
The Forgotten Valkyrie

One night, Elara has a vivid dream about her past, a time when gods and goddesses walked among mortals, and the earth was brimming with magic. In her dream, she sees herself as a valkyrie, a warrior maiden serving Odin, guiding the souls of the bravest warriors to Valhalla. The dream feels so real that Elara wakes up with a start, a sense of longing and confusion washing over her.

Bobby_Oben · Book&Literature
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26 Chs

The First Dream

The bar was closed, and the city outside had fallen into a hushed stillness. Elara's apartment, a cozy space filled with books, artifacts, and personal mementos, offered a sanctuary from the world below. She slipped into bed, her mind still occupied with thoughts of the old man and the strange sense of recognition he had evoked. As she drifted off to sleep, she felt a pull, a gentle tug at the edge of her consciousness, drawing her into a world beyond the present.

Elara stood in a vast, open field under a sky painted with the vibrant hues of dawn. The air was crisp and filled with the scent of pine and earth. She looked down at herself, astonished to find she was clad in gleaming armor, a silver breastplate adorned with intricate runes and a flowing blue cloak. In her hand, she held a majestic spear, its tip glowing with an ethereal light.

A sense of power surged through her veins, a feeling both foreign and familiar. She spread her arms wide, and to her amazement, wings unfurled from her back—massive, feathered wings that shimmered in the morning light. With a powerful beat, she lifted off the ground, soaring into the sky with ease.

Below her, the land was a tapestry of forests, rivers, and mountains, untouched by modern civilization. She flew over a great hall with golden roofs, surrounded by lush greenery and warriors training in the courtyard. As she descended, she felt a deep sense of belonging, as if she had returned home after a long absence.

She landed gracefully, her wings folding behind her as she approached the hall. The doors opened, revealing a grand interior filled with laughter, music, and the clinking of goblets. Warriors in shining armor and elegant gowns turned to greet her, their faces lighting up with recognition and respect.

"Elara," a deep voice called out, and she turned to see a towering figure clad in regal armor, a horned helmet resting on his head. It was Odin, the Allfather, his one eye gleaming with wisdom and warmth.

"Welcome back, my valkyrie," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "We've missed you."

Memories flooded back to her—battles fought alongside gods, the souls of brave warriors she had guided to Valhalla, and the bond she shared with her fellow valkyries. Tears welled up in her eyes as she embraced Odin, overwhelmed by the rush of emotions.

"I... I remember," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I remember everything."

Elara awoke with a start, her heart pounding in her chest. She sat up in bed, her breathing ragged, her body trembling. The dream had felt so real, the emotions so vivid, that it left her disoriented and shaken.

She glanced around her apartment, the familiar surroundings grounding her in the present. Yet the images from her dream lingered—Odin's warm smile, the majestic hall, and the sense of power and purpose she had felt.

Rising from bed, Elara walked to the small window overlooking the city. The first light of dawn was beginning to creep over the horizon, casting a soft glow over the rooftops. She pressed a hand to her chest, feeling the faint echo of the dream's intensity within her.

"What is happening to me?" she murmured, her reflection in the window showing the confusion and longing in her eyes.

Unable to shake the feeling, Elara decided to distract herself. She dressed quickly and headed downstairs to the bar, hoping the familiar routine would offer some solace. But even as she cleaned and organized, her mind kept drifting back to the dream.

When she opened the bar for the day, the usual crowd began to filter in, but Elara found it hard to focus. She moved through her tasks mechanically, her thoughts constantly returning to the dream and the emotions it had stirred.

As evening approached, the old man from the previous night returned. He took the same seat at the far end of the bar, his eyes watching her intently.

Elara approached him cautiously, a glass of mead in hand. "You're back," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.

The old man nodded, his gaze never leaving her. "I knew you would remember," he said softly. "It's only the beginning, Elara. The past is calling, and you must listen."

She stared at him, her heart pounding. "Who are you?"

"A friend," he replied. "And a guide. You are not alone in this journey. There are others who remember, others who can help you reclaim what was lost."

Elara felt a surge of determination. "Tell me more," she said, leaning in. "I want to know everything."

The old man smiled, a look of approval in his eyes. "In due time, Elara. For now, trust your dreams. They will lead you to the answers you seek."

As he spoke, Elara felt a sense of calm wash over her. She didn't understand everything that was happening, but she knew one thing for certain—her life was about to change in ways she could never have imagined. And she was ready to face whatever lay ahead.