
1- Rebirth

Lucas was tired after another boring day at work. As he walked back home, he found himself thinking about how life could be different if he had followed his true purpose and become a professional soccer player. He sighed wistfully as he remembered the happy days of playing soccer with his friends and imagined how good it would be to go back in time and change his fate.

Lost in his thoughts, Lucas felt something hit his head hard. He turned around and saw a group of kids playing ball on a court next to the street. The kids ran up to him and apologized for the accident. Lucas smiled and assured them that it was okay. He returned the ball with a very nice pass, surprising the kids.

The kids were impressed with Lucas's skill and invited him to play with them. Lucas accepted the invitation and joined the game. Although he was playing with kids, he still found the game fun. He felt a wave of nostalgia as he played, remembering the days when he played soccer with his friends in childhood.

Over time, Lucas's consciousness diminished. He began to feel dizzy and before he could realize what was happening, he passed out.

When Lucas woke up, he found himself in a room he recognized. It was his old room, from when he was a teenager. He looked around, perplexed, trying to understand what was happening. He got up and walked to the window, looking outside. He saw the neighborhood where he grew up, with the same houses and streets he knew so well.

Lucas realized that he had gone back in time. He couldn't believe what was happening, but he couldn't deny the evidence before his eyes. He had a second chance to pursue his dream of becoming a soccer player.

Lucas began to think about how he could use this opportunity. He knew he had the talent and skill to excel in the sport, but he also knew he needed to overcome his confidence and personality issues. He was determined to make the most of his new chance.

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