
Where it all ended/ Where it all began?

So there I was... standing in the subway station, waiting impatiently to finally get home to my wife and kids. The chatter of the station drowning out everything but my thoughts. It had been a long day at the construction site; there were steel beams flying, rebar being laid and general contractors screaming at people they didn't even know... about things they didn't even fully comprehend, aside from what they saw on paper..

I'll never forget this day... because this was my last day on My Earth. My last day with a family I'd possibly never see again.. daughters and a son I'd never get to see grow old. But most importantly a wife who'd be left to take care of them all without me...

it all started off normal. I woke up at 4am, got dressed, and tried to mentally prepare for the day. I left way faster than I should've... and that's when everything went wrong...

My alarm didn't go off for some reason, I remember waking up to my wife yelling at me "BABY!!! YOU'RE LATE!!" Freaking out and rushing to get ready. but long story short I made it to the bus, there were still a couple people on the bench so I knew it was running behind, thankfully. After running for 9 blocks I finally heaved myself on to the seat with a huff. The old gentleman next to me scoffed as soon as I plopped down "Shoulda been a little later sonny". he said with an old cracked voice.

"Oh yeah? why's that Old Man?" I responded a little more cross than I should've.

"Because, you won't make it past today, this is the end of the line." he said with a knowing smirk as I strained to catch my breath.

"Sir I'm not sure what you mean but I don't have the time to listen to your ramblings..."

"You'll wish you did.... and that you asked more questions Cory..." he responded cryptically.

Wait a second. how does this geezer know my name!!!???? I finally decided to look at the old man sitting next to me..... But... there was no one there...

I ran up to this bus stop seeing a whole group of people waiting and chatting.... but.. there was no one else there all of a sudden . Let alone an old man who so happened to know my name.. I was alone....

*Honk* *Honk* "Are you getting on or not man, I'm on a schedule here and the bus is almost full!!!"

The bus driver looked to have been waiting on me for a while. Annoyed, as if I was ignoring him.

"Y-yeah, sorry man. just half asleep still I guess" I responded tentatively, not sure what to think about what I just experienced..

I made my way on the bus after paying my fare, and low and behold everyone was staring at me..

I shrugged it off, put my headphones on and tried to lose myself in the music while waiting impatiently for my stop.

I pulled the chord when we got close, paused my music, took one last calming breath and stood up to exit the bus..

I looked around as I was leaving and noticed... 'Why are they all still staring at me like that'

As I rushed out of the bus, I shouted "Thanks Sir!!".

As I took off trying to make it to the work site on time. Running as if not only my life depended on it..

..I heard the old man again "Don't thank us Cory..."