
The flash twin brother with a system

My flash story following the TV show The Flash and going to add my own parts to the story.

The_forgotten_ones · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 16 Caitlin Story

Bart heard a 'DING' sound.

Mission: Help Caitlin Snow in dealing with her crush's 'death'

Reward:? , Restoration of the System (5/50)

Failure: Degradation of Speed Force and 'One with the Power'

Bart: " Isn't the system offline? Why did a new mission appear all of a sudden? " Bart had so many questions going on in his mind, was confused himself, and did not understand the situation fully. Bart looked closely at the reward of the mission given and said, " Restoration of the System? Why is there a (5/50)? Does it mean that there are 50 parts of the system to be fixed? "

His questions were answered partially when he heard ' S@*tem ... D@m@ged ... N33D R1PAIR903! `` Bart almost couldn't make what the system was trying to say, though, " So the system is damaged and it needs repairing. So I will need to acquire all of the 50 parts to do so. "


Bart asked Cisco, "Cisco, can I ask you something?". Cisco replied, " Yeah, sure Bart. You can ask me anything." Bart said, " Why does Caitlin look a bit ...Guarded and gloomy?" while he watched Caitlin doing her things alone in a corner.

Cisco said, "Erhm" while he turned his gaze towards Caitlin too. He continued, "Something happened to her. " Bart said, " Something bad? Was it during the particle accelerator explosion? ". Cisco said, " It is not really the matter that I can talk about, Bart ." Bart looked at him kindly and said, " Maybe I can help? Come on ... Give me a chance, Cisco. " Cisco was thinking about it and was slightly inclined to tell him what happened to help Caitlin, who he sees every day being sad and depressed, but decided not to take the risk.

However, before Cisco denied the help from Bart, Bart said, "If you do tell me, I will give you a tour around my Stark Industries company and give you a limited edition smartphone, AIM 69, made from Stark Industries company. How about it?". Cisco heard the offer, thought "AIM 69? There are only 50 phones of that design and it has its own built-in AI, costing millions of dollars for one." and quickly accepted it as he was afraid that Bart was going to retract the offer.

Cisco whispered to Bart, "Caitlin looked like this because of the death of her crush, Ronnie Raymond ... My best friend too. It was during the particle accelerator explosion. "

Recalling the incident ...


FLASHBACK to before the particle accelerator explosion

Caitlin: I know it's a long flight, Ronnie, but ... we can binge-watch Orange is The New Black.

Ronnie: " Oh okay. How about Italy? Pizza, wine and more pizza"

Caitlin giggled, said " Yes. But Italy doesn't have mai tais. AND a honeymoon isn't a honeymoon without mai tais. "

Cisco: " Dr. Wells, the accelerator is primed and ready for particle injection. "

Caitlin, Ronnie, and Dr. Wells look at each other, smiling and celebrating the success. Dr. Wells then placed his palm on the scanner, activating the particle accelerator, and told everyone in the room, " Ladies and gentlemen, we did it. " Everyone clapped in the room and Caitlin and Ronnie kissed each other on the lips. After the kiss, Ronnie said to Caitlin, " Mai tais, it is."


Cisco: "Was that ..."

Ronnie: " A loud bang! ". They went to the control center and tried to find out what happened.

Harrison Wells: " The system is collapsing. We need to shut it down."

Cisco: " We can't ramp down the accelerator from here. "

Harrison Wells: "We need to do it manually! GO!" Ronnie volunteered, "I'll come with." after seeing Cisco going to ramp down the accelerator.

Caitlin said to Ronnie who was about to go, "Ronnie, No." Ronnie told her, " I'm the lead engineer. I know how to operate the shutdown valve. "

Caitlin: " It's not safe."

Ronnie: " Cait, I have to go. " before leaving her in the control center.

After a while and the loud banging sounds were still produced, Caitlin ran towards Cisco and said, " Where's Ronnie? Cisco, where is he? " Cisco replied, " He's still inside" while pointing at a locked door.

Caitlin: " What? Open the door!"

Cisco: " I can't. We're in lockdown mode. "

Caitlin: " Cisco, we have to get him out of there or he'll die."

Out of a sudden, " Cisco, can you hear me? " coming out from the walkie-talkie, which was held by Cisco. Caitlin took the device and said, "Ronnie, it's me! " Rumble sounds were heard and the STAR Labs was shaking.

Ronnie: "Caitlin.... "

Caitlin: " There has to be another way out of there. You have to find it."

Ronnie: " Cait, the chain reaction, I can't reverse it. The door needs to stay shut to protect you." The rumble got louder as well as the trembling got worse.

Ronnie: "Are you still there?"

Caitlin: " I'm here." The energy wave surged out of the particle accelerator and was moving in great velocity towards Ronnie.

Ronnie: " Caitlin. whatever happens..." BOOOMMM.

Caitlin: " RONNIE? RONNIE? " It was absolute silence and tears were forming and were dripping down the face of the fair lady. Life will never be the same for her without her crush...

Author notes

Can you guys help me think of all Flash enemies so I can research them and somehow put it into the novel and just maybe make Marvel into this after fixing sometime or somehow make it happen lastly do you want harem. If so who do you want to be in the harem.




To turn an obstacle to one's advantage is a great step towards victory.

French Proverb

Sorry for not posting for like two months I think. I read a lot of novels from here so I get distracted from uploading and I'm in high school still sorry.