
The Forgotten Luna

A natural born female Alpha is unheard of in the werewolf world. It's always the first born male that's the Alpha. However, at least one exists. Faelyn was sold to another pack at the age of eight under a false name and rank after being ripped away from her parents and brother who disappeared without a trace. She spent ten years being mistreated and abused in the Red Moon pack as Alyce Lilly, Omega to the Pack Manor. She also spent ten years plotting revenge on the man responsible for taking everything away from her, including her pack and her family. She has plans to leave Red Moon and seems the stars are aligning for her do so successfully. Fate, however, has other plans for her when she discovers her mate and rejects him without hesitation. With her best friend by her side she presses forward with her plans, only for another to throw her off again. Will she succeed in getting back her rightful pack while keeping her secrets safe until she does? Will she find the answers she seeks, the family she secretly yearns for?

A_Campbell · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Chapter Eight

It wasn't too long before I caught a familiar and comforting scent. Matheau was nearby. He had been helping me in the kitchen, if you could call pinching tastes from the various bowls helping. I saw his mop of blonde hair around the edge of the kitchen doorway, soon followed by his piercing blue eyes as he peeked in at me, "Is it safe to come in? Are you going to thwack me with utensils again?" He asked cautiously.

"I don't know. Are you going to keep your fingers out of the bowls this time?"

He ventured further into the kitchen, coming to stand across the counter from me and saluting me, "I will try my best, Sir! Eer, Ma'am!"

I laughed and motioned to a tray of pastries that were waiting for an icing drizzle, "I'll make you a deal, you help me with desserts today and I'll send you home with your very own snack pack at the end of the day. Can you drizzle icing for me?"

His eyes widened in glee and he grinned, "Promise?"

"Scouts honor," I grinned at him.

"Deal!" He came around the counter and leaned over to kiss my cheek. He was frowning when he pulled back, "Wait a minute, you were never in scouts!" He pouted.

"True, but have I ever lied to you Mattie?"

"Fair point. I'm not sure you even know how to lie."

I rolled my eyes at him. Sure I knew how, I just was unable to do so. Not that anyone else knew that, but with my mother's Fae blood coursing through my veins, I was incapable of it, "Go wash your hands and get to work before I change my mind."

He laughed and did as he was instructed before coming back to start drizzling icing over the pastries. In all honesty, he was pretty useless in the kitchen, but I could usually find small things for him to do, "I can wrap and store these as we go too."

"That would be great. I'm going to be at this the next two days if I'm going to have enough to cover all 4 packs. Are the others really bringing their entire packs?" I glanced at him as I filled the next round of pastries with various fillings.

"Damn near. Every unmated wolf in their pack I know for sure. The more secluded packs are likely to bring everyone that wants to come and isn't necessary in their village since it's not common for them to come to gatherings."

"No wonder the Alpha has his boxers in a bunch about the banquet. Where are we going to put them all? I know the mountain packs are smaller, so likely 100 each, but Cold Moon has 750 pack members, assuming half of them come, that's --" I did some quick math in my head, "--550 people, 600 to be on the safe side."

"Not my dragon, not my village." Matheau smirked.

"Hmph. I mean… Technically speaking, this is your pack and thus your village, but I meant what you knew."

"Oh hush! New topic girlie. When we finish here we are going to celebrate! You're 18 today ma'am. You know the drill."

I whined a little, "Do I have to?" I gave him a little pout for good measure. I didn't want to traipse all over the pack grounds and risk running into any of the unmated males here. I damn sure didn't want a mate from this pack. I was leaving this pack in a week, and I didn't need the drama of rejecting some prick male complicating my plans to do so.

"Mom will have both our asses if you don't at least come over for cake and dinner with us." Matheau stated seriously.

"Ooo, that is a good point. Deal, I will come over for dinner and cake, but nothing else please. The last thing I want is to cross paths with any of the unmated males here. I don't have time for that drama." I still needed to fill them in on my plans so that they didn't freak out when I left and they felt the pack link snap. I knew they would be devastated, but I also knew they would understand. I would be back for them, once I had my pack back.

"Ok, and gifts, we can't forget the gifts! Also, I pray to the Moon Goddess that your mate is deliciously handsome, deserving of you and absolutely not from this pack. Maybe he will swoop in and save you like some knight in shining armor." Matheau wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes at him and flung some banana pudding filling onto his cheek, "Don't be ridiculous Mattie. Knights in shining armor don't exist."

He laughed and wiped the pudding from his cheek, licking it off his finger, "You didn't always think that way Alyce."

"True, and then I grew up and learned the difference between fantasy and reality." We had been working steadily for awhile now, I had run out of filling a couple hours ago so I had prepared dough for tomorrow to use the last of my kitchen time up. We hadn't even stopped for lunch, but I needed to clear out before dinner as it was a much bigger production than breakfast and lunch.

Matheau helped me clean up and I grabbed a small plate of tasty goodies off the back counter turning towards him, "Is that my snack pack?" He was eyeing the plate like a kid in the candy store.

"It sure is. How is it that you always end up with treats made by me on my birthday? I feel like this is definitely not how this is supposed to work…" I laughed as I handed him the plate, "Here, take this home and make sure your parents get some too! I'll be along in a little while for dinner. I need to go clean up first."

"Are you sure you don't want me to wait for you? Or to clean up at our place?" Matheau was worried about me, and I knew it.

"I'm sure. I'll be fine, I promise. I'm just going to shower and change. I'm pretty sure I'm wearing half the flour I used for the pastries."

"Ok… I'll see you shortly then." He hugged me and kissed my cheek before he left the pack house, heading towards his home.

I wasn't far behind him, but I headed for the pack manor instead of his place. It was going to be another long night of explanations and discussions after the festivities. It was time to bite the bullet and with a sigh I stepped through the back door of the manor and headed for the basement.