
Chapter 9

I was organizing my things when the door knocked.

"Come in."

The door creaked as it opened. There was a funny sound when it was opening because it opened veeerrry slowly.

Creak…. Creaaak.

I'm curious about who the person is. Soon enough, a girl with spikey platinum blonde hair popped out through a crack in the door.


I called her name and gave her a warm smile.

Tori was much better dressed than she was at the birthday party. Her hair is still dry, and her skin is slightly rough, but at least she's wearing decent clothes today. In her hands, she held a pretty black maid's uniform, similar to what she was wearing.

"Hi… I mean… I greet you, Young Lady Bellua."

She still hasn't mastered the Imperial language used in the Palace. She looked at me and hesitated with a slight frown when I gestured for her to come in.

Maybe she's shy?

But after that, the way she practically jumped toward me as she approached me was just like a bunny.

I was curious about her relationship with Rapherette since it seemed like she was a bit confused.

Tori said she had only been working here for a week. But there's a clear difference between the day they first met and the day she started serving her.

I don't think that Rapherette would be that kind to me for the sake of a maid who's only been working for her for a week. I don't think she's the kind of person to overlook my "mistake."

"Y/N is fine."

I figured that there was nothing wrong with currying Tori's favor. I gave her a soft smile and made her sit down.

"This maid uniform is mine, right?"

"Yes, Her Highness doesn't have a maid to attend to her because there wasn't anyone who had the proper age or rank amongst those who worked here in the first place."

"Thanks for bringing it to me."

"Oh… that's—"

I bowed my head slightly, which I think made her uncomfortable. She desperately waved her hands at me as a result.

Technically speaking, I'm of higher status than she is, so maybe that's the reason why she felt the need to deny it.

I know what workers, merchants, and other common people think of the nobles. Even though the majority were unhappy with how they were tasked with 'feeding' us, the minority, with their taxes, the minority still envied us.

It really was unfair because nobles who were born privileged could win others' favor with minimal effort. Even if I was unkind to someone, they would be forced to follow my will because I'm of higher standing. Even more so as the world is run by nobles who don't know how to show consideration to others.

I think it would be easier for me to gain Tori's trust than for Tori to gain mine. There's no point arguing about these mundane things because, in the first place, we live in a very unfair world.

I looked at Tori and told her I could change immediately, but she shook her head and went towards the door.

"You can wear it tomorrow, but the Young Lady is being summoned by Her Highness."

Crap… this is bad.

Usually, there are a lot of servants, like those working for Princess Nigelle, and some stay in the palace where their masters reside. My room is on the same floor as Rapherette's room, but in a corner far away.

It might take me a few minutes if I ran. But the Royal Family is strict on etiquette, so I could never even dream of running.

"Your Highness, this is Lariette. I heard you called for me."


As always, there's no answer.

I just looked at Tori, and she urged me to go inside first. After heaving a sigh, I opened the door.

She was seated on the windowsill of a window the size of a door, with her golden hair fluttering and tangling from the wind.

Even after looking at her closely, I couldn't find any class that was suitable for a royal.

I bowed my head just enough to show my respect.

She slowly stood up as she stared at the luscious green scenery of the garden outside the window. I'm fairly sure she didn't even look at me once.


At her call, Tori walks up to her. After she looked at Tori standing on her left, she shifted her gaze to me.

Is she telling me to come too?

Why is she not conveying it with words?

I can't read her mind, so of course, I don't know the meaning behind her gestures.

I frowned internally as I walked up to her, but I outwardly showed her a professional attitude by looking at the ground calmly without any emotion.

"You will check my meals from now on."

She means that I'll be eating her food and checking her meals to see if they're poisoned or not. After bowing my head, I looked at Rapherette, but she wasn't looking at me. She intends to use me to the fullest because she thinks I'll only serve her temporarily.

'But the real thing is, I don't care about Bellua's safety. I already know how to protect my siblings. I just want to stay away from Bellua in the time being.'

"Your Highness, that's the duty of a maid… how can you make the Count's Young Lady do that?"

Tori was the one who spoke up, not me. But Rapherette frowned for an entirely different reason.

"Stop talking so formally. She's a maid, just like you."

I wanted to grab my stomach and laugh at how absurd it was that she could take care of Tori like that but proceeds to throw me under the carriage any time she gets the chance. I forcibly swallowed my laughter and suppressed it.

"Very well, Your Highness."

Rapherette turned to look at me with surprise when I unexpectedly answered so obediently.

Green eyes without any light. Emotionless even though it's a summer day. Even the grass has more personality than her eyes.


I politely answered her question again.

"I'll do that."

"Do you have any pride left as Bellua's daughter?"

"Is there a need for pride when taking care of Your Highness?"

The side of her red lips curved slyly. She laughed at me with a sigh. She then looked into my eyes, then grabbed my chin. She didn't appear angry but rather somewhat offended.

"Take care? Your father really didn't tell you anything."

"My father thinks of you as a smart and pretty Princess."

"Count Bellua would never say anything like that to me… If you're only here so that you could go to Nigelle, better scram out my way. You're getting in my way."

Rapherette's claim made me frown slightly.

She said she had never met my father.

If that's how things transpired, how could she say that about him?

But I know this isn't the time to ask about their relationship.

"Helping Your Highness has nothing to do with Princess Nigelle or my father. I will work hard and do my job well to the best of my abilities because I want to."

Even hearing what I said, it seemed like a sincere promise made in good faith.

She stood up and left the room.

I sighed.

I then noticed the guns displayed in the glass cupboard.

'So many... and they look so...'


"Please understand, she's a little harsh on people she doesn't know well."

'A little harsh'?

I laughed a bit because it seemed like Tori and I viewed her personality through different lenses.

"It's not a problem. I knew that even before deciding to serve her."