
Esteemed Lakes, Lotuses & Gifts


Oh she is talking Asuras and big birds and Armageddon.

What even is this celestial Garuda statue?

"I don't think we have any choice now." Mehul said.

I rounded on him, "Are you out of your mind, we don't even know anything and is this some kind of movie you think where everything is going to be happily ever after?"

Kiaan sighed and looked at Kanaka, the cow, "Is there anything you could do? What about celestial gods, they are powerful right?"

Kanaka looked at me with distaste, "You should be proud of the task you are given and not complain. The celestial gods have pact not to interfere in the earthly matters. No one else is going to fight your battles here except you."

Why is she reprimanding me?

Kiaan asked that question.

And then I got what she said, "Oh no Madam cow, no one here is allowed to be proud, for being an absolute idiot. And fight asuras, the big mountain troll like asuras who got magic? And fight them with what?"

Kanaka the cow bristled.

Oh let her pop a vein.

Like I care.

Kanaka looked at Agastya and smiled, "The help can be provided of course, if you decide to fight the asuras."

I looked at the cow incredulously.

What even?

Such chameleon cow.

Kiaan sensed obvious dislike of the cow towards Keya and glared at Kanaka.

Keya nudged Kiaan and sighed to calm down.

It doesn't do to alienate the cow at this time.

But boy, does the cow have issues.

Sensing the mood Agastya asked the most pertinent question, "What kind of help?"

Kanaka the cow smiled.

Seeing the fully grown cow smile, is not a disturbing sight as most would think, but surely is a disconcerting one.

Kanaka said, "It depends on you but, first you need to take the map of PadmaLoka (The world of Lotus) and give it to the Sarovar (Lake).

Mehul and I looked at each other.

Our eyes widened.

Oh someone is keeping an eye on our activities and they are leading us.

Maybe their end goal is good for everyone, but I don't like the feeling of being a puppet.

Kiaan asked, "Where do we get that now?"

Mehul cleared the throat, "We already have it."

Agastya and Kiaan looked at us.

I sighed, "Look, Mehul bought a house for his grandmother and when he is shifting the house, he found the map about the treasures of PadmaLoka on the attic of Puja room (a room in Indian household dedicated to gods and prayers). He then remembered the stories of PadmaLoka from his childhood. He got this map to me and told about it. We thought it is a great idea to trace the places of the map and see if it leads to anything and hence this trip. I convinced my boss to make this as my new documentary. Then you know the rest of the story."

Kiaan and Agastya looked at each other in amusement.

"What?" I asked.

"The idea of famous Keya Dara taking vacation is so silly. Kiaan and I made a bet with our aunt that you are taking vacation to work in said vacation."

"Such allegations." I scoffed at them in fun.

Mehul snorted.

I gave him a look, "And I'm not that popular."

Kiaan and Kanaka the cow, both gave me an incredulous look.


Mehul and Agastya are exchanging amused glances.

What are they rolling their eyes at?

I took the map from my tote bag and said, "What should we do now?"

Kanaka gave me an impatient look, "Give it to esteemed sarovar (Lake)."

"Like drop the map in it?"

"No you invite the esteemed Sarovar to come and take the invite to the PadmaLoka."

Ohh. Okay then.

"Dear Mr. Esteemed Sarovar sir, please come and accept this map, er I mean, invitation." I said.

Kanaka gave me an irritated look.

I tried okaaay.

The lake formed into humanoid man shape and took this invitation map thing.

"Blessed ones, I thank you for bringing this invitation to me. I have not gone to PadmaLoka since Satya Yuga (The very first time-cycle of the four cycles, where gods and humans lived on the earth harmoniously). As a gift, take this thousand petal gold lotus," the lake said in a very deep voice.

My eyes widened as I took the lotus. It is a real lotus, delicate gold petals are swaying and the most divine scent is wafting in the air.

It should not be possible for a gold lotus to be a real lotus but I guess it is possible if it is a divine one.

We thanked the lake for the gracious gift before the Esteemed lake, disappeared in to the ..the lake?

"Now what does we have to do?" I asked Kanaka when she was muttering, 'he gave you the divine thousand petal golden lotus?', in shock.

I smirked. Looks like I got best treasure that kanaka wasn't even expecting.

Take that, Kanaka the cow.

"You have to offer the gift to the deity presiding in this sacred place." Kanaka said.

I looked at her and asked, "How do we carry the lotus without anybody noticing it?"

Kanaka said, "Put it on my hump, nobody will notice it."

"Okay let's go and do the darshan (seeing the presiding deity ), then you can offer the lotus," Kiaan said. I nodded.

We entered the temple premises and thankfully everybody from our group already did their darshan and went outside to see the sea.

We went inside the temple. When the priest went outside to get something, I hurried and offered the lotus to the presiding deity LakshmiNarayan (Narayana is the supreme god and Lakshmi is the consort, goddess of prosperity).

The deity shone bright gold and then two big pots of gold and four colored stones appeared before us.

Kanaka said, "Fast, the priest is coming. Takes the stones and put those pots on my hump."

Kiaan and Agastya did just that. We took the prasadam (holy offering given by temple priest) and rang the temple bell.

Well everybody did and I tried to.

Sometimes being short is no fun.

And why do they hang bells all up?

After coming out of the temple, we went and sat on the secluded spots of the lake bank. Kanaka asked to show her the stones.

They are like colorful smooth gem stones but have pearl like sheen. There are four colors, yellowish gold, royal-blue, pinkish lavender and brown beige.

Kanaka hummed and said, "I will assign a color for each of you. Each of you place your right hand on my flank."

We looked at each other and shrugged.

Nothing makes sense anymore.

"Just do it," I said.

Mehul went and put his hand on Kanaka's flank, "Take that heavenly brown jade and put it in between your eyes."

When Mehul put the stone in between his eyes it shone and then appeared a spoon.


A browinsh smooth crystal spoon.

Kanaka looked proudly at Mehul, "You can detect poisons in the food with that spoon. The food made using this spoon tastes much better and is healthier. It is a gift from heavenly kitchens"

I patted the back of Mehul and he smiled, "That's a great gift." I said.

Kiaan and Agastya nodded.

Kiaan chose Yellowish-golden stone and got a statue of a heavenly tiger cub jade. He can call the tiger cub whenever he wants. It is a gift from heavenly animal sanctuaries.

We decided, it is better to call the tiger cub when there is no one around.

Agastya chose royal blue stone and got a huge mace which Agastya is very happy about. It is a gift from heavenly forge.

Kanaka said, "You know which one is remaining, get your gift."

Oh she called me last on purpose.

What a petty cow she is.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kanaka, the cow reqires precious stones for sustenance.

MelodiaDiLiracreators' thoughts