
The First Cultivator - Changing Existence

Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am powerful

Han_Jue_Fan · Fantasy
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460 Chs

Changes in the Mortal Dao - 363

Zhou Fan continued to explore the universe, marking down any large areas he came across and their great attractor.

It took him around 30,000 years to explore what he marked as a filament. Before long, he had marked down 5 filaments, and his desire to explore was gradually calming down. 

He decided to take a brief break from exploring and attempt to expand his mortal dao. He had not done so since he broke through, and he felt that he would be able to expand it much farther than before.

Zhou Fan found a random large area and sat down on what resembled a planet. He crossed his legs and connected to his mortal dao. 

He could feel that his mortal dao was big, but it was not nearly big enough. Zhou Fan felt that way even more as he mapped out larger areas of the universe.

His first goal was to cover all three galaxy clusters. With his current strength, he felt that he should be able to easily cover such a large area.

Unsurprisingly, all three galaxy clusters were soon covered. Then, surprisingly, even the entirety of the Zhou supercluster was covered.

Zhou Fan stopped his mortal dao's expansion once it reached that point. Covering any more would be covering pointless space.

Instead, he decided to try to cover the entire purple star sea. 

As he watched it expand, his jaw nearly dropped. Without any issue, the entire purple star sea was covered.

Even Zhou Fan had not expected such a large change. As he had not covered any area in any of the other large areas, he needed to return to the Zhou filament to continue expanding his mortal dao, something that he did not even hesitate to do.

Although he had traveled far, it would not take that long to once again return to the same area. After all, he had not been traveling in a straight line, but instead a spiral that extended outwards.

In his mind, it did not take long to return to the Zhou filament. From there, it did not take long to arrive at the great earth area. This was a place that Zhou Fan had always found interesting.

He put some of his mortal dao inside of it, and it soon expanded to cover the entire great earth area.

Like the Zhou supercluster and the purple star sea, the great attractor in the center of the great earth area did not even react.

Zhou Fan covered the forbidden land and 3 other large areas before he finally felt some pressure and stopped expanding his mortal dao.

Unlike usual, he prevented anything within the 7 large areas from expanding. It would cause too much destruction to allow them to do so. Instead, he planned on personally dealing with such things.

He went back to the Zhou supercluster and felt that having so much empty space between the galaxy clusters was pointless.

As if he was a god, which he essentially was, he instantly put the 3 great attractors under his control, preventing them from affecting anything.

He then spread out the many galaxies around the entire Zhou supercluster. 

Within one galaxy, Ying Xiong and everyone from the cosmic sect felt as if an overwhelming power was covering them and everything around them.

As they looked around, the far away space began to shift and move.

Nearly everyone was panicking inside. Ying Xiong was the only one who was completely calm. He stood with his hands behind his back and sighed.

"You truly are almighty." Ying Xiong mumbled under his breath.

With Zhou Fan's outer world realm power, it only took a thousand years to put everything into place. 

To mortals, many generations would have passed, but to any powerful cultivators, it was as if a single year had passed.

Zhou Fan looked upon the Zhou supercluster. In those thousand years, he had not only moved things around, but allowed many things to expand in size.

The Zhou galaxy had been taken out of the Zhou galaxy cluster and placed in the upper center of the entire supercluster.

It was thousands of times bigger than before, and the planets in it were also thousands of times bigger. 

The Zhou world was now especially huge. As a single planet, it was bigger than any galaxies before Zhou Fan had expanded them.

Even lesser dao creation realm cultivators would struggle to explore it all.

The 3 galaxy clusters had changed as well, but Zhou Fan had not changed their base properties.

The tree-like galaxy cluster, which was once condensed and golden, had spread out far. Its trunk was countless times larger and its branches were no longer confined to a certain area.

Instead, its branches were long and moved around the entire Zhou supercluster.

The silver river galaxy cluster was no longer so small, and its river of galaxies moved around the entire Zhou supercluster.

As for the Zhou galaxy cluster, it still had the same golden spine-like look , but was many times larger.

Altogether, the Zhou supercluster was much more beautiful, similar to a painting. The only issue was that, with so much of the Zhou supercluster being taken up, it was natural that there were large spaces in between galaxies that did not look right.

In order to change that, Zhou Fan would need to create galaxies, something that he did not believe he had the ability to do.

It would be one thing to have the materials to create a galaxy, and another to create one from nothing. He was not nearly strong enough.

The Zhou galaxy was so much bigger than any other that it did not matter if there were galaxies near it.

As he finished designing and expanding the Zhou supercluster, he began to make its space much stronger. He did not know how much more time would pass before someone was capable of breaking through the final layer of space.

He spent a lot of time and Qi strengthening the space, but after nearly 100,000 years, he managed to make the space so strong that only a 3rd level true god would be able to break the final layer without Chaos Qi or immense talent. This was under the expectation that the 3rd level true god was someone with great talent.

Ying Xiong would be able to do it at the second level of the true god realm, but he would need a long time to reach that far.