
The First Friend of God

A Teenage Boy Plucked from Existence by the Only Son of Chaos The boy was just like your Average Otaku wanting nothing more than to go to different Fictional Worlds, Read as he Gets his Chance. This is Wish-Fulfilment, Sorry I know not many Enjoy it This is also just something to pass the time for me. Most of the Worlds the OC goes to will follow the Cannon plot at least mostly however there will be his own challenges and adventures laced within. There is no instance where the OC will be Reincarnated as the Protagonist of said World. The OC will not carryover anything from previous Universe's after he travels to a new one Not my Original Picture

Venezuela_ · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 9: The Fourth Main Quest

Soren went on about his business after leaving Ning'er and Ziyun in confusion as he had other plans for the rest of the day, The betterment of Glory City.

Soren had a decent plan come into his mind to allow Theoden to enter the city. For Glory City to be introduced to Array Formations once more, He would go on a trip outside the City for a time before returning with Theoden being someone who became Soren's follower and is a master Formation Expert wanting to help the city.

Soren's biggest problem now would be trying to convince his parents to let him leave, "Mother I plan to go on an expedition outside the city for 10 days and return around the same time as Cousin Linjian's exploration group. I am going to head towards the Heavenly Fate Plateau to the south of the Infinite Forest, Please dont stop me I need to see more of the world. If anything happens I can just use Preenoth's Gate to return easily."

Chen Jing looked at her son's determined eyes and sighed before handing him a ring that Soren had made for his parents a few years ago, It allowed Soren to always know if they were in danger at any time because it sensed their remaining soul force and if it dropped below a certain level it would inform Soren immediately. "Ren'er... I'll allow it if you make one of these attached to yourself so that your father and I can know if you encounter any trouble."

Soren smiled and got to work on the ring immediately so that he could still set off later in the day. after finishing his work and using his parent's blood as the recipient of the Rings call if his Soul Force dropped past 5%.

Soren used Preenoth's Gate to travel north of Glory City first as he wanted to take the Page of the Temporal Demon Spirt Book from Kong Ming's fake Tomb in the Ancient Orchid City Ruins.

Before Soren began his exploration of the Tomb under the City Ruins he brought Theoden into the Temporal Demon Spirit Book and gave him countless pages and books on Array Formations so he could become a master in them while Soren explored the tomb.

Entering the Tomb Soren explored until he found the coffin of Kong Ming covered in Inscription patterns and runes, Upon touching the coffin Soren was assaulted by a giant wave of Soul Force and a sliver of Temporal Energy from the missing Page inside. However, Soren having an incredibly dense Soul Force released his power upon the surroundings overcoming the oppression easily.

Opening the coffin he found inside exactly what he expected a Torn Page of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book and a beautiful necklace that helps someone absorb soul force or spiritual energy up to 3 times faster, the Abstruse Gemstone. Soren quickly put away the necklace and torn page as he would wait until he returned home to deal with the objects, his next stop being the vault room of Ancient Orchid City to find the next Demon Spirit he wants to mutate, Shadow Devil.

The Shadow Devil Demon Spirit is the only thing Soren took from the Ancient Orchid City Vault as his cousin is going to arrive there in a few days and he doesn't need anything else. Soren also put away the Spiritual Lamp holding the Shadow Devil and then opened a Preenoth's Gate after making sure his tracks were covered, The gate lead deep into the Infinite Forest where he opened another one subsequently reaching the bottom of the Heavenly Fate Plateau.

Arriving at the Heavenly Fate Plateau made Soren smile as his work was coming full circle, He brought Theoden out of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book as he had finished learning Array Formations and breaking through to the Martial Ancestor Realm. The pair then moved up to the village on top of the Plateau, where they met with the kind Yun Ling and her father who run a food stall.

The Heavenly Fate Plateau while still surviving is nothing like Glory City due to being high up where Demon Beasts never attack them, They also lost almost all of their cultivation techniques due to loss of inheritance from the previous era. Now they only have a few select Body Cultivation Techniques and their strongest village leader is at 1-Star Black Gold or what they call 1-Star Obsidian Glow. The Plateau also suffers from not being able to grow crops due to the poisonous aura the entire ground is saturated with which also makes Purple Caltrop Rocks form in areas where the poison is more concentrated.

Purple Caltrop Rocks house a Poisonous Soul Force that is only released when under extreme amounts of sunlight, The people of the Plateau never learned of this and as such saw the rocks as useless and even a hazard.

Soren and Theoden meet with Yun Ling a beautiful young girl with blond hair after ordering a bowl of soup from her father she speaks with them "Hey Misters, Are you from this village I have never seen you around before." Yun Ling asks Soren and Theoden after serving their food.

Yun Ling got progressively more and more astounded the more she listened to Soren speak of his home. "I am Chen Soren and with me is Theoden Royal, No we are from a massive city in the southern part of the Saint Ancestral Mountain Range, A City with over a million people where no one has problems eating their fill every day, a Place protected by Legend rank Demon Spiritualists. A Place where we fight against the Demon Beast Tides."

Yun Ling was speechless after hearing about Glory City, to the point she didn't even notice Soren begin trading a massive amount of food provisions to the village people, He traded anything they had for a large amount of food to the point he was almost taking losses, however, He didn't mind as it was all a show to get the village to agree to follow him back to Glory City and help out the suffering tribe.

It got to the point that everyone in the village was trading with Soren for food including the son of the Village Leader who was normally a rash and annoying bully, But even he felt fear when looking at Soren and Theoden so he abided and chose to trade with the pair. The next day Soren met with the Village Leader and asked them to move to Glory City, He had already made some preparations for them to move into one of the outskirt compounds of a previously aristocratic family that had died out and his family bought the land of.

It took Soren the rest of the day convincing the Village Leader and most of the Villagers before they agreed to travel back with him, The few hundred people in the Village were all moved to the Compound area after using a lot of Preenoth's Gate scrolls and once they arrived Soren just handed the workload of getting them settled and registered with the City Lord to Uncle Zheng while he requested his parents help Theoden set up an array formation association and begin teaching people about them.

Soren though set out once more with one single goal in mind, Meeting Yu Yan the Spiritual God of Sacred Fire, and the reincarnation of the Deity of Heavenly Fire, Yu Yan. Soren traveled through the Black Swamp to the sealed cave where Yu Yan was healing inside the Black Spring. Soren easily deciphered the runes to enter the cave and find the Black Spring.

Soren broke the sealing runes over the Black Spring and spoke with Yu Yan "Over 10 thousand years have passed and finally another human has found his way here, I am Yu Yan the spiritual god of Sacred Fire, Spiritual Gods are lifeforms that have harnessed the power of laws in this world and are the epitome of the law the embody. Each major world like the one we are in now houses 36 spiritual gods and each of the 72 subsidiary realms will house 1 spiritual god who is the master of the realm. In ancient times the Human race had nearly 1/4 of the Spiritual Gods and beat the demon beasts back into their place at a major cost, many died after their divine spark was extinguished and they fell and others like myself had their Divine Spark broken and needed to wait many thousands of years for it to recover and a new physical body to form."

Soren already knowing most of this knowledge smiled and said "My name is Chen Soren, I am from Glory City the last major stronghold of the Human Race in the current era, lady Yu Yan please follow me I promise to show you a world, unlike anything you had seen before, A world without the threat of Spirit Beasts, a World where Humans once again Rule Supreme."

Yu Yan smiled and sighed and said "Chen Soren If I leave this place 2 peak legend rank Demon Beasts will begin their assault against me as they have been stationed here by the Spiritual God of Ice, Zhu Long the current leader of the Demon Beasts."

Soren Smiled and told her "Lady Yu Yan, Do not worry about them as I have a way to hide you from them, I can also repair the seal around the Black Spring so it appears as if you never left and are still waiting here for your divine spark to recover. All I ask is that you follow me and teach me a bit about the power of laws."

Yu Yan smiled and said, "Are you sure Young Chen Soren, Learning the power of laws is incredibly difficult as your body has to be incredibly strong and you need to be able to sense the power of law, Which even when the power of law was at its peak took the most genius of us over 20 years to begin learning."

Soren just chuckled and replied, "Dont worry my lady, I am confident enough to learn the power of laws quickly, How do I begin sensing them?"

Yu Yan explained to Soren about closing off his senses and looking into the world with himself is the key, however, what she did not expect was for Soren to sit and master all 108 Laws within 4 days to the point she was sure if he chose to do so he could take the position of Spiritual God from any he wanted, it was beyond her how a Human with so much Talent was born. She Sighed and even laughed to herself sensing his power of law grow at an insane speed.

After 12 hours Soren looked up at Yu Yan and said "My Lady, I think I have completed the training... However are there really only 108 laws in the world? I feel like there are far more paths to strength than this... Wait I understand now... This world was made with the Laws as the basis of Power for those of us who broke through to the upper worlds would have an easier time learning the truth... My lady, the power of Laws is just highly advanced runes and inscriptions made by beings of the upper worlds."

Yu Yan was stunned at what she was hearing from Soren 'He has to be some descendant of the World Creator to be able to see this far so quickly.' "Alright Chen Soren how are you going to hide my aura from the Demon beasts outside so we can leave, You have other things you need to do correct?"

Soren smiled and dived deep into the Black Spring absorbing the power of the law on the way down till he reached Yu Yan's true body and brought it into the Life ring. Afterward, Soren repaired the sealing runes and inscriptions on his way out of the cave before using Preenoth's Gate a few times to return home.

Returning home Soren does not immediately speak with his parents and instead teleports into his room to relax for the night and speak with them later, He opens his main quest log with a smile at already completing the next quest.

//[Main Quest 3/10]\\

Spiritual Gods

- Meet a Spiritual God and learn from them the secret behind their Law Energy

- Failure Condition: Death or Not Meeting a Spiritual God before going to the Nether Realm

- Penalty: Not being able to Cultivate Law Energy and having a much harder time cultivating Dao's

- Reward: Harem Protagonist Bullshit ability to get women to agree to a Harem, 25 SP

[Claim] or [Discard]

//[Main Quest 4/10]\\

Nether Realm

- Meeting the Nether Spiritual God and his Daughter

- Failure Condition: Death or moving into the Draconic Ruins Realm before meeting Ming Fei and Xiao Yu

- Penalty: Not being able to join the Divine Feathers Sect

- Reward: Choice of a Primordial Bloodline Demon Spirit, 50 SP