
The prophecy nightmare

"Am gonna rip the flesh of your blood,feast on your bones and feed your carcass to the fowls of the air and make you lower than the creeping crickets of the land",said the massive mass of black shadow as it loomed over me with a scythe in it's hands,as I stumbled backwards,I couldn't run,scream or even breathe as terror has gripped the better part of me and as the shadow raised the scythein it's hand, bringing it down on my head.....

"Ahhhhh...(gasps for air)"said Sophie as she looked around frantically drenched in cold sweat only to realize that it was all a dream.

Hello,I guess you don't know me right?,Well my name is Sophie and welcome to my boring world

Well,these days I've been having strange dreams lately and it feels so real that each time I wake up,I feel the fear emanating from my pores and it causes this kind of lingering headache that makes me wish it could just faint away and even after telling my granfmdpa about it,he would always tell me not to worry about it but I can see the worry in his eyes each time,well I guess am just going to have to have to tell him again today and this time hopefully he will tell me the truth.

I went downstairs to try and find my grandpa,I checked the kitchen and other places but I couldn't find him,Oh! Forgetful me,I forgot to check the garden,my grandpa normally meditates there,he calls it some kind of magic attraction power,weird right?,so I decided to go to the garden to talk to my grandpa about the strange nightmare I had

"Oh my sweet angel,you are finally awake after so long,how was your night?",my grandpa finally noticed my presence in the garden.

"I'm fine grandpa,but I need to talk to you about something important relating to a nightmare I had

I quickly told my grandpa about the dream I've been having for awhile now,as I narrated the nightmare to my grandpa,he seemed quite worried about me

"Maybe u are just overthinking this, sweetie i-it's probably just a dream, don't pay it to much attention",ok my grandpa is kind of pissing me off now,he keeps telling me to forget my nightmares but how can I just forget every nightmare I have,what if it is a very serious thing to look at

"But granps why do you always try to make me forget my dreams every single time,why does it seem like you are hiding something from me?,I immediately attacked my grandpa about my dreams,now I shall see what excuse he comes up with now

"Oh my sweet, innocent Sophie,what could I possibly hide from you, please trust me dear m, nightmares are apart of life,it may scare us but it's nothing to worry about, here's an idea to help cool your mind,why don't you go freshen up, while I make your favorite chocolate pancakes

"But grandpa"I tried saying

"Shush now sweetie, trust me,peace is the way of life,maybe you should start attending my meditation classes sometimes,ok dear?,now go freshen up"

"Ok grandpa" Damn it! I cursed in my mind, grandpa is very good at persuading me,but even though I stayed silent today,I still feel like there's something my grandpa is hiding from me,and I won't give up until I find out what it is.

Well for now, it's time to be a good girl and go freshen up, besides I'm starving.

(A few minutes later)

Grandpa, I'm ready to eat breakfast now!,I shout as I hurry down the stairs,

"Hmm,the aroma is every where granps" I said as I walked into the kitchen,I can already perceive the aroma of grandpa's delish pancakes

"Oh Sophie dear,are you ready to eat now?"

"Grrrr,"my tummy grumbles loudly making me feel embarrassed

"Oh wow,it looks like your tummy has said it all, hahaha" my grandpa laughs loudly

"Oh grandpa"oh my gosh I already felt bad,and there my grandpa added to my utter embarrassment

"Anyway before your tummy becomes furious,sit down while i get your pancakes for you

"Mmmm,sounds nice",I said as I eagerly sat down to receive the warm welcome of my grandpa's sweet pancakes.

After breakfast was over,I decided to go shopping, besides I have a big day coming up,my twentieth birthday is approaching in two days time and I'm so excited,my grandpa promised to give me whatever I wish for as my birthday gift and I plan on asking him to take me to my mother's favorite country Korea, grandpa always said my mum always wanted to live in Korea so I would love to go there, who knows,I might some clues pertaining to my parents there and why they abandoned me,if they are even still alive or if they have passed away, I've always wondered what it would be like to see Korea,I guess I will soon found out,I just hope my grandpa agrees to it,I mean twenty is surely an age mature enough and I have been a very good grand daughter (sighs),I just hope he agrees,who knows,my parents might still be alive living in Korea,I wonder what it's like living with them,my grandpa always said I act like my mother and I have my father's eyes,I wonder why they left me in the first place,All my life I never had a complete family,my grandpa means the world to me,he has always been there for me like a parent but even though I still wished my parents were also there for me,Oh well, I'm sure everything will work out fine,time to go shopping for my big day,My birthday isn't as fun as most teenage girls but I like it that way,just a normal candle light dinner,with my grandpa, it's been that way for years and it will stay that way, Besides I'm not really a social girl,I only have one friend and that's my childhood friend George, George has been my friend for years,we actually grew up together, he's the only one apart from my grandpa that I confide with, come to think of it, where is that guy,we were supposed to shop together,I hope he shows up soon.


hi dear readers,I hope you enjoy my new book,itsHave some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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