
The Forger

born from nothing Jacob has to build everything from scratch, with the only thing motivating him being family... and power. follow Jacob as goes from a common Village blacksmith to the forger of metal and fate, with an undying soul he will forge his path. English is not my mother language so please expect some mistakes. thank you.

ZombiePat · Fantasy
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26 Chs

For noobs

Leon's POV

People often get comfortable when they have all they need, and I had come to understand and take advantage of this. Be it warriors, Farmers... And now smiths.

I planned to be their shepherd, their guide. I will lead them to a better world, a new world, after all Every person in the council is short sighted, greedy, and if they know what's coming, they react stupidly.

It was surprising how many nobles who new what was to come, they either chose to hide or run, what they didn't know was that the calamity wouldn't end it would be the new norm.

When I saw the signs I started to prepare, gathering strong warriors, buy as much food as I can, and controlling the flow of information. I wanted to have the largest advantage.

I was also making sure that the strong would pass there strength to the next generation, after all with every new generation humans were getting vastly strong. I took each family with a gifted and made sure there blood would pass on to the next generation, I also implemented a law that made it so all the farmers and low born could only have one child.

This would kill of any bad seeds, and make sure only the strong survive.


Jacob POV

The next few days were spent experimenting, the count wanted to test the limits of my forging, we did everything thing from daggers, spears, and knives.

Apart from the forging every thing was normal, my family had arrived the next day after my abduction, in fact I had more free time than before. I was given a schedule for my work, I would work from morning to mid afternoon and then the rest of the day I was off.

Although I call it work it's mostly training, after looking at my work, head blacksmith Balan had told me to forge a normal double edged sword, he had then called in one of the guards, and asked him to try out my sword.

In the man's word; "its off, I don't know how but it feels off balance." After that old man Balan had explained how my swords weren't out. Sure they looked like proper swords, but in the hands of a professional warrior the flaws were very evident.

From then onwards he had been teaching me how to make sure my swords had a straight base and a good balance.

I honestly didn't get it the few times he explained, until the next day the old man made sword for me.

Am not going to lie the blade the old man made was something else, it felt almost as if it was made by a machine, the balance on that blade completely even to the human touch.

After that day I continued to practice, hoping that my creation would even get close to the balance I felt. At one point I had wanted to spend the whole day in the smith but due it's location the Count personally came over to order me out.

I had no choice but to wait for the next day, after work I would sit at the back of the house and watch children play in the large garden, currently it was their favourite place.

The backyard of the estate was very larger it was around the size of two football fields but only half it was a garden the rest was simply open grass. We where allowed back here because it wasn't used as often as the garden above us, yes you heard right. The estate had a large balcony on the second floor, it looked like a small paradise of flowers.

Due to the vines it was hard to see anything on the second floor, but that didn't Matter we were here to relax not spy on who ever was up there. my guess was the counts family, but like I said, it doesn't matter.


Months go by and so does my work, my improvement has been very evident in my work.

Surprisingly I reached a point were I couldn't improve anymore, no matter what I try I can't make that perfect balance.

At some point I gave up and decided to just leave it for now, I knew I would learn as I work no need to force it. Balan said I didn't have the eye for perfection, that I was too content with my mediocre achievements.

Although he was unhappy with my lack of motivation to improve he still came over to check on my newer swords, he would use a small wooden plank that would translate my enchants by magically inscribing it on itself. The sword I was asked to make were bland double edged swords, they would be given to the count's most trusted warriors, Michael included unsurprisingly.

I had also made some effort in finding the other ten enchants that I had missed and boy was it something.

After [Greater], it had moved to [Supreme], then [Godly] which had me thinking, 'Does this means my swords can kill gods?' and lastly [Absolute] of the meaning was to go by any sword I made with this enchantments could cut through anything in existence.

That would give anyone a big head. Sadly though having infinite sharpness didn't mean it's durability was on per, the sword would easily break like any normal iron sword IF the pressure was applied anywhere but the edge.

I had tested it with one of the counts stronger people, a man by the name of Salem, a brick wall of a man standing at two meters or six and a half feet.

He had snapped the sword in two with ease, he claimed it was the same as any normal sword.

Anyways that was only at level twenty one above that I didn't find anymore sharpness enchants and instead it was [Curse] enchants, the first was [Vanishing], then [Bad luck], then [Binding], and lastly the one I had no idea about [Curse of the creator], I had yet to test them but I thought most of them were self expanatory.

But that last one... I had to figure it out, 'I don't know when I made a curse but I'm definitely figuring you out.' I said as I hammered at my new sword, it was curved slightly and had a large blade. I was making the Chinese Dao, an easy to use use single-edged blade.

Soon I could feel the Chinese saber reach it's limits, it couldn't absorb anymore mana.

After a small amount of time doing the finishing touches, the saber was done.

A one handed curved blade made from normal iron, yet it looked so mystical.

My weapon was done and it was time to test it.