
The flashs twin

Killian is Barry's twin.

yanhuk · Fantasy
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3 Chs

ending to begin

In what could only be deemed as a void of infinite darkness.Their through strained eyes a silhouette could be seen floating in what seemed to be the middle.Like a glass shattering the silence a small gasp could be heard.The motionless silhouette started flapping around making noise that could only be compared to a dying hyena.

As soon as a woke up I  knew that something wasn't right,as I looked around everything was dark.The first thought that raised in my head was that I had gotten kidnapped.With that thought raising in my head I started to thrash and scream in a very unmanly manner,but as soon as I took a second to actually think about what happened to me through,I through that thought out.

I am just a normal person living in the big apple,when I had first entered the city I was at the ripe age of 18 and very ambitious.I had come to the city to excute my dreams of becoming a doctor.I know pretty basic dream.I had always had a dream that one day I could help people,so I packed up and moved to New York City after I was accepted into college.Many might say that my age was too young many of my fellow classmates did.But I would not give up on my dream,and I would and did give it my all.

You might be wondering about my parents.

Well being totally honest I don't know where there,who they are,or where they could possibly be.From the young age of  2 years old I have been without parents in a old orphanage.While other kids would play around in the backyard I was reading any book I could get my hands on,and while the kids would cause trouble for the workers and questioning why they were left here.I would help the ladies from cleaning to cooking to even as I got older send them money from my jobs.But as we all know as I reached the age of 18 I had to leave,and their came my entrance to the big city.

Finally after just finishing medical school I started moving up and my dreams were coming true.You see though the rest of my classmates got residency it seems that hospitals did not want someone that was only 21 with no experience.I was fine with that but it is still weird.I may not have been the best but you could say one of the best of the year.So I had to go and do small jobs like working in a shop and fast food place to pay off my debt.

It felt like my head was going to explode.

Finally when the pain subsided memories filled my head.I was at my small one room apartment ,when their was a knock on the door.I looked through the peep hole to mr.kiad the business man that I had seen a week ago about working in their medicinefield that they had.I opened the door slowly with a questioning face.As I oped my mouth to ask two burly man came In to my apartment holding me down against the wall.

Mr.kiad started talking in a monotone voice like I wasn't getting held against the wall right now,"I would like for you to give me all of the experiments that we let you do, I will even trade your experiments for your life,"He said the last part in a voice that seemed as if he was actually giving me a deal and  not threatening my life.As I was about to refuse I thought it over,if I give  it to mr.kaid then I could survive past tonight and at least I'll see my experiments are helping  people.I opened my mouth and the words came out muffled,"there in my bedside table,"I said this and they started to release me.

I let out a small sound of relief,but as soon as I looked up I saw mr.kaid pointing a gun at me and the only thing that went through my head was that I should've stayed quite.

With those memories coming in my head I finally realized where I was or more along the lines of what I was.I was dead.

I started thinking is this were you go after you die.Just stay in a infinite void.Then I heard the most comforting voice ever.

"Mortal I have seen what you have been through and feel pity for you,so I will help you have a better life starting with where you want to go,who you will be,and then you will have four wishes!" He said in a loud voice.Then I say him right i.fromt of me he looked to glowing"are you god!"I exclaimed.

He laughs a gut filled laugh,"yes I am god,

Could you speed this process a little please" He said kindly.Than I realized what he had said I may not have been someone who watched a lot of TV but I did watch the flash one of my favorite shows.

I started to get a little shy with taking so much time.I mean God is giving me a chance at a better life I should be thanking him.So I said in a quite voice,"thank you,I would like it if I could be in the arrowverse,I would like to be flashes twin brother...."I paused to look up at hime to see if this was fine with him,I than see him look at me and shake his head to tell me the go on,"....for the second wish I would like to have all of the powers of the tomorrow people,second I would like to always have the tomorrow peoples poweres,and fourth I would like to have the same powers  as the flash I want to get my powers two years before my brother gets his."I look up to God to see if that is okay.He start speaking in his loud voice,"This is acceptable but there are a few things I must tell you,first you will have the same flaw of not being to kill anyone but I will lower it so your less likely to passout,secondly your powers like will take time to fully be able to use them...Thirdly you will have to let Nora your mother die you can change things but not something that big.With that being said go and enjoy your new life Killian!,"Then everything turned black.