

Arya followed the directions and soon came across one of the local species, a Thuki, as well as a hovering pod, where the cries of the baby were coming from. With a glance, Arya sent a spike of wood up from the ground and into the Thuki's head, killing it instantly before dragging it underground, never to be seen again.

With the distraction gone, Arya went forward to inspect the baby. The little baby which had been crying up until now, was currently quietly staring back up at her, before starting to gurgle and laugh happily reaching his little stubby arms out towards her.

Arya smiled seeing this and reached down to pick him up, the baby had warm dark brown eyes, a shock of honey brown hair and what seemed to be a little birthmark in the shape of what could be considered some bars, or a tally of 5, which was a very uncommon shape due to the highly defined lines of the birthmark. Apart from this the only notable thing was the necklace around the babies neck, which Arya realised was what had the promised reward in it. Saying the words a little data chip ejected from the necklace into her hands, which she put into her storage ring. With that done Arya looked down at the baby and saw a little name-tag underneath him that she hadn't seen before, 'Xavier Halmark', "Xavier, huh... Well then little Xavier, why don't I bring you with me for now, it is the least I can do considering what your father gave me."

Putting Xavier back into his pod, she surrounded it in her qi before taking off, heading back to her temporary home on planet Raelia.

- 1 Year Later

Arya had now finished her travels and was heading back to the elven home planet Aiphus, bringing in tow little Xavier, who had been travelling with her the entire time. During her time with Xavier, she had grown quite attached to him and now wanted to bring him with her to join her at the royal elven palace, she also wanted to have him become friends with her own daughter, who she had given birth to two years ago, which was a big coincidence considering she had been trying for a child for over a thousand years and was herself currently around 97,000 years old. While thinking of all of these wonderful future plans she had, she finally arrived at Aiphus.

Touching down at the royal palace, which was built around their world tree, Yggdrasil, a tree that was incomparably massive, reaching up and through the clouds with roots that go into the core of the planet. Arya was greeted by a procession of elves of all kinds of statuses, nobles, servants, elders, they were all there to welcome the return of their queen, however they were all led by the supreme elder, one of the oldest elves alive.

"Greetings, my Queen, congratulations on the success of your trip of the borders, it seems that we are holding strong against the Drenae demon race."

The Drenae demons were a major race, below one and above many. They had many races under them like the Irsatzul demons, similar to how the elven race was subordinate to the high elf race but had many races like the human race under them as part of their realm. Unlike the alliance or guardian relationship between the elves and the other races in their realm however, the Drenae had taken over and forced the other demon races into submission, making them subordinates.

"Thank you, Supreme Elder Tarron, however it seems it was an unnecessary trip as our soldiers and allies are holding up well."

Supreme Elder Tarron agreed and started following the Queen into the palace when he realised that she was carrying a pod.

"My Queen, may I ask what that pod is for, it is rare you ever bring something back from your travels, why would you not put it in your storage ring?"

"Ah, I will be holding a meeting about this later today, you will know then, now I am going to see my family, don't let me be bothered."

"Of course, my Queen."

I wonder how Lydia is going, now that I have a playmate for her, she will surely be much happier in the future.

Arya reached her quarters and finally saw her daughter and husband for the first time in over a year.

"Arlen, Lydia, I am home!"

Arlen looked up and smiled, picking up Lydia and walking over to Arya to give her a hug.

"Um, Arya, what are you holding?"

"Oh, this is Xavier, i found him on my trip and decided to bring him with me, look at how cute he is."

"What, why would you bring a baby with you back here, what about it's parents, it isn't even an elf."

"Don't worry Arlen, I didn't just kidnap him, of course there is a reason behind me bringing him with me."

For the next half an hour, Arlen listened intently to Arya's story about how she found Xavier, showing a great deal of surprise when it came to the part about his father, who is actually a spatial magician.

"So what do you intend to do with him now, surely you realised that everything wouldn't just work out when you brought him here.

"Well, I want to adopt him Arlen, it would be great for Lydia to have a sibling her age, being a princess of the royal family, it will be hard for her to make friends, and considering how his dad was a genius space magician, he definitely won't turn out to be untalented, although there is a high chance he won't be able to compare to the genius elves, I believe he won't be considered as someone with basically no talent, like most of the human race is compared to us, most of all though, look at how cute and well behaved he is, how could I not want to adopt him.

Arlen just looked at Arya with a face of resignation, knowing that Xavier being adopted was already a forgone conclusion, he more than anyone else knew that Arya loved to be unpredictable and very stubborn, once she set her mind on something, she wouldn't let anything get in her way. Besides, in his opinion, her reasoning was pretty good too, Lydia would be very lonely without any siblings as everyone would want to be her friend due to political reasons.

"Haa, I will agree to this Arya, but only on one condition."

Arya looked at him, knowing that if she wanted this to happen, she would have to accept this condition, although Arlen was very lenient with her, she knew that even he had limits to his patience and lenience, which she could understand.

"you have to agree that you won't leave on any long distance trips until they have both grown up, I can't take care of them on my own, you must be here to help out as well."

Arya was stunned for a second, not expecting this at all, in fact, she was expecting a much tougher condition.

"Pfff, of course I will agree to that, I can just delegate all my jobs to others for a few years, I deserve a break after all, I have been doing this for tens of thousands of years after all."

Arlen smiled, happy that they both got what they wanted, Arya got to adopt Xavier, and he managed to get her to promise to stay home for a while.