
Chapter 12

Oneiroskopía or "Dreamsight".

It's an ability that helps me know the future in the form of dreams.

Any sort of dream I get is a fate destined to be true in the future. Unless I have the will to change it.

So, either I get a dream from Oneiroskopía or no dreams whenever I sleep.

This ability awakened when I was 3.

It started out small.

Spilling of drinks & foods.

Then it started getting serious.


When I was 10 years old, I had a dream depicting in whole detail of what will happen from that time till 8 years from now, which was till the time I died.

Bellua was in embers.

The Princess was male.

His name was 'Rupert Edgar Raspe Vellelum'.

Strange thing was that he danced with Lariette.

Arnulf died.

The Count and his wife died. To be honest, I was happy about that.

But the things that traumatized me the most was witnessing the deaths of Lariette and Lehan.

Especially Iris Grace.

Iris is my personal maid who is younger than me by 2 years. She died in feeble attempts of trying to protect Lariette, whom she knows I cherish.

She started working for me when I was 9 years old after I saved her from slave traders.

Iris is a beautiful young lady with the best heart.

Unnatural white hair and bright, glowing purple eyes paired with glass skin.

Legit almost every young male servant in Bellua fell for her.

Iris has a lively personality.

I taught her how to use weapons and martial arts to protect herself.

She loves guns and daggers.

She has the wildest imaginations.

And that's important. I'll let the story tell the rest.

I knew very well why Bellua was thrown in hell and embers.

It was because the Count was planning treason.

Nanny died when I turned 16.

I got more info on the nobles too.