
The Form of Our Love

CURRENTLY ON HIATUS I will only be focusing on writing AcLegend for now. April has never felt her heart flutter and has never fallen in love. Due to this, she believes that her “perfect guy” doesn’t exist. However, forced by her overly worried friend’s constant nagging, the self-claimed ‘forever single’ 23-year-old April unwillingly downloads a newly released dating app called ‘Let’s Meet!’ and creates an account in order to get her peace and quiet back. “Uh, what? Download a dating app?! Are you nuts? Psh...stop fooling around I want to sleep.” As a freshly heartbroken 24-year-old who was just recently dumped by the woman who he thought was the love of his life, Zane’s belief in love had just hit rock bottom. Not being able to find any way to numb the constant pain, his brother recommends him to find another girl through ‘Let’s Meet!’ to get over his ex-girlfriend. Having no better idea, Zane downloads the app and creates an account with hopes of finding a better companion who could help him get over his heartbreak. “A dating app? I doubt this is going to work……” A lighthearted contemporary romance with slight comedy.

xZeechan · Urban
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4 Chs

You met an interesting cat?

[Why did you choose to be a kitten?]

April dumbfoundedly looked at the message. She had already gotten a text in such a short amount of time?!

She was flustered at how efficient the app was. Did Steph know this and get her to create an account? Did she know that somebody would approach her right away?!

April clicked on the account of the person who had messaged her. His profile picture was of a cute husky with shining fur and sparkling blue eyes.

A dog? It was cute...

Wait, wasn't her picture a grey tabby cat? Was that the only reason he messaged me?

With a loud groan of regret, she flopped onto her bed. If she had known then she would have used a picture of some flowers instead.

But wait.

If she messaged him back wouldn't this give Steph no reason to continue her nagging? Since she was technically using the app and even talking to a guy. April nodded her head in satisfaction and replied to him.

{Why did you choose to be a pup?}

Zane laughed out loud when he saw the 'kitten' reply. This girl was different from the ones who've always tried to butter up to him and flatter him.

It was surprisingly refreshing.

[Don't you think he's cute? His name's Flake.]

April chuckled and messaged back. For some reason, she felt like she could get along with this person. He reminded her a bit of Steph's personality.

{Well don't you think the cat's cute? It's a stray, so sorry that it doesn't have a name.}

[Then just name it yourself?]

{What if it already has a name? I don't want to give it two, I would feel bad if it gets confused.}

[It's fine….oh I have a good name for it. Snow.]

{Hah? It's not even white.}

[Well who cares about that. It's grey so it's close enough, the snow just got a bit dirty~ Got run over by a few cars.]

At this point, both Zane and April were in good spirits and found their messaging partners entertaining.

The same thought flashed in both of their minds.

Perhaps this was the person who could help them with their problems!

[Hey, what's your name? Unless you want me to keep calling you kitten, of course. I don't mind. You can call me Zane.]

{Haha, then you can call me April. I don't want any misunderstandings to pop up because of the way you address me. Sorry if it disappoints you but I'm not really looking for a lover.}

April decided to be direct and tell Zane her reasons for using the dating app.

{I just need a good way to stop my friend's nagging to get a boyfriend.}

Zane happily smiled and responded.

[I'm not looking for a girlfriend either. I just broke up with mine and I'm trying to distract myself by thinking about other things.]

{That, is the reason why I'm planning on being single forever. I don't need any of that drama thank you very much.}

[Then we'll get along perfectly! Hey, by the way, do you enjoy reading?]

The two of them ended up messaging each other longer than expected and even friended each other on the app. Before they knew it, it was already almost 5 PM.

For Zane, he needed a chatting partner to distract him. For April, she needed an excuse and evidence to prove to Steph she was using the dating app. For both of them, it was a win-win solution!

After saying goodbye to each other in a fluster after realizing how much time had passed, April got up to cook herself a simple dinner while Zane left his room to help out his mother cook since he was in a good mood.

His mother noticed that her son's face was much brighter than before and was curious.

"You seem to be in good spirits! Did something good happen?" She lightly asked.

"I guess so, I met an interesting kitten just now." He answered while unconsciously grinning.

Zane's mother felt relieved after seeing that Zane was feeling much better and quietly thanked the 'kitten' that had done it.

April was already eating dinner when she sneezed and looked at the temperature with a confused face.

"Did I get a cold….? It's pretty warm though."

As she was confused her phone started ringing. It was a call from Steph. April picked it up with an annoyed expression.

"What do you want now?" She said while clicking her tongue.

"Awww~ Don't be like that! I just wanted to see how my best friend was doi-"

"Get to the point Steph…." April cut her ranting off.

Laughter was heard from the other side before Steph started talking again.

"So, did you make an account yet?" She asked.

"Mhm. If that's all then I'm hanging up."

"Wait! Wait a second, what's your account ID?" Steph said in a fluster when realizing she was about to be hung up. "I just want to check."

April reluctantly told her ID number to Steph.

"Pffffffft! Seriously? You're a cat? As expected of April!" Steph chuckled after seeing April's account avatar. "Hey hey accept my friend request. You probably don't have an-"

Steph suddenly went silent and April secretly smirked.

"Y-you're friends with a dog?"

"Yeah? So what? I get along pretty well with him. Now you have no reason to keep nagging me."

Steph stayed silent and April thought that she had given up.

Except suddenly roaring laughter was heard.

"You two are perfect for each other! HAHAHA A CAT AND A DOG! THAT'S JUST HILAR-"

April hung up, blocked her, and threw her phone onto her pillow before peacefully going back to eating her dinner.

Will was happy after seeing his little brother in a good mood during dinner. He was honestly surprised that his advice worked. Maybe he should be a love counselor instead….

He quickly shook his head and threw that ridiculous idea away. He wasn't even sure why Zane was in such a good mood in the first place.

"Why is Zane in such a good mood all of a sudden?" He whispered to his mother.

"Apparently he met an interesting cat." She whispered back.

Will froze in confusion. Since when has his brother liked cats? He's always been more of a dog person….

"He went outside?"

"I don't think so, he just stayed in his room all day."

Will became even more confused. Did his brother meet a cat through the window? But his room was on the second floor….

He shrugged and decided to stop thinking too deeply into the matter. Perhaps Zane simply had a nice dream about cats. Will started debating on whether or not he should buy a cat to give to Zane later and whether or not Flake would get along with it if he did.