a chance to meet someone to fall in love with again. Here, I'll download it for you."

Will wasn't sure if his advice was any good, but he wanted his little brother to quickly cheer up and he had no other idea as to how to do it.

He took Zane's phone and quickly downloaded the app before giving the phone back.

"It's called 'Let's Meet!', you should make an account and check it out. Hopefully, it can distract you enough from thinking about that woman."

Zane looked down at the open app with doubt in his eyes.

"A dating app? I doubt this is going to work..."