
Chapter 7: Sugar Sweet Sin

It's so shocking to hear my name on Dante's lips after all this time that it takes a moment for his words to sink in. "What's a sham?"

"Their engagement. Their whole relationship. It isn't real and it never was. It's just for the cameras." He throws another quick glance over his shoulder. "Frankly, I shouldn't even be talking about it. I'd appreciate it if you kept this bit of information between us."

I don't know why this news is so shocking, but it is. Luca was the first of the Fontaine brothers to get engaged, but it never occurred to me that the whole thing might be a lie.

"It's done wonders for the publicity of Cataclysm: Earth," he continues casually. "And it's helped both Luca and Emilia tremendously."

"And you," I point out. It's his movie too, after all. He wrote the damn thing.

But he takes my words a different way.

"Emilia and I, we - "