
The First Supernatural (Twilight Fanfiction)

Gi'kali, a normal guy who lived a normal life, yet he loved to fight and sought a world where he can find worthy adversaries. Now follow him as he is reincarnated into the world of Twilight as he starts his amazing journey. However, there were two good things about this and one horrible thing. The two good things were that he was a Unique Werebear, and the other one was that he had three wishes that he used so he could become an ultimate being in this cruel world. But whether it was a bad thing or not, he was accidentally thrown too far into the past as he's now stuck in the year 10,000 BC. Follow Gi'kali as he meets ancient beings and fights them to become stronger until the main storyline begins. (Hello, just wanted to say this is my first time writing a story/fanfiction, so I'm pretty excited but nervous as well. And just a fair warning, this will be my twist to Twilight. It will contain many elements that you wouldn't see in the book or series. Like kingdom building and stuff. Since I"m back from my long absence, I've decided to change this a bit just so some people don't get confused later on. This story will be a slightly slower pace type of story, but sometimes it will either have big or small-time jumps. You have been warned. During his time, he's set upon a journey to find new places, ancient civilizations, legendary beasts, undiscovered races, and more. All the while passing through the various time periods such as the Iron Age, Golden Age, and more. If you guys don't have anything to read, do give my story a try but don't expect it to have good story development and stuff because I'm new, and also because I'm writing this for fun. For the cover, if the owner wishes I put it down, please just message me and I'll do so, URL for cover: https://www.pinterest.nz/pin/395964992239110665/ Also, please expect some grammar errors because English isn't my first language. And last but not least, I do not own any characters of Twilight or its main story n stuff, but I do own my characters and plot. Anyway, hopefully, you will like my story and happy reading! Peace!)

Mike_Cockaka · History
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9 Chs

I'm Sorry For Being Away.

Hello guys... First of all, I'm sorry for being away for so long. And I'm also very sorry for letting y'all down like that.

My excuse is that my life had not been so good for the time when I was gone, and a lot of things happened to me which caused me to be absent. And I truly apologize.

However, since I've fixed those problems I'm back now, and I know you will all want more chapters. But I also need time to prepare my chapters in advance because I need to do a lot of brainstorming about my story again since I left it. It's been a long time since I've come back and my mind is still not in the right state to write but I'll try.

I'm not sure how long I'll need because I've been gone for a long time but just know that I'm back and working on it.

Hopefully, you understand. And I'm sorry once again. 🙌