
the first step is the will

Is an easy life really better than one filled with hardships? Is there a determined path or can I become something that I myself desire?

DaoistCpDMGE · Fantasy
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28 Chs


When my vision came back I could see "my body".

My eyes widened and my throat became like a desert, I tried to swallow but, as I could barely breathe, I failed.

The mutilated piece of flesh in front of me had human form, and that's all.

It was disfigured like someone put a clay doll next to a campfire and watched as its figure deformed only to take it and try to stick it back using their bare hands.

Since it was so disfigured I could barely perceive that it had 3 fingers on one hand and the other had its fingers all cut and then glued back using some sort of transparent, plastic-like glue.

This walking corpse was "me".

I knew it because of the newly regained memories that got back in my head.

Everything was pushed in my head with such force that I got dizzy for a good minute.

Like the images and sounds carried all the anger and resentment, sadness and grief.

The moment I realized who I was, why everything is like this.

My legs couldn't keep me straight as I kneeled, my hands clutching my face as I started screaming.

Horrific howls reverberated inside my own mind so loud that even the hallucination paused for a bit to reconstruct the images.

My own fingers started digging into my skin, almost touching bone as my other hand was busy scratching my eyes, effectively blinding me.

For a person to have the determination to gauge his own eyes out of despair.

One would wonder: What did he see for such drastic actions to be taken??!

It appears I had reincarnated for 10 lives while keeping my own memories.

Such a thing is something I would've laughed at if someone told me but seeing those memories caused my whole being to shake.

My first life was a lucky one, I had some opportunities and managed to get an inheritance and was able to cultivate then got curious and started memorizing every piece of knowledge on the planet in search of bettering myself and finding my path.

Everything was relatively peaceful until I meet him.

The man who broke record after record, rose in power faster and faster until it caught up to me and surpassed everything I have done.

The arrogance in his eyes as he beat and beat me in every aspect I was confident in.

The pride he took by stomping on my head as he defeated me completely.

Was that all? Defeated me and that's it?


He took everything I had, my family, my friends, and even the woman whom I considered my dearest.

They all turned against me as he manipulated the truth and told life after lie to make my life as miserable as possible.

Of course, this much wasn't able to break my mind as I had the will and determination to persevere.

But when I thought I had a break I saw him killing my mother after she refused to hate and ostracise me saying that she helped me in whatever lies he invented.

He killed the being who stood on my side after everyone hated me after everyone wished for my fall and cursed my being.