

A young man is summoned to a new world along with four others, each with a unique weapon. "Wait! Wait! Wait! WTF! That's Naofumi over there? I'm in the 'Rising of the shield hero' and my weapon is a thurible? That's a weapon? I'm so fucked up."

GoldenGrape · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

5- Blushing fetish, Do i have a new kink? (Interlude)

Hello, my dears.

I am just dropping by to say that this is a short chapter and I will post again only after the new year, or will I not? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Now speaking of good news, I am dating a guy and he is a cute pumpkin, so Yaay! Happy me.

I hope you have a good new year and that you enjoy the chapter.

#Vernn? #Celec? maybe, who knows. Well, not a couple tho.


Opening the luxurious doorway, Cernn was greeted by the scene of everyone staring intensely at their own weapon as they probably went over its description and skills. The guys were frowning, and their eyes were running wild reading the air. There were 5 other big doors besides that of the entrance, and in every door, there were maids and butlers. Valec, the blond butler, was in one of the doors and slightly nodded when Cernn grazed his gaze upon him.

The brow-haired guy just smiled at the blond and approached Naofumi. "Hey! Do you have a moment?" Naofumi looked at Cernn's hand on his shoulders, then looked up to the guy's face and nodded. The shield hero got up and followed Cernn as the former king to his room.

Walking beside Naofumi, Cernn got to his room, signaling to Valec to not let anyone enter while Naofumi was there. The place was quite spacious and was decorated in a Victorian kind of style. There was a big bed, a whole wall was a small library with a lot of books in the big bookshelf. Cernn got to a table placed in front of a big window, inviting the Shield hero to sit with him.

"Well... You don't seem reckless as the other 3 guys" Cernns began and, putting a cup of tea for both of them, he continued "There's a library in the palace, it will be good to visit the place. You know, gathering information about your situation in a strange place should be priority." The guy then pushed the filled cup to the Shield hero.

Naofumi took the cup and gave it a small sip, then smiled. "It's so crazy, isn't it? This whole novel setting, a new world, starting a journey." There was a glint of happiness in the eyes of the raven haired guy. A glint that made Cernn's mood foul, 'I tought he was smarter, but he's so naive. Well, what I expected? He got tricked by the princess early on the show' Cernn didn't like this kind of naive attitude. However, he couldn't blame the guy, he was still a child, and children learn by their mistakes. The bitter smile in the brown-haired guy faded as he picked his tea cup.

"Well... there are some other things I want you to know." Cernn reclined in the chair and took a sip of the tea. He smiled, the tea was good.

"When at a party with other people, independent of stats, be it a partner, be it an affiliated party, a guild, or even a slave-master relationship the hero will have a way to know by the status screen. To make it simple, just accept." Cernn slightly glanced at Naofumi and explained everything he knew about the party system. Cernn knew this would be an important thing for Naofumi tomorrow.

[Cernn Tupou (Thurible Holder) sent a party invitation to you]

(accept) (decline)

Following Cernn's words, the Shield hero accepted the invitation and the next second a bunch of notifications began to appear in front of the raven-haired guy.


[You're in a party with another weapon holder.]

[The weapon holder doesn't have the Hero status.]

[Sharing Exp with the weapon holder is possible]

"So we can form a party without problems, good to know." Cernn voice brought Naofumi back to their conversation. "Now... You can see that you have access to pieces of information about my condition, so as I do have about you. Well, it's not much information tho. Only your Health and mana status."

[Your party was disbanded]

Not letting time for Naofumi to speak, Cernn disbanded the party and began to talk about the other functions of the weapons. The brown-haired guy hadn't talked much, he didn't want to hinder Naofumi's growth, so he just told the guy the necessary for the shield hero to be more powerful. Functions like the Mastery system, the weapon copy system and the weapon refining system.

The sun outside the big window was almost setting, the sky was colored orange and pink before they even noticed. That was how focused both guys were in their conversation. They not only talked about the weapon, but Cernn instructed Naofumi to get some books in the library and explained some things about the country's politics. Cernn was hoping that Naofumi got to read about the religion of Melromarc and, hopefully, noticed that the shield wasn't present in it.

A knock on the door brought the guys back to their present situation "Heroes, the banquet will be starting in a few hours" Cernn nodded with his hand asked Valec to wait in the room as Naofumi was being scouted out of the brown-haired guy's room.

"Valec, is my clothes prepared?" As soon as Naofumi got out of his room, Cernn asked his appointed butler for his clothes. Not spending any time, Valec clapped his hands two times and a purple magic circle appeared on the ground. 'Oh! Summoning magic' Cernn was amazed as soon as the full set of clothes began to appear from the magic circle.

"You sure not a usual butler Valec" Cernn nodded satisfied "I'm just a good butler, sir." The blond guy softly smiled at Cerrn's praise. "It would be good if you knew magic to clean the body." Cernn voiced his idea hoping Valec could speed up the whole process.

"I certainly can do it, sir. This kind of magic is common daily magic. Most nobles don't enjoy using magic to clean themselves, so it's not that popular." Valec stated and with the permission of Cernn he used magic to clean the brown-haired guy.

"Well... I certainly do like to bath, but I'm not in the mood and we can't afford to spend too much time as I would like to read something before going to the feast." A smile appeared on Cernn's face while thinking about the whole bunch of books he would be able to read.

"Sir, would you please take your clothes off?" Valec said as he brought the first piece of the new set of clothes for Cernn.

"Sure." Taking off his clothes, Cernn placed his crown on the dressing table near the bed. His naked body has a good figure, the bronzed body glistening in the evening light reminiscing the shimmering of amber, it got Valec's attention, making the blond guy flush over the scene for a brief moment. A brief moment that didn't go unnoticed by Cernn.

"Don't get embarrassed, I will take that as a compliment" Cernn couldn't contain his laughter as the guy got blushed again, this time his whole face turning bright red.

With this Valec sped up the whole process of dressing Cernn, he couldn't take the whole flirting attitude of the brown-haired guy, even if it was only a joke.

"What do you think?" Cernns asked Valec while turning around for the butler to analyze his looks. "You look stunning, sir." Valec nodded at his work. The whole set of clothes complimented the brown-haired guy's figure and the golden crown over his head making everything more majestic.

"I think you look stunning in your working clothes too, but that somethings for another time." Cernn said, giving the blond guy a wink as his laughter filled the room and the blond guy flushed for the third time. 'Maybe I got a new kind of kink, or should I say hobby?'