
The First Fox Primordial

This is the first book that I'll be writing and my natal language is not English so please have a Little Bit of patience if you see some errors etc. But you can comment on them and I'll correct them if I see them. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SINOPSIS: Matheus Berlins is a normal man, a normal human who would define himself as someone not very normal, but all you can see about him it's a normal human being??? He is not some kind of human experiment, or has any type of disability, nor is he considered out of place or with mental problems by others... So... Why does he describe himself as an abnormality? Maybe he is saving some kind of secret deep inside his being that nobody except him knows? Could it Be something different? BUT!!!!!!! One day he himself who doesn't understand all the reasons will know the truth. Although first... 'Hmm…? Something feels different? Why do I feel like something is wrong... Or right?' Thought Matheus /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Discord: https://discord.gg/26vkgA7qDH ...

QID_ · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Alice's status

Here you can find the status of Alice in the different chapters of the Story if you don't remember it for quick acces. The newest the chapter were you are the more down the status will be situated in this auxiliar chapter.



NAME: Alice (lvl:0)

RACE: 1-tail fox

AGE: 0

TITLE: [True Primordial(unawakened)] // The three-colored fox // [Unique existence] // [Loved by mana(unawakened MP)] // [Named by the world (sealed)]

HP: 0.5

MP: 50(unawakened)

SP: [2000] 2

Vit: 0.3

Str: 0.1

Int: [100] 0.5

Agt: 0.2


Active: [appraisal]Self-appraisal // Self-healing

Passive: [True cover(locked)] // Enhanced senses // [World's eye(unawakened)] // Fox-exchange // [immortality type1]

Resistance: Curse // [All-divine] // [All-demonic]

Tails: not awakened

