

Blood is indeed powerful. Lineage after lineage, a powerful burden is passed on until finally it passes on to Logan. The ball of fire has made him open to the attacks of malicious packs and dreadful Lunas. After a pack attack in which his father died, Logan was rescued by a neighbouring pack which was friendly with theirs. However, his stay there is not pleasant and it is not long before history repeats itself. His father had died because love cost him a great dime and Logan is doomed to this same cursed love story that will ensnare him but will it be too late for him to be redeemed?

Denzel_Spears · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Crescent pack was like a river of blood; harbouring heads, bodies, animals and weapons like sea creatures. It seemed as though droplets of blood were raining from the sky instead of water. 

The clash of metals against each other served as a compliment to the rumble of thunder overhead. Lightening flashed across the sky in macabre patterns. 

There were shouts of victory from the opposing pack as they had come in their numbers. It had been an unexpected attack from an unexpected source so there was not much preparation. 

Logan stood behind a pillar in the castle which had been infiltrated. The sight was sickening to behold. He trembled in fear as he watched men in foot and on horses slashing against each other. It was impossible to slink away into the shadows. He had narrowly escaped death a few moments ago. 

His father who was Alpha had instructed the soldiers to hide the women and children in the underground forte but as soon as they had settled within the confines of safety, there was an attack on the place.

Narrowly, he has managed to escape with a few other children but the commotion has them separated. 

A sword clattered to the ground beside him with a splash— spraying blood in his face. Logan closed his eyes momentarily in shock as a body dropped dead beside him. He looked ahead and saw his father struggling for his life as he had been overpowered by the enemy. 

Without much thought, Logan overcame his fear picked up the heavy sword. He stepped out from behind the pillar he stood and charged towards the man who attacked his father from behind knowing that his father already battled with someone else. 

Raising the sword as high as he could, he struck the man on the head— a scream emanating from him and then there was a sudden silence from the man. 

With shaky hands, Logan let the sword clatter to the ground and watched his father slice off the neck of the second attacker before turning to face him with wide eyes. "Son, what are you doing here?"

"The forte has been penetrated," Logan managed to say, tears streaming down his young face. 

"Are you okay?" Asked his father worriedly, forgetting that he had a wound. He squatted to Logan's height and looked around the boy for any signs of injury. Grateful that there was none, he pulled him into a hug. 

Those were the last words Logan ever heard his father say. 

Logan felt himself being spun around and saw an arrow sinking it's sharp edge into his father's neck. An arrow that was meant for him. He stared in shock at the woman who had just killed his father. She was on a horse; a sinister smile playing on her face with not an ounce of guilt.

It was his father's bride. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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