
Chapter 1

"Good morning, Mother," I said, bowing down.

She walked away.


Like always.

Mother & Father never gave a shit about me.

Neither did I, to them.

The Countess's only wish for me was to die.

Bellua was a safe place for Lehan and Lariette, my adopted younger sister.

But not for me...

Mother hated me to the core as well as my father.

Why is it my fault when it was his?

He became drunk and impregnated a woman 12 years ago.

That same woman came to Bellua shortly after giving birth to me.

She was killed and her corpse was disposed.

Fortunately, during that specific year, the Countess was bedridden, but reasons were classified to the public.

They were able to cover it up and revealed that I was their legitimate child to make sure no libel gets out.

I indeed had inherited Bellua's features making the news even more convincing.

My nanny who loved me dearly, knowing all too well that the Count and Countess will try to kill me and frame it as an 'accident' or 'illness', whatever it may be.

She was educated.

I had Hyperthymesia, a special condition to remember everything perfectly simply on seeing and hearing at a simple glance.

Hyperthymesia is a condition in which people have an abnormally large capacity for autobiographical memory. People with hyperthymesia can remember an extraordinary amount of detail about their lives, including events, conversations, and even what they were wearing on certain days.

Hyperthymesia helped me study everything necessary for my survival.

From learning the Empire's entire history to astronomy, philosophy, etc to cooking and learrning other skills.

There was always a part of my memory engraved with the words my nanny would always tell me every time I became sick or bled from my nose.

'Remember, Y/n Athena De Bellua.'

'Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The only thing that is more dangerous than ignorance is false knowledge.'

'Never forget this.'

She never stayed by my side or gave me medicine when I became ill.

She only stood from afar and left me battling with it on my own.

She fed me poison to make me resistant and taught me how to use every single weapon, including guns.

Personally, I love guns. Less blood and I don't have to go close range.

For a nanny, she was toned.

By the time I was 7 years old, she left me a day after she told me that she taught me everything.

She died in the hands of my father, the countess framed her of stealing.

Before she was about to die, she put a finger over her lips indicating her final words to me alone.

'Never let your enemy know what you're thinking.'

Before her head chopped off.

A tear never slipped my emotionless eyes until I left for my bedroom, where I cried and screamed my heart out since it was soundproof.

The only affection she showered me with were the hugs and cuddles, and the appreciation I never got from my own parents.

That was all gone.


She was a year younger than me.

I was never much close to that kid. But she always glowed with joy and love.


She didn't know anything about me.

She doesn't know the truth of her existence.

Only me and Lehan.

He overheard our 'parents' since he was young.

One thing's for sure, she has her suspicions.

Lehan and me were neglected.

Lehan was given little attention, while I had none.

Both of us were closer than ever.

Ever since my nanny died, I started smoking when I was 11.

Harmful. I know.

Bandages would always be on my arms till my wrist.

Lariette, that child doesn't know anything about the real world.

I am financially well, since the Count gave me an allowance.

I never spent much. I did invest it & saved it to buy the dresses required for events and parties time to time.

That's how most of my life rolled out.