
The First Elemental

Welcome to the wonderful world of ninja villages, death, child sacrifices, weird eyes, egotistical idiots, and even a bit of political corruption. What more could a heavily tortured and abused superhuman child want? Adrik happened to be said child and was unwillingly sent to this world. Now, he gets to go through the fun process of adapting to a new world and serving a village of assassins that could turn on him at any second. Oh and there's this weird kid with whiskers, because that's possible apparently. So, what will this friendly and peaceful world throw at Adrik? Hell if I know, I'm writing this as I go. ______ this is my first attempt at adapting my own original character to an already existing world. go crazy with whatever you feel is right or wrong, I don't mind. I will listen to any and all feedback, so anything helps. I'm hoping to release a new chapter every week, maybe even two, so yell at me if I don't post one. -Inconsistent Creator

Shoop_The_Mystic · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Toads and Tree Roots

"Hell's savior has appeared. A phoenix no longer, he has risen. The Child of Prophecy and the Child of Hell shall unite the world. The two brothers and the Child of Hell will become a legend surpassing everything before them."

Hiruzen stared at his student in thought. Just this morning, Jiraiya, the toad sage, arrived with news from the world of the summons. The grand elder toad, Gamamaru, told the man of what he foresaw. As of now, Jiraiya and his teacher were still trying to understand the toad's words.

"'The Child of Prophecy and the Child of Hell'... We already have an idea of the first, but I haven't met anyone who could fit the description of the latter. I would think a 'Child of Hell' would be akin to a demon, or something similar. As far as the world knows, demons describe creatures of great power and intelligence who become living incarnations of disasters. It wouldn't happen to refer to a Tailed Beast, would it?"

Jiraiya shook his head.

"No, I don't think the old toad would refer to a Tailed Beast as a child. Either this child is literally a demon, or he is evil enough to earn that title. What confuses me the most is the part about a phoenix. As far as I know, no human or Tailed Beast could match that description."

The two men entered a thoughtful silence. Neither one bothered to glance around, focusing on Jiraiya's report.

"If nothing else, can we confirm that the prophecy isn't a bad omen?"

Jiraiya nodded at Hiruzen, the old man letting out a sigh. He then looked at his student with his most serious gaze.

"Do you believe it is time? He is already a genin, after all."

Jiraiya grew silent.

"... Yeah, I think it's time. I'll get one hell of an ear full when I meet his parents again, but I won't hide anymore. He's gone too long without anyone there for him."

Jiraiya looked up to see his sensei smiling at him.

"As glad as I am that you will be there for him, I believe the past few months haven't been so lonely for Naruto."

At his student's raised eyebrow, Hiruzen continued.

"A boy was brought back to the village just over three months ago. I put him under Kakashi's care until a team opens up a spot, but he seems to have grown very attached to Naruto and his team. They're practically brothers at this point."

Hiruzen chuckled at the memories as Jiraiya smiled. He was glad that Naruto had made such a good friend.

"Sensei... Do you think I should tell him?"

"He already knows of the fox, as I told you, so I assume you mean..."

"Yeah. I don't know if I should be the one to tell him, though."

"It will either be you or Kakashi. While I trust the man, I believe Naruto would appreciate it more coming from his godfather."

Jiraiya looked back down in slight worry. He looked out the office window as he asked one more thing.

"I know Kakashi and I would be entirely willing, but do you think Naruto himself is ready? I mean, such a big revelation coming from a man he barely knows isn't exactly something he'd be happy about."

"Believe me, Jiraiya. He is much more mature than he was when he graduated. I have a feeling his shadow clones have something to do with that."

Jiraiya looked at Hiruzen with an emotionless face at the mention of shadow clones.

"Is there something wrong?"

Jiraiya just shook his head. If the old man couldn't figure it out on his own, he was hopeless. Jiraiya sent glanced towards the stacks of papers on the large desk. The two men looked up as the door opened, showing the Hokage's secretary. She looked like she had seen a ghost.

"L-Lord Hokage, T-Team Seven has returned."

"Ah, right on time. Send them in, please."

Hiruzen's eyes widened as he saw Team 7 enter with one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. Jiraiya had the same expression as his sensei.

"Team Seven here to report that we have completed our mission."


"So now Zabuza and his apprentice are requesting citizenship."

Kakashi finished his report as the Third Hokage sighed. He massaged his head as he could already feel a headache coming.

"Very well. The Hidden Leaf would be glad to welcome two powerful assets to the village. I'd imagine the two of you want to continue your career as ninjas?"

Hiruzen continued after he saw the two in question nod.

"Seeing as you were a missing ninja prior to Team Seven's mission, Zabuza, you will have to go through a probation period of six months. Unless the situation absolutely requires it, you will not partake in any shinobi activity."

Hiruzen turned his gaze towards Haku.

"Young Haku, I believe a probation period of two months will suffice. You were never actually given the rogue status, so you don't have to wait as long. However, I must warn you about your bloodline."

Seeing everyone's attentive expressions, Hiruzen continued.

"There are many on the Village's council who would attempt to force you to restore your clan to gain control of a new bloodline. At first they would merely try to be persuasive, but I know personally that there are a few others who aren't against using...other methods."

The ninjas present had dark expressions on their faces. The implications were very clear to all who heard it.

"For the next two months until you join our forces, the civilian council will have partial control over you. Tread carefully. I will do my best to ensure they don't do anything drastic."

Haku nodded with beads of sweat rolling down her face.

"Now, on a happier note, how should I list your relationship with Zabuza?"

At this, Zabuza stepped forward.

"I request for Haku to be known as my adoptive daughter. We may be master and apprentice, but I'll admit she got to me."

Hiruzen smiled as he saw Haku crash into Zabuza, pulling him into a hug with tears running down her face.

"Very well. Zabuza Momochi and Haku Momochi, I welcome the both of you to the Village Hidden in the Leaves."

Zabuza stood up with his new daughter still holding on to him.

"Now, it is up to you whether you wish to stay here or wait outside. Naruto and Adrik, it seems you will be having two new neighbors as of today."

The two boys grinned at Haku and Zabuza. The father/daughter pair went to sit down on a couch to the side of the room.

"Kakashi, I expect a written report to be on my desk by the end of the week."

Kakashi nodded, pulling his little orange book out and burying his face in it.

"This mainly concerns Naruto, but I would also like the rest of Team Seven to meet my student here."

Before Hiruzen could introduce the man, he went up in a poof of smoke. Now, he was standing on a toad slightly larger than the Hokage's desk, going through strange poses that made him look more like a performer than a ninja. The toad seemed to have second hand embarrassment at being involved in the act as it was scowling while crossing its arms.

"I am the gallant Jiraiya, wooer of women and idol of men! I am the toad sage of Mount Myoboku!"

"You're also the author of those books, right?"

Jiraiya grinned at his work being recognized by Adrik. The man seemed unnaturally proud of something many would consider depraved.

"That I am, young man! Tell me, how would you know of my greatest works of art?"

Another poof of smoke and the toad was gone. Jiraiya was back on the floor and giddily standing in front of Adrik.

"I read over sensei's shoulder sometimes. I couldn't care less about the whole 'porn' part, but you actually write plots and character development pretty well."

Jiraiya held a small grin as he didn't know if he should be offended or proud of how his book was described. Off to the sides, Zabuza and Kakashi looked offended at the first part of what Adrik said.

"How dare you compare such a beautiful creation to mere 'porn'?!"

Adrik winced as the two Jonin sent glares at him.

"Ah, if you don't like the more...intimate side to my writing, then you may enjoy my first book. Not many people actually bought it or even know about it, but I used to know someone who would read it nearly every day."

Jiraiya's eyes held a small hint of nostalgia as he spoke.

"Jiraiya, we're getting a little off topic here."

Hiruzen motioned for his student to hurry along.

"Ah, right. I've decided I will be training Naruto for three hours each day. I was told your team's group training stretches from ten in the morning to two in the afternoon, with missions following that until five. So, from five to eight in the evening, Naruto will be training with me."

At this, Sasuke became irritated at the special treatment Naruto was getting.

"What?! Why would you want to train a dead last loser like him?! You'd be better off training an Uchiha like me!"

"Yeah, Sasuke needs that training more than that idiot Naruto!"

Jiraiya held up his hand to stop Sasuke and his fan girl.

"The reason I'm doing this is classified for all but Naruto, the Hokage, and myself. The only thing I can tell you is that there are some things Naruto will need help with in the future. I won't help a genin who seeks power to destroy. After all, you aren't the one with Kage level Shinobi after you."

Jiraiya ended his speech by grabbing Naruto and disappearing in a cloud of smoke. The rest of the people in the room, besides Hiruzen, were shocked at the last bit of information.

"Lord Hokage... Can you explain what exactly will happen to my student?"

Hiruzen sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day. His student just had to let that slip.

"That information is only for people who need to know. Being his teammates and sensei respectively, I must ask that you stay while Zabuza and Haku wait outside."

The two got up from the couch and left. Hiruzen made his ANBU leave the room as he ran through hand seals. Marks appeared across the room, glowing a faint blue before disappearing.

"This room is now sealed. No one can see, hear, or feel what happens in here. Now, let's start-"

Hiruzen cut himself off as Adrik glanced to his right as if seeing something. The Hokage looked in the same direction but saw nothing.

"Is there something wrong, Adrik?"

Adrik didn't take his eyes off of one location, but still responded.

"Each time I've been in here, I could sense the entire room and the people in it, even those Anbu guys..."

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow. He had already speculated the boy could do that, but neither had brought it up. Hiruzen looked at the location to see small, nearly invisible wisps of black smoke rising. They were of Adrik's doing.

"Lord Hokage... You ordered all of them to leave, right?"

"Yes... Is there a problem?"

Just then, two pitch black chains made of ash wrapped around something invisible. Hiruzen couldn't detect whatever was there, either.

"This one wouldn't happen to be yours, would it?"

Hiruzen ran over to the bound man who had lost control over his jutsu. Taking a good look at the mask, he snarled.

"Sever the head."

The Hokage's voice was cold and demanded all who heard it to obey. In an instant, blood splattered to the floor as the man's head rolled.

Sasuke and Sakura were wide eyed and staring in disgust. Kakashi had put his book away and got into a defensive stance in front of his genin. Kakashi's eye narrowed as he saw the blank Anbu mask, the only features being two eye holes and the letters NE on the forehead.

Before anyone could move, the body vanished, turning into a small pile of ash on the floor. This time, it was not of Adrik's doing.

"Kakashi, send the head to the Torture and Interrogation office immediately. Tell Inoichi it is his top priority to gain the head's memories before it begins to decay."

Hiruzen's order was heard loud and clear. The jonin went up in a poof of smoke after sealing the severed head in a scroll. Hiruzen looked over to Sasuke and Sakura, both slightly shivering from the experience. He noted with a sad feeling that Adrik hadn't even thought twice and didn't seem to even be fazed by the kill.

"Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Adrik. The three of you are not to say a word of anything you heard or saw after I put up the privacy seals."

The three genin nodded silently. The Hokage sighed as he saw Sasuke and Sakura still in a rather bad shape, though Sasuke had nearly completely recovered.

"Is this the first time you have seen something like this, Sakura?"

The girl nodded with a pale face.

"Do well to remember this, Sakura. This happens far more often than you realize. You will see something like this happen a thousand times more than you could count. I suggest you get used to it. Something like this is what Adrik kept the two of you from seeing during the mission."

Hiruzen hated that he had to say something like this to the young girl. He had to hope that this would make her straighten up. She had been living in a world of fantasy until today, and that could get her killed if it remained that way.

"Thank you, Adrik. You will be given the payment of a B-Rank mission for the elimination of an enemy within our walls."

Adrik nodded, glancing worriedly towards his teammates. Even if he didn't like them, they were still comrades. And comrades look out for each other.

"I believe I can put off telling you what I needed for a little while longer. For now, go home and rest. Adrik, stay behind."

Adrik nodded as Hiruzen took down the privacy seals, allowing Sakura and Sasuke to leave. Sakura didn't even attempt to talk to Sasuke, heading straight home instead.

Hiruzen walked back behind his desk with a tired expression. Adrik looked back at the man nervously. The three Anbu came back into the room and took up their previous positions.

"My Anbu already know of this, so do not worry."

Adrik nodded as he glanced at a few locations around the room.

"The reason I ordered that man's death was for something I've been trying to keep you away from. There is one man on the council more powerful than the others. He was my teammate once when we trained under the first and second Hokage, perhaps even a friend at that time. Now, he is an old warmonger who believes that peace is brought about by absolute power. But absolute power has corrupted absolutely. He may have the village's best interests in mind, but he will carry them out in every and any way possible. He is a secretive man who has left no traces of his questionable actions. Danzo Shimura never leaves any records of his involvement behind. I fear we won't gather much from his agent's mind."

Adrik nodded along with narrowed eyes. He was already running through several thoughts as the Hokage spoke. He looked up with wide eyes when the man spoke again.

"You say you can feel your ashes wherever they are, correct?"

The old man smirked with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Yeah. It's like my own version of the shadow clone jutsu. The only difference is there isn't a delay in memory transfer. I'm almost done making it a full field around myself. I think I know where you're going with this..."

Hiruzen chuckled at the boy.

"Well then, you have your orders, unspoken they may be."

Adrik smirked evily and nodded.

"Report back here once every day. Make absolutely sure nothing is seen, heard, or even tasted. Ah, and I believe you have a father and daughter to escort to their home."

Adrik nodded and bowed. He left the room and gently shut the door. Hiruzen looked on with a victorious smirk.

'That boy is truly a miracle...'