

Sarah sat on the porch of her farm house watching the sun set behind the mountains,she turned to her mother and said "Mother,all my friends are going to a summer camp,on the on the outskirts of the forest." She paused looking at her mother with a pleading look in her eyes.

Sarah had been the only child ever since her her elder brother and sister had graduated and gone to a boarding school far away in the city. For this reason Sarah's parents held her as their most precious position in their hand, for the time being. Because of this Sarah got mostly every thing she desired,but her parents were very,very protective of her and would not let her go to camp for they were scared that something unwanted would happen.

Her mother smiled warmly down at her and replied "Sarah dear you know that me and your dad would be happy to let you go for camp, but it is not age appropriate for you."

"Oh mother, you know that I am 10 years old and so are all my friends that have been to camp...I have heard their stories and I would so love to go as well... please mother, please can I go to camp?" Replied Sarah,a down cast look on her face. Her mother pondered over what Sarah had just said, and how she was right in so many ways,then she said "I will talk to your dad when he comes home from work tonight about how much you want to go to camp,but don't keep your expectations too high,ok?" "Yes!" Replied Sarah her voice full of joy and excitement.