
The Floral Palace

Behind the happiness of Kim and Zhou, there is a forbidden river flown through their life haunting. A ghost named Flawless Flower trying to haunt them. One day, Luckas son, Amira, plays through the river. 'How can a river kill people? I won't go there, is too deep. Dad, how about the ghost of this river? Who's the Flower you told about?' Luckas reminds her, 'You mustn't play there. Flower's the evil ghost lived under the water of Floral Palace.'

Floral Palace is the name of the place under water the river. Taria, Luckas wife, doesn't believe in ghost. 'There's no ghost in this Earth. How dare the river kills us? I wanna wash my clothes there, the water so nice.'

When Taria washes her clothes, a man with long straight hair named Flawless Flower steals her clothes. Taria shouts. 'Return back my cloth!' Flawless Flower drags her through the deep river. Flower introduces himself. 'I'm Nicholas Flower, people usually call me Flawless Flower, I'm a good ghost!'

Luckas finds his wife with Flower. He shouts to scare, 'I see a ghost. Help, ghost!' Taria returns home with Flower. Her mother, Vicky, gets to her room. Vicky shouts half of death. 'His face similar to Nic. Who are you? Tell me!'

Flower asks about Vicky. 'Why you shout Nic at me?' Vicky can't answer him, 'There's 3 Nic. You just people use his face. You mention yourself as Flower. Your face similar to Nic. We get old, but you no. Dare you disturb my family!'

Flower introduces himself. He doesn't care about the family scare. 'I'm Nicholas Flower, from the Floral Palace underwater, people call me Flawless because I'm a good ghost!' Vicky remembers about Grandpa told her, 'You've been told as the soul stolen. You never been a good ghost. I've heard all everything about you. Are you still wanna taking victim from people not make fault of you? How dare you do that, evil? Can you go away in the name of God? See the cross now!'

Flower shouts so hysterically. 'How come you get the cross, hot?' Vicky shoos him, 'I know you afraid of God. You're the ghost of Floral Palace taken many victims. How come you wanna take my family whole? I won't be your slave, demon.'

Ms.Kim is sewing the cloth when something blurbs the water. Mr.Zhou is busy to repair the AC. Ms.Kim throws the stone through the water, 'I see something there. I guess there must be a fish.' Lucky daughter, Driana, asks her, 'Is that fish, Grandma? I gonna catch it for lunch.' Ms.Kim lets Driana to take the fish. 'You gonna make grilled one. Take some there, I gonna see you this. The river flows so fast. Please, be careful!'

Driana shouts to Ms.Kim when something drags her underwater. 'Grandma, I sink. Help me!' Flower drags Driana to his place. 'I gonna take you here, dear. Look at the beautiful Floral Palace! I need to take you as my dear, I lost my dear.'

Driana swims to the top. 'I know you're the ghost. My grandparents told me about your story.' Flower chases her. Flower catches Driana. 'Come here, little dear!' Driana kicks him, 'Go away from me, ghost! I won't be your friends.'

Flower comes through Driana playground. 'I gonna make you as my little girl. I never find someone beautiful lika you. I won't waste my time again.' Jonathan appears through Flower, 'Whatcha you wanna from my granddaughter? Is it you, the ghost of Floral Palace?' Flower answers to him, 'I'm the ghost of Floral Palace, the place when everyone starts to happy then.' Jonathan prays to shoo Flower, 'I know in the name of God, you take all the innocence people. Their corpses you thrown through the top. Float again through the river, I shoo you the name of God!'

Flower runs away by shouting. 'I gonna take avenge on you. Look there, our business starts now!' Jonathan challenges him, 'You don't have to scare of another made innocence victim.'

Nicholas takes the water from the river to cook soup. Nicholas surprises he saw Flower. 'You've the similar face to me. I don't afraid of you, you just the demon. Go back to your world!' Flower drags and throws him. Flower defeats Nicholas, 'Dare you to shoo me, old man!'

Nicholas is dragged to the Floral Palace. 'I gonna defeat you in the name of God, ghost.' Flower laughs, 'Look at the caged soul!' Nicholas reacts to Flower, 'How come you jail all the soul here? Don't you think human's wisdom more than another creature?' Flower laughs again, 'They're too fool for me. See, I just only take the mourn people in life! I never take the evil, just I gonna make the lonely mourn happy life. I complete them as my collection here to serve me as slaves.'

Nicholas fights with Flower. 'You don't have heart to them. Think about the loss family!' Flower reacts, 'How come I think, I loss my son too?' Nicholas defeats him again, 'You just loss him because of the fate. God creates people fate individually. Don't take the victim again!'

Flower angers to Nicholas. 'Look, human, I gonna take more again! I never let people lonely. All of you would be my friends here!' One of the ghost, Charming Orchid, agrees with Flower, 'Take them all to our world, dear!' Flower agrees with her, 'Come, take more tonight!'

The night, a lonely girl cries through the river. She feels so sad left by her parent worked. She cries to God, 'When Mom and Dad go home? Come then, I never have friends! How can I get more friends?' Flower answers, 'Why don't you follow me, little dear?' The girl answers, 'You wanna be my friends. Who are you?'

Flower drags her through the river. He sinks and leaves her corpse top. The girl shouts. 'Help me, I'll sink!' Flower laughs, 'You've floated now! You gonna be my own daughter. I've another children similar lika you, dear.'

Nicholas finds a corpse floating. Nicholas asks for help, 'We must tell her family. Can you see, just a little girl? This river's being powered by the devil creatures. Prepare for the pray!' People pray together through the river, 'Don't take anymore victim from the human being again, you devil, vanish in the name of God!'

The night, a couple books a hotel near the river. 'The hotel belongs to Kim and Zhou. Are we gonna spend till this weekend?' The receptionist reminds them, 'Be careful of the sacred river!'

The couple don't listen to the receptionist warn. They just make fool. 'We don't believe in ghost. Come to the behind!' They declare the small party with their friends, 'How come there's a ghost? Can we pick some flowers there? See, so beautiful to pick in our hair!'

The party people just throws the trash through the river. They spit the trash there, 'We don't believe in ghost. There's no ghost in this world. We gonna wanna holiday. Fool ghost!' One of them, a young girl asks, 'What if the ghost be real?'

Flower appears through them. He brings all the sword. 'How dare you dirty my river? Don't you think to take care of environment?' One of them, a man shouts, 'I see the ghost, a man wearing white long cheongsam with long hair. His face similar to the one of famous family, Nicholas Tse.'

Flower kills the man with the sword. He brings his head and kills them beheaded. Flower just brings their heads for collection. 'I know you've too greedy made fool of me. Your soul would be locked forever in Floral Palace. I never stop the terrors. You gonna feel it. Floral Palace never ends here. It just a warn for everyone hurt my palace with Orchid.'