
Peaceful World

Yauw Kong-Ngo grows to the 16 years old teenagers. 'I've grown up to teenager! I thank to you, God. I gonna teach Ran to be wiser. I hold the driving in this family. Come, spirit myself, Jesus!' Cheung Tit-Shan complains about his mark, 'I get bad mark, Ngo! I must throw this to rubbish.'

Ngo hugs Shan. 'Shan, don't do that! You must learn from the mark. Come, study together!' Shan feels so embarrased. 'You always better than me! I never get good mark like you!' Ngo advices Shan. 'Don't have fun at game continuously! Get your study higher first!'

In the other side, Flower asks Ngo in the dream. 'What do you think about peaceful world?' Ngo explains, 'A world with friendly atmosphere between human and nature! I wanna be the detective one day. I'm ready to protect human and nature together.'

Flower blesses Ngo. Ngo wakes up. 'Thanks, Uncle Flo! I wanna protect Ran and Shan! One day, we would work together in the officer as detectives for country secure!' Ran calls up Ngo. 'Ngo, can you shoo this cockroach? I feel so disgusted! I won't let it go to my room.'

In the other side, Flower tries to motivate people. 'We must live in happiness! The calm belongs to us who loved truth! Kindness what the first must be done!' People amaze at Flower. 'Good ghost! You're the new spirit and motivator for us.'

Flower asks them. 'How to take care peaceful?' A farmer answers, 'I gonna forgive all people. I would pray for them. I would present my half treasure to God. I should be the one who sign for Heaven. I've to do it since now.' Flower asks back, 'Why you should do it? I encourage you to do the kindness sincerely. You musn't think about the effect. Give me your sincere at once!'

Flower walks around the village. 'You've to gather for a prayer.' People follow Flower and leave the routine for the day. The swordman sees from far away, 'Is he trying to be similar to God now? He always obstacles my way. He doesn't want people to trap in the sin. I would take people to be my slave then! I can do it! A slave for my girl and boy.'

Cao Man tries to disturb people. Cao Man lets people to follow him through the forest. 'Why don't you follow me? Can you find wealth here?' The girl feels so attractive with the offer. 'Bring me to luxury! I'm bored for poverty!'

The Father yells at crowd. 'My girl lost!' The Mother confuses and shocks up. 'Follow and find the footprint!' Flower requests them. 'Find together with me!' The girl screams out. 'Near the temple! I gonna be sunk in the lake.'

Cao Man throws the girl to the lake. 'I've to get my slave for my children.' The Father complains, 'The lake must be burnt out. It's danger for our safety. We must burn the temple.' The Mom agrees, 'We gonna burn the temple. We must return back the people taken here. I've an idea to trap the ghosts. I don't afraid of them.' HuoJie appears to them, 'You don't regard the temple. Dare you! Don't say goodbye to the death!'

Tomorrow, the calm morning, a fisherman finds a corpse of the girl. 'Corpse!' The gardener finds a corpse of the Father, 'I find a corpse without head. The ghost in temple needs victims. We forget to sacrifice our farm to them. Let's present our daily poultry! They would be lived in calm.'

Lisa leads the prayer of calmness to the village. The gardener meets Lisa. 'We burry a corpse again. Bless the forest now!' Lisa answers, 'I gonna help you to find the suspect.' Flower asks, 'What happened to them?' Lisa explains, 'The corpses found with no head. They've beheaded by ghost. We need to burn the forest! There are evil stay there.'

They burn the forest together. Nofa asks them to cremate the corpses. 'How about plant the ashes?' They ask, 'Where's the fire?' Elle gives them fire. 'I gonna lead the ceremonial. They must be cremated in the good way. Solemn them for last time! We don't have to worry about ghosts again.'

The village lives in peaceful. Flower asks Orchid. 'How about forever peaceful?' Orchid answers, 'There must be a peace inside the mourn. Note it!' Flower laughs, 'We learn to build peace around nature. They must stop the evil together. There's no ghost again from the forest disturbed them. Life God!'