
Chapter 26

"You truly are something," He smirked. "If you tell that to Your Majesty now, you won't be safe."

"I can't say that right away," I replied. "But you will be."

"Let's say you're right." He said. "Then I ask you what you want."

"Please protect Bellua." 

"From what?"


'Anything that will hinder my goals of destroying them.'

"You want me to protect Bellua until I get power?"

"Yes, Your Highness." 

"What am I getting in return?"

"Myself. You will get me entirely."

"Even if I sell you to the old and perverted Count Goncharova?" He disgustedly questioned.

Tori gasped.

"Yes, Your Highness."

'I can just kill him.'

"Crazy." He looked at me disgustedly.

"It's alright." 

"How can I trust you?"

"I'm not asking you to trust me. I'm saying that you own me. Such relationships exist."

"I'll be very useful."

"I'm already overwhelmed with what I have."

"It's alright if you don't spare me later on."

"No," He smirked. "I care about what's mine."

"I can take care of you." He crossed his arms.

"So prove it." He said.

"Whether you're worth it to me."