
Grampa's house

Dear dairy,

Today I went to my Grampa's house. I wonder how mom is doing in the hospital. After dad hit her in the head with his beer bottle she has not been the same. I took her to the hospital. they don't know what wrong with her yet so I can only wonder. If it's something serious I don't think dad's dept will help the hospital bills. Also grampa is cooking something I better go check up on him

sincerely, Anna Deck

I wonder what he is making? It smells sweet like.. BROWNIES! As I go into the kitchen I see the table pilled with pans and spoons covered with powder and chocolate. " Well it's a mess I know. I will clean it up. But first you should try my brownies." He hands me a burnt brownie. Crunch! my mouth is full of bitter tasting poopy mess he made." It grate grampa". " "Good I thought so to." Oh also before you go to your room. I have a question why was the mushroom invited to the party... because he was a fugi. Also I need you to go pick some mushrooms from the forest do it before dark." Okay what ever thanks! I grab the basket and head straight out the door to the forest that I have not been in since I was five. Grate just grate if I get lost I will be wolf meat. I look up at the sky it's a little gray but I should be fine for an hour or so. I head in to the green forest full of broccoli and plants. How will I pay for Moms medical bills? While I wonder about that I spot a mushrooms. It's a little bit off the dirt path. But I should be fine. I start to pick the fungi. Aaaaaahhhhh!