
The Forest Ghost

Uriel, a little boy, woke up without his memory and was taken in by an old woman in a rural area. While exploring the forest nearby, he met a playful and arrogant ghost, saying he's inside the "spirit's lair". What secrets and questions lie beyond Uriel's lost memories, nostalgic place, and the spirits' lair would definitely shock and change his life.

Seven_Cruz · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Chapter 31

The journey to the city by bus and train was nauseating for the boy. Uriel could barely tolerate his dizziness until they arrived at an inn they were supposed to stay at.

Olia Isema handled everything to ease his discomfort by unpacking some of their things and letting him go to bed early.

Since they departed right from the early morning, they arrived at around 2 in the afternoon.

A little later, after taking a rest, Uriel recovered a bit from the long journey as soon as he woke up in the middle of the night.

He saw the old woman taking her rest, so he left her like that.

He bolted towards the opened windows and admired the city lights amidst the dark night. It was too fascinating for him to see as he had been stuck in the rural province since he woke up from memory loss.

There were blinking red dots and plenty of various lights beating the night's darkness.

The sea of these illuminations and bustling crowd were blending a beautiful sight in front of him.

It was the most spectacular scene he witnessed ever since he had awakened.

"I wonder if I've seen this before I lost my memories," He whispered across the heavy, cool air. "I'm sure I also loved this back then. Though, I probably got sick to it since I practically live all my life somewhere at the city."

Remembering so made him rethink how he should find his previous residence with only such limited clues.

There are abundant amounts of flowers around this area and sure enough, nothing would be missed at this civilized city. It was like looking for a needle in a messy room.

That itself might even be hundreds of times easier than finding a certain arrangement of flowers in a yard of a certain house. He thought that he shouldn't get his hopes up too much so he wouldn't get disappointed with the outcome.

He knew from the looks of the sea of city lights that there must've been thousands of houses with a yard of that same arrangement of flowers and plants.

All this time, he was clinging to an extremely devastating wishful thinking.

Even so, he didn't want to completely surrender to the impossible situation. He glanced one more time at the old woman to confirm that she's sound asleep before he finally gets out of the room.

He passed by a long hallway, walked down the stairs, and finally arrived down to the lobby. His vision was hazy earlier so he couldn't appreciate anything he saw, but looking closely at it made him realize that the place was quite nice and clean.

He went out of the inn and was greeted by the beautiful street gushing with cheerfulness and colors.

Everywhere his head turns, there are stores that lit up like lamp posts in a narrow path.

He thought that he might not even identify when it's morning and when it's night because of the liveliness of each place.

They were like persons – different in each way, depending on how they go through their days. Walking around, trying to explore more about the horrifyingly intriguing corners, he noticed that there was no forestry at all.

It was amazing and sad on its own at the same time. Uriel thought of the azure ghost, Sinclair.

He thought that this might be the reason why creatures and spirits like them wander around in the quietest darkest places.

Since their refuges are cut down at the big city for civilization, there's no place for them to be restored underneath the moonlight.

It feels perplexing how comfort at the expense of certain sentimental things are totally fine with the rest of the world. After having absorbed at the beguiling city of urbanization, Uriel finally returned back to their room at the inn.