

I barely remember my past or where I came from it been so long all I can remember is how I became the monster I am now. Man it been centuries since I could remember the faces of my family and that of my dearest friends as I don't even remember how they laughed or their smiles. I can't remember how it feel to love someone or be love by another person so let begin where I was turn into the monster I am now. I'll just 16 years old I'll heading home from school as it like any other day . i was just like any other teenager as I trying to keep up with my homework, keeping my 4.0 average perfect as while trying to keep my social life just as perfect but behind the scene nothing I did was up to my parents standards. I digest let get back on track like I said I was heading home as heading home and I could smell the blossom flowers that coming off from the blossom trees as it filled the air. I could still remember how the sun set in the distance over Old Town Tokyo as I caught a bad gut feeling but I just annoyed it as I kept walking home that when I felt a horrible pain coming from my lower , upper body and from my neck. I fell to the ground as I was bleeding out as I was trying to scream but I couldn't as my blood filled up my lungs and I could smell the iron in as it mix with the blossom flowers in the air. That when I knew it coming from my body and that when I heard a man say. " You do just nicely my boy now you will die and when you wake up your new life will begin. I have plans for you, great plans for you my son." I hear him laugh so evilly. I knew that I was drying from my wounds as my eyes got heavier I couldn't keep them open but I felt them close. Do you remember that old saying when you die your whole life flashes in front of your eyes? While it is ture it all come rushing back like a video playing on fast forward it a bitch to watch. Fuck I guess this how I am going out I lived a good life as I thought to myself that when I finally came to I wake up in a coffin I didn't know how long I been in the ground. I broke through the coffee as the dirt came rushing in I dig out and took my first breath of air. I felt a dryness in my throat like an a hungry that I never felt before it was driving me like I was predator look for it meal. It took over me as I walk to a back street and I see a group of thugs harassing a teenage girl that when to my old school. I walk through them. " What kind of men's pick on a female if you even can call yall self men's. I just see bitches." I said as something inside me was provoking them. " what did you say boy. You want to die you little shit". The leader said. I laughed evilly and look at him like he was the pray. " no but you will die". I said to him. I appear behind as heard his head hit the ground and I could smell the blood shooting out then a few seconds later I heard his lifeless corpse hit the ground. I look at my fingers as I seen his blood on the tip of my finger nails. I lick it off. " How revolting you taste so disgusting but you and your boys here will feel my appetite." I said. I look at them as I appeared behind one an I twisted his neck around with easy as I heard the bone cracked in my hand. I rub the third guy open as I watch him bleed out . I look the girl . " leave now. You don't want to see what come next. " I said. I start to feast on them an eat my fill . I disappear and reappeared on a old building as I wipe their blood from my lips. I felt that hungry dissipate. I heard the girl screaming out for help. I smell a disgusting odor coming from a distance it was so strong ... I knew it was coming for me.