
The flashs twin

Killian is Barry's twin.

yanhuk · Fantasy
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3 Chs


To say that mother and father where the dotting type of parents was an understatement. Right now I'm on the carpet with barry and mom and she is trying to coax us to say mama.She and dad had a bet on who's name that we would say first.If we said moms first she could get a new purse.If dad was first than he could get a new grill.Me being me I couldn't choose what to say.I am waiting for dad because earlier today I new what I was going to say.

As soon as dad entered the living room I turned towards barry and said in a very childish voice,"barrybarry...barry!!"barry turned toward me and said in the cutest voice ever,"illian,illianillian!!"Then we both wobbled to each other and hugged.The look on their faces kept switching from betrayed to what looked to a cuteness overload.

5 year time skip brought to by captin hook😉

I have now been labeled as a genius,see in my past life I had have a above average iq.Now with a edict memory I am a genius.My parents noticing how smart I was and how I would always have a book in my hands decided to go get me checked and low and behold I was marked with the highest iq ever.With that at the age of 5 I am already taking third grade online of course I am almost done with the last year and after that we will see what high-school  think of a 10 year old doing their courses online.

Right now is Barry's and my birthday party.

We were having fun playing and talking with iris when Tony came and started picking on barry.Iris went to go get our parents when he started to hit barry.I acting on impulse shove him hard with that shove I started to hear a low ringing in my ear.Tony comes at me now and I shove him and then he Flys across the backyard.The ringing became so loud that blood started to come out of my ears.That when I realized that I had unlocked my powers.

You may have been wondering why I haven't been talking about my powers well up til now I have not been able to access them.Trust me I have tried thousands of time but every time it came out as a failure.

Til now.I now know that even pushing someone in a violent way is where the line is drown.At least at my age now.

By the time that Tony had fallen to the ground that parents were running outside to our sides.Though I couldn't hear them from being disoriented by the ringing that is still on loud in my head. Blood still flowing out of my ears.Iris must have said that he was just picking on Barry because they first checked on Barry,until realizing that he was pointing on my direction. Tony was steal mad a decided that even if our parents were here he had to hit me one last time....what an idoit.But he ran up to me and shoved me making my head hit the concrete with one last scream from me I fell unconscious.

The parents were in the house bragging about their kids and talking about their jobs,when iris came rushing in and told them that Tony was bullying Barry.All of the parents came rushing out and immediately went to see if Barry was okay.They soon realized that he was pointing somewhere when they looked they became extremely worried at what they Killiam standing there looking disoriented with blood flowing out of his ears.They took one step towards their son before Tony pushed their son making him hit the concrete and pass out,but not before letting out a scream of pain.They immediately go running to Killian and take him to the hospital.

When they were there the doctor told them that everything would be okay and that the x-rays came out showing that no surgery would be needed.Then they left not before telling them that he wood be slightly deaf in both ears and that they couldn't fix that.Once Killian had woken up they immediately left the hospital.

Killian was told that nothing had been damaged,and that he would be slightly deaf in both ears.

5 year skip

This did not stop Killian within  year he was taking high-school courses.For the next two he was taking high-school courses.

Killian had not forgotten about what was going to happen with his mother.He knows that she needs to die,but he doesn't want her to die.So for the next year he spent as much time as he could with his mother.Even going so far as cooking and cleaning with Nora.He would even drag along barry with him.Barry may not know why but he will cherish these moments when he gets older.

Now on to my powers.With 5 years passing by and studies I have also been practicing my powers.First I tried telekinesis and started moving small things at first I could only hover it for a few seconds then that started to hold longer and longer til eventually I could do more then just hover.Then I started on bigger and bigger objects.I can now lift a big boulder.

After that I stopped to try  chronokinesis

to practice I would use telekinesis to throw objects in the air then try to slow it on the way up and down.At first I wasn't that successful but four more tries and it was working .Like when I was trying telekinesis I was constantly making the objects bigger when I was slowing things down I even tried it on Barry when he trip over his own feet.He just stopped mid-air I then let him fall.I then repeadly practice on these two for the past five years.I now feel that I have almost mastered these powers.

But during these past years I have been "sleep walking" more.Though I know it's my teleportation powers coming out.It only started a few moths ago and I know what it is.Hopefully I can get better control so I don't start showing up in a different house or maybe something even worse the ocean.

Later that night Barry and I stay up just talking about random things, and what I mean by that is Barry talking forever about how much he loves iris.

Though I don't want to hurt his feeling bur he needs more guts.I know that he is going to end up with her but seeing the pain he had to go through just to get her. That wouldn't have happened if he just said "Iris I love you" seriously  huh and I thought hurls were hard.

Hello thank you for reading.This chapter is not my favorite but the action is coming soon.Hope you have a good day or night.