
The first star in my sky

The story of my first love, who I think I can never forget.

BTSArmypro · Teen
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The first star in my sky

It's been years but I still haven't forgotten about my first crush.

My first crush was my classmate and one of my best friend.

I still remember clearly, the day when I first met him...

When I first met him it was a boring first day of 5th grade and none of my friends were even present that day. At that time I thought "how can bad can today's day be, I should have just stayed at home today. I can't believe the vacation ended so fast.".

Right after I said that he entered the class, He didn't seem special at first sight, since he was new and I am a nice person, I decided to make friends with him.

I went to him and said, " Hi, Nice to meet you I am the class monitor if you need help with anything you can just ask me." Then he replied like how any normal human would, he said " ok thanks".

Then I thought "okay, good person task done. Let's go talk to the others now."

I then went and began to talk to all my classmates.

After some time the bell rang, And it was time for PE class.

Since it was the first day of school we were allowed to play any sport we want.

Since I like tennis a lot I just went and joined the boys from my class to play tennis.

Unexpectedly even he liked tennis, so he joined us as well.

He didn't have any partner to play with so I asked him " Do you wanna play with me?"

Then he said, " Yeah, sure".

We then played and actually got closer like friends but still, we hadn't reached the best friend stage yet.

Few more weeks had passed and we both became closer.

That's when my best friend asked me if I liked him.

Like any other girl would say, I told her "No way!!! We are just friends."

Then my friend gave out a sigh and told " Yeah you totally like him."

Like that we both kept teasing each other and afterwards went to the cafeteria to have lunch.

When I sat down and began to eat my lunch, as usual, he came and sat next to me. But suddenly when I saw him, My heartbeat's pace suddenly increased and I began to fiddle with an end of my skirt. I didn't know what was wrong with me and I thought I was about to get heart disease. I began to panic.

Then when I reached home I searched my symptoms like an idiot. After searching it up all I got was about having a crush. But still did not believe or I think accept the fact I had a crush on him but instead thought google was wrong.

Soon days had drifted swiftly and for some reason, as each day passed he kept looking even better day by day. I am not lying, I even went and asked him if did any skin treatment.

Half the year passed that way and finally, I accepted that I liked him.

Then for the first time began to approach him not as a friend but as my crush, but still didn't have enough courage to even tell him that I like him.

But the next day He came to me and asked if I like anyone.

I suddenly began to get nervous at that moment, my heart began to beat as if it wants to pop out from my body, my hands began to shiver and screamed in a loud voice "NO!!"

Then he said "okay, But why are you shouting"

I just looked down because I was shy.

Then He said, "Okay bye, I have some work to finish."

After those few days, he didn't speak to me or even wave at me.

Then I decided that I have to go ask him why he was ignoring me.

When I went to meet him I saw him standing in the corridor of the school hall and a girl confessed to him.

And unexpectedly he agreed and told her that he liked her too.

When everyone in the audience was cheering for them.

I was heartbroken and was almost about to break into tears in the middle of the hall.

To control my emotions immediately ran away from there and hugged my best friend.

She was puzzled and she asked me " What happened did someone hurt you?"

Then I just shook my head from side to side telling her 'no'.

Then I told her the full story, then she said " you silly girl " and hugged me back.

After a few more days of heartbreak, I decided to stop liking him anymore. But still, my heart would hurt every time I saw him with his girlfriend. So I kept a distance from him.

After five years of hard work to get over my one-sided crush.

He even broke up with his girlfriend and again began to become close to me.

And then on graduation day he came to me and said, "I like you".

But instead of happy, I was mad at him. All this while when I waited for him and then when I decided to give up, he came to me and said "I like you".

Then I bought up my courage and said "If you would have told this to me five years back, I think I would have agreed but now I am sorry but I don't like you anymore."

He was shocked by my answer and said in disappointment "I understand, I am sorry. But can we at least go back to being friends like before?"

I then replied, " You are my friend, and will always be."

And then we parted ways and never got in touch again.

I really wonder how he is doing now?

What is he doing right now?

Does he still remember me?

Even though he still in my memory and I still am curious about him.

But I don't regret my answer. Even if I could go back, My answer will still be a No.

That's how my first crush ended and now the only person I love and like is myself.