
The First Family

A Brand New single mother family moved into the White House her children are tired living in politics so they will do anything to take there mother out the oval scandalizes twists lurk with the staff in the White House and secrets travel get ready for your new obsession.

admiredorsey · Urban
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Chapter 12: Rags

Ela was shooked. She busted in the window and started fighting Makaila they started fighting. The secret service pulled up and they ran in the apartment and broke them up and they brought Ela outside.

"Oh my gosh she's crazy the first daughter is crazy I was gonna best that slut to the crave I hate her" Makaila said. "I know calm down" Demarcus said. "We will handle it Makaila alright and you Demarcus the White House will pick you up at 9 in the morning you low down bastard" Gabriella said. "That would be your husband" Demarcus said. Gabriella smacks him and walked out.

In the car. "Are you gonna yell at me cuss my out threaten me" Ela said and giggles. "No darling imma kill you. You and your brother once we find him so tell me where is that bastard" Melissa said. "I'm not snitching out on my brother" Ela said. "Hey one of you secret service agents can I use one of y'all guns so I can shoot this *****" Melissa said. "Wow you just won the worst mother of the year award congrats" Ela said. "And you won the slutty whore reward" Melissa said. "Well I got it from my mother" Ela said. "Oh darling there's a difference between a slut and a whore a slut is not classy wants the d all the time has a fishy kitty cat and a whore is a professional version of a slut more rich classy. Now where is your brother darling" Melissa said. "I'm not telling you" Ela said. "Hum alright" Melissa said.

Melissa started attacking Ela in the car and she was choking her out a agent broke them.

"Aww darling I'm sorry I went south on you" Melissa said. "How evil can you be to hurt your own daughter" Ela said. "I don't give a **** about you. You were a accident darling nothing but one now where is" Melissa said. "He's at the Vice Presidents house with Chase" Ela said. "Driver drive us to the Vice Presidents mansion" Melissa said.

Micheal and Scott went into this underground room Scott has. "Wow what is this place" Micheal said. "A room I built for myself to get away from the world you know now this can be our home"'Scott said. "Yeah I guess it has bugs" Micheal said. "What you never seen a bug before come on we can live here start a family and then weeks later we can get money and go over to Paris and start a family there I have family there" Scott said. "Scott you may be taking this a little too far" Micheal said. "You wanted to come with me" Scott said. "Yeah but" Micheal said. "But what" Scott said. "Nothing" Micheal said. "Well sit down let me make us some dinner I know your starving" Scott said.

Barry drove up to his house he saw Natalie sitting on the porch. He walked over to her. "Hey it's late you know how it gets in this neighborhood late at night" Barry said. "Ruby she came over today" Natalie said. "What did y'all find Carly" Barry said. "Nope she just told us she's in a better place and then Ruby grabbed a gun and shot and killed herself" Natalie said. "What that's crazy did 911 come by" Barry said. "Yeah they took her just why why is all this stuff happening like are we ever gonna get to see Carly again" Natalie said. "I don't know but I will be okay" Barry said.

              A man walked up to them. "Hello" Brandon said. "Hey do we know you" Barry said. "No but your wife does. Hey Natalie do you remember we from the airport when we made love" Brandon said.

(In season one Natalie went to the airplane and they made love to him)

         Barry was shooked.