

(Chapter 5):

//Next Day at Narayana sarovar (Sarovar is a pond)//

"Why are all these people looking at us?" Kiaan asked.

I sighed, "Not us. They are looking at you."


"Because, you stick out like a sore thumb in our group."

"That's not a nice thing to say."

"I know, but that is the truth." I patted his shoulder.

"The tour guide is giving me an eye too,"

I looked up for some divine assistance, how I can say almost all the female population here is reduced to giggling mess, "Dude, you look like a model in this traditional sherwani suit, and rest of us all are looking like street urchins beside you."

He look affronted, "You cleaned up nicely though. I like your half saree."

I cleared the throat and smiled, "I try."

Narayana Sarovar is a beautiful place, water is on both sides of road and you can only see water from where we are standing due to high tide in the sea.

Stuvan is shooting the landscape. Heer is taking selfies with Mehul.

"Hey guys, come and pick flavors"

Kiaan and I looked back to see Ira standing beside a shaved Ice stand.

My eyes widened, "oooh ice gola, I will take one cola flavored one," I shouted.

I wrinkled my nose when, Heer and Mehul picked Rasna flavor. I looked around and my eyes went to a 'Toyota supra' that is parked beside Ice-stand.

Hmm, Wait.

"Nice car right?" Ira asked me. She must have seen me looking at it.

"Yea, that's my brother's." I said to her surprise.

"Agastya Dau (Dau means big brother), came?" Kiaan asked.

"You know my brother?"

"Of course, 'kitti' knew me," Agastya said. He is also eating a cola and is lazily swinging his legs on a wooden bench.

"You are kitti? Why didn't you say so? And Agastya why are you here?"

"So many questions," Agastya huffed.

"First of all, don't call me kitti dau, secondly, I tried to tell yesterday, thirdly, I don't know why dau came here." Kiaan said.

Heer giggled, "your nickname is kitti?"

Agastya laughed, "Yea Keya is 'kuku' and kiaan is 'kitti'. Don't call them that though, we are all childhood friends, so that's okay for us" he whispered loudly.

I rolled my eyes, "Yea don't, if you know what is good for you," I said it half-jokingly.

Only Half.

Heer pouted.

I dragged Agastya to the side, "Why did you come here? Anything serious?"

Agastya shook his head, "No nothing serious." I sighed in relief at that.

"You won't believe but I got a weird dream yesterday, a flying cow was chasing you and kitti and there are lots of giant birds. I just had to come and see you guys in person."

Oh that damn flying cow. And here I was hoping, we both ate some kind of magic mushroom. I have to talk to Kiaan. Wait Kiaan..

"How did you know Kiaan is traveling with me?"

It has been fifteen years since we last saw each other.

Hmm, that's why he is asking about bracelet. Idiot.

He could have just said.

"Oh he came to India last month; I met him in his place. He said he wants to surprise you, so I told him about your trip," Agastya shrugged.

I called Kiaan, Mehul and told about Agastya's dream. We also told Agastya about my 'tree' incident, Kiaan's 'hair color' one and Mehul's 'rain' phenomenon too.

"My fire is behaving normally though." Agastya said frowning.

"Dau, since when does your normal equates to our normal" Kiaan huffed in amusement. I laughed, that is right, even when we were young; his blue fire is almost catastrophic. He used to create dinosaurs and light sabers with his fire to entertain us. There are couple of burnt trees in Kiaan's chateau.

"Okay I don't know what is happening but, I'm coming with you guys,"

"Is that possible now? We are in middle of tour" Kiaan asked me.

"That is your problem, but I'm coming with you." Agastya nodded decisively.

"That's not a problem. I will ask Ira," I said.

"What can she do?"

"She can convince our tour guide. There is a bit of fangirling going there, don't worry." Kiaan and Agastya snorted and muttered, 'of course you knew that.'

"Do you think Keya will allow us to eat one more cola?" Agastya asked.

Kiaan shrugged.

"So that's your problem? You saw a flying cow, 'a cow with wings and everything' and that's your problem?" Mehul almost whisper-shouted.

Kiaan, Agastya and I winced.

Mehul looked like he is about to bawl.

//Narayana sarovar (afternoon)//

We visited the temple and came outside.

Ira caught hold of Heer again when the tour guide asked us to explore the temple premises. They are going to nearby village to document stories related to the temple and the area. I mean Ira is going to document and Heer is going to stare at Ira. I asked Stuvan to take a camera and join that group to see if he finds anything useful and I will check it later.

Mehul is looking upset leaving Heer though.

I sighed, "Let's sit at the sarovar, I think Stuvan agreed to solo, only because my brother came suddenly. We got to make up to him next time."

Mehul nodded in defeat. Everybody at the work knows that Stuvan is a slave-driver.

We sat on the steps of Sarovar (pond).

"Let me see the bell that cow dropped," Agastya asked. I removed it from my tote bag and gave it to my brother. He and Mehul inspected it carefully and gave it back, "there is nothing written on it."

I know right. What should we do with it? Wait...

"Give it here," I took it and shook it rigorously, ringing the bell.

The clouds suddenly started converging together with a resounding thunder clap and the flying cow appeared again.

Oh that was easy.

"Greetings, blessed ones. My name is Kanaka, I reside in Indra loka (Heavenly Realm)."

Aaand it talks.

"Um hi..", I said lamely. Agastya, kiaan and Mehul gave me a look.

What? At least I spoke.

"So you are like Kamadenu? The wish fulfilling cow from epics?" I asked.

Kanaka-the cow, looked at me with derision, like I should already know her.

"That is my aunt from Satya Loka (Realm of Creation). I'm a messenger-cow deity."

"Of course, my bad"

"If you four, didn't go to Patala loka (Underworld), defeat Kapothasura and his brother Vartakasura and bring back talking celestial garuda statue, then on fourteenth day from now, every bird on earth will grow more than 60 feet and eat everything."

I blinked twice.


"You can bring any three people with you on this journey." She said on seeing our faces.


Donate your precious stones to power the team cuz going to underworld is no joke... Σ(T □T)

You can cheer them with your sweet words too (#`д´)ノ

**If you are reading this chapter on your b-day, anniversary, author wants to wish 'blueberry cupcakes' for you \( ^o^)/

MelodiaDiLiracreators' thoughts