
Chapter 3

Imperial Year 284

Today is Lariette's 12th birthday.

I'm 13.

That kid's planning to wear a pathetic plain, brown dress.

There's no way in hell I'll let her wear that.

So, the first thing I did was barge into her room at the crack of dawn since guests arrive at noon.

"WAKE UP YOU LITTLE BRAT!" I said, opening her doors with a slam.

She woke up with a jump.


"S-Sister?!" She said, baffled.

Count Bellua led a very frugal life.

It's a fact every aristocrat is aware of.


Count Bellua would always fiercely yell these specific sets of words.

A dress decorated with jewels,

Expensive silk ornaments from the East,

The Count paid zero attention to them.

Lariette always wanted them.

She wanted that gift of luxury.

I wanted to give her that gift.

After all, ever since my nanny had died, Lariette had no memory as the execution was done late at night when she was sleeping.

She and Lehan were the only people who loved me truthfully.

We bonded slowly.

So, when I saved my money, a portion of it would always be for the dresses and gifts I buy for Lariette to her birthday parties and events she normally has to go to meet other aristocrats.

She was grateful.

Rumours that she wasn't cared for by the Count dissolved and has a lack of fashion sense disappeared.

When I saw my nanny dying, I rushed to her dead body and held it close.

Tears threatened to fall out.

The Count and his wife left. Everyone else too.

Only Lariette's nanny and Lehan, who woke up from the commotion saw the pain in my face.

I hugged her body close to myself.

Blood was on me but I didn't care.


I screamed my soul out.

I never wanted Lariette, her nanny and Lehan to go through that same fate.

Lariette's nanny and I helped her get up.

She went through a tedious skincare routine I make her do every damn morning.

"Why do I have to go through this every day?" Lariette asked.

"For you to look beautiful," Nanny replied, washing off the cream from her face.

I entered the room with a red-wrapped box with black ribbons.

"Your gift." I smiled.

"Open it, dear." Nanny smiled.

She opened it excitingly.

"WOAH!" She said, looking at the dress.

The Count doesn't do this. I do.

There was a cute, beautiful maroon dress with jewelled hair ornaments.

There was also a pair of sweet, black heels with small red roses to match.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"I LOVE IT!" She jumped on me.

She gave a kiss on my cheek too.

I was taller than her by a head.

I was able to carry her.

I fell to the ground on her attack.

"Hey!" I teased. "Now get dressed. Don't make my money go to the water!"

"Sure!" She happily laughed.

She looked cute.

No words would describe her.

I wore a beautiful black dress with silver roses and silver heels.

My mother was a beautiful woman.

Another woman in her place died.

I know who I am.

My blood.

A letter was written in my blood mother's handwriting had explained everything.

My worth was more than Lariette's.

Bellua will be in more embers because of it.

I inherited her looks and my hair and eye colour from the Count.

My hair was let down.

Lariette ran to her father, gave a peck on his cheek and left for the table where the rest of her peers sat.

I greeted all the nobles.

They only came here to butter up the 'neutral' Count.

I stood next to father, as it is my duty as the eldest daughter.

"I am Louis Baden." A man introduced with a friendly smile.

He is indeed handsome. Light, shining silver hair and bright cyan-sky-blue eyes that compliment his features.

'Ah. I know that smile. It's that of a snake.'

"Hello, Baden," I replied, my commercial smile. "How are you?"

"Well, I must say. I ask for the Lady's wellbeing?"

"I'm fine, thank you, but I must leave now. The others are waiting for me."

I left for the table.

The oldest daughter of Marquis Gorten, Riche. Rich, long light blue hair and dark, lavender eyes.

A beauty around Lariette's age.

Count Vincent's second daughter, Marianne. Gleaming, shoulder-length black hair with cute, honey-coloured eyes. Another bitch on the table who's one of Lariette's peers.

The Hamel Family's respected daughter, Sasha. Giving an elegant feel, long grey hair with sharp grey eyes.

All of them are the daughters of the Count's closest 'friends' and are around Lariette's age.

"Hello," I said, smiling. "Long time no see."

"Indeed," Riche replied. "How are you?"

"Good. I assume you are as well."

"Of course."

We exchanged small talk then they had started eating their served desserts.

I noticed a child sitting at the end of the table.

"Hello." I said. "What is your name? I haven't met you before."

She trembled in anxiety.

Pale brown hair and lime green eyes. A nervous posture indicates she is here for the first time.

"I a-am not of noble status like the esteemed lady." She stuttered. "Please, speak c-comfortably with me."

The table grew unusually quiet.

Marianne snorted. "No wonder I smelled something foul in the air."

"How can a commoner dare to sit at a Count's table?" She laughed, her eyes coated with malice and arrogance.

Most noble ladies were taught that commoners were lazy and was worth of livestock.

I looked at the pale girl became insulted and smiled before turning to Marianne.

"Marianne?" I said.

"Yes, Lady Bellua?" She said.

I pinched my nose. "Did you perhaps not shower today and only sprayed perfume?"

Riche and Sasha became baffled. Lariette smirked silently.

"The stench of sweat mixed with perfume is extremely difficult to tolerate. Cough!"

Silence engulfed the table as Marianne responded bewilderedly.

"...I beg your pardon?"

"I deeply apologize, I have a really strong sense of smell and can't tolerate much."

"But I do not smell like that!" She said, getting up, causing the cutlery to shake a bit.

"No." I coldly looked. "It is definitely coming from you." I pointed.

She was shaking in fury and embarrassment.

"Oh really, what's that smell?" I mocked, turning away and covering my face.

Riche and Lariette let out small, silent chuckles.

"YOU ARE VERY RUDE!" She yelled, before stomping away.

"My, I do apologize for my imprudence."

"Now," I said, clasping my hands together. "Let us continue our meals, shall we? I feel much better now."

"Oh right, what was your name?" I said cheerfully.

The girl looked like she was about to cry...

A pale face with shaky hands and pupils...

"My name is Tori Fassbender, Lady Bellua!" She said.

'What's with the extreme respect?'

"No need to be so stiff." I gently said, cutting my cake. "Please, be comfortable with me."

Her shoulders drooped a bit as her hands became less tense.

Her eyes became a bit more normal.

She started eating. Tori lacked etiquette since she had crumbs all over her face.

I nudged Lariette with my elbow and whispered silently. "You used to be like her too."

She only chuckled silently before continuing to eat.

Then I remembered something.

'Who invited her?'

"Miss Fassbender," I said.


She looked at me, surprised.

"How were you invited?"

"Ah...! I am a lady-in-waiting of Princess Rapherette. She sent me on her behalf." She stammered.

"I see."

She immediately stood up.

Sasha flinched at her sudden movement. She was sitting on Tori's left.

"I-I am so, so sorry! I apologize deeply! This is not a place for someone like me-!"

"Miss Fassbender, or Tori, whatever you prefer, please sit down and have your meal. I am not trying to chase you away." I said. Tori paused. "I was simply surprised."

"Mmm... On second thoughts, can you follow me? There seems to be some cake on your clothes. I'll get the maids to tidy you up."

"N-no need for that, My Lady!"

"Please," I said, getting up. "I insist."

We walked down the quiet hall.

"You really don't have to do this." Tori muttered.

"You remind me of my sister when she was young." I said, glancing at her.

"Really?" She said, perking up.

"Yes," I nodded.

The maids came and tidied Tori up and I provided her one of the dresses Lariette barely wore.

"This is the only one closest to your size. It's one of Lariette's dresses. She barely wore it, so, I apologize for the impoliteness caused at the table. Take this as compensation."

"Th-th-there's no need to apologize!"

"It's fine."

"Now come," I chuckled. "Let's head back."

The rest of the day went out smoothly.

Before going to bed,

I sealed and hid my weapons and packed a few in my bag.

And I stole some things from the Count's office to prove I'm of Bellua.

I'll set off tomorrow evening.