
the first step is the will

Is an easy life really better than one filled with hardships? Is there a determined path or can I become something that I myself desire?

DaoistCpDMGE · Fantasy
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28 Chs



This is a short and definitive answer that will not change too soon.

Her brows furrowed and her eyes narrowed, my breath drew thin my veins bulging, and my skin burning, I already was feeling like someone was shining me alive but this was only the start.

In the next I don't know what time I was skinned alive, burned, impaled, basically tortured so I would give away my body willingly, my screams echoed through the small space that my mind was and my throat that was continuously healed was hoarse, and broken yet again.

After all this torture, however, I still didn't budge and looked my tormentor in the eyes with a calm and composed look, even tho my mouth, nose, and eyes were leaking blood and my ears were effectively rendered useless, I still calmly looked her in the eyes.

{What is this amount of willpower? Is it even possible to find someone like this in these remote parts of the explored realities? Such torture would ve rendered any being on this planet dead in a maximum of 1 hour however this guy endured 1 year of such torture, this is simply ungodly.

How can such blasphemy exist here??!}

The woman tried to compose herself however her hand was shaking and her eyes were trembling, she was once someone that ruled over countless kingdoms and such remote universes couldn't even enter her eyes but now she found herself some hope to regain all that was lost.

<You....what is your name>

She asked those words as she healed my whole body, I got up to my feet and looked at her, did this woman finally decide to kill me? Why bother asking for my name then?

<my name is Kyan>

She looked at me with hopeful and somehow.....happy?eyes as she spoke

<I see our previous conversation was a bit forced so I will start again>

She said those words as she got to her feet and drew her hair behind

<It is our first time greeting each other so I will start, my name is Zitnjia pleased to meet you>

She presented herself with a wide smile on her face that held a beastly beauty worthy of a special existence.

<You may not know me since I came here from a faraway place however I know you very deeply since you got into this city and I noticed your thirst and desire for knowledge and that made me curious.

What makes a person so adamant about knowing so much?

What is your driving? What are your end goals???>

She looked at me with her eyes wide open as if I would disappear if she blinked or if she focused on something else.

I also began trembling a bit, since I knew, I knew that this woman could prove useful.

A very useful tool that will help me towards my path.


I said that word as my eyes looked even deeper into hers

<Would you believe me if I told you that life looks dull?>

<I wish to do something that will make my boring life a bit less boring, something that will fill this hollow hole>

I said as I pointed to my chest.

She lowered her eyes and as if she could see the metaphorical hole she nodded with a small smile stretching on her smile that was widening again as I worked out what my soul felt.

<I wish to know more, I wish to have more awareness about everything>

<I always feel so small and confined, I wish to have more, more.....more....more>

I continued to repeat like a broken record, seemingly unaware of my surroundings as I tried my best to find my answer as the word just wasn't coming