
New Students

Demon Ridge, currently headed to a secret place.

After the battle with Harveys' father Samson, plus, the situation with Esholyn being kidnapped. The Centaurion Girl Sheara, that Oren had saved earlier, had let the team know that she could feel Esholyns aura in a certain place. She didn't explain much, she just said Her people had a connection to the area.

The team could only trust her, besides Oren had introduced her as a sister while they were traveling, and they trusted His judgement. Right now the team was moving as fast as possible Johnny who was in his light orb was speeding beside Harveys' electrified form. The two were on Orens right, while he was mounted atop of Emera. They were trailing behind Sheara the Centaurion, as she lead the group to the destination. Lastly was Merc who was also carrying Johnnys' father Gerald. Overhead the Thunder Sky Wind Tiger was soaring above keeping an eye on the group.

Gerald was in terrible condition he was back in his human form, his two limbs were still missing and he was unconscious, he had only passed out a little while ago. The team had come to terms with the realization he wasn't going to make it but Johnny still wished to bring Gerald with him. Gerald even offered to give his last bit of energy to transfer his beast soul to Johnny, but He didn't want to take it. Johnny knew it could be transferred in such a way but he didn't want to receive it as a sacrifice, since there was another way.

If Gerald died the beast soul would normally automatically seek out the next of kin whose energy matches the aura of the beasts own element. Unless someone personally trapped it within their Soul Space, or, if it found another more compatible person than the next of kin. Still Johnny figured that Gerald would die peacefully and the beast soul would naturally go to him. It was a Light beast Soul so Johnny could only be chosen out of the group, plus he was the next of kin so the beast soul should therefore seek him.

Johnny was actually still thinking as to what Samson mentioned. Samson said something about Him wielding ancient magic. Samson also said He killed Johnnys' mother, because this same power she also possessed could pose a problem for the Dark Dragon. He had become secretly determined to unlock these hidden capabilities. He was now set on a path of vengeance.

"Oren you can stop apologizing, you've said sorry over a hundred times now. You don't think I understand what happened, were you supposed to allow his treachery! Should i have wished for you to die, or maybe handed over the Dracon Blade in order for him to kill you. I will not say this again.. Johnny, Oren.... That was no father of mine, and Sheara I'm sorry for what happened with the thunder tribe. I will make sure we avenge your people.." Harvey said seriously.

Oren had been apologizing the entire time they traveled. He was terribly sorry for killing Samson. Harvey was his friend, and Oren just lost control. Harvey had dismissed him everytime, Harvey did have some feelings towards the situation but he harbored no hatred for Oren.

The team traveled for a while, They didn't speak much except for Oren's constant repetitions of apologies to Harvey or his occasional sobbing. Everyone had their senses widely spread. Although Oren could sense better and further than them. Naturally they all had there own specialties when it came to sensing certain auras.

Everyone could sense the auras of, and differentiate between, the other types of magic as long as they could recognize the element. Yet, Oren was different, He could sense auras, Yes, but he just learned how to do this. Whereas they have been able to Sense for years, and have recognized most of the known auras of the magical elements. Oren however could sense the magic aura in anything except True Dragons, but he wasn't able to determine a creature or humans specific element. This was because his holy aura recognized all magic as equal to each other but inferior to itself.

"Oren we are almost there as I said before I will enchant you all so we can enter the barrier together, remember this is a sacred place to the Thunder Dragon intruders are not allowed so let me do the talking."

Sheara the Centaurion had suddenly spoke up, everyone else was still distraught. So Sheara was naturally the best person to take charge, not to mention this was her territory. She was also the only one who could lead them to Esholyn.

After moving for a certain amount of time, the group had finally come to a stop. They were now in a enormous clearing. This grassland was large enough to fit a small town comfortably. The area was strange in contrast to the rocky mountain that surrounded it.

The only thing visible was a large stone covered in strange markings. They knew a little about this from their classes, although Esholyn was the expert on these types of things.

Sheara moved to the stone while motioning for the team to surround her she muttered an incantation and the entire group disappeared.....

....They emerged to see a miraculous scene.

They were now standing on a island. It was smaller then the plateau they had just left but it was still huge, on the far side was a massive cave. large enough for a castle to fit in its opening. It was surrounded by an expansive, ultra violent Ocean. The waves could only be described as terrible. This sea was being rocked by powerful storms that covered the ocean with endless upon endless lightning strikes.

Oren suddenly glanced up as if drawn to the lightning in the sky but it wasn't only the lightning Oren was also being pulled by the ocean around him. He realized Immediately this was a hidden space kind of like the scroll his Uncle James had trained him in. This was a place where only two elements could could co exist fused together with holy energy. Unlike the outer world this world is full of these two essences, water and lightning swirling in perfect harmony. Unlike James scroll where the elements were fire and earth.

Oren could control all elements through his holy aura. However He needed a certain level of insight in order to sense the essence in the outside world. Unlike those with normal elemental auras who can more or less use magic as soon as they are born. However in this weird space his affinity with elements was unmatched by any human or beast. When he was in the James' scroll his aura had awoken slightly thanks to James using the holy artifact. After a few days in the scroll his Holy aura had grown to a point where it could sense the elements. Two days after that he had mastered the fire techniques James showed him and even learned some earth magic, by the time he exited the scroll Oren had mastered both!

Oren was now in a trance as the insights of lightning and water came to him it was as if the essence recognized him as their ruler...

When Oren came to He knew that his body had undergone another transformation, as he was once again filled with power, but he wasn't in his fiery form from before. He was instead glowing blue as his skin crackled with lightning energy, yet his locks took the form of pure blue water flowing down his back like a fountain.

However Oren was far stronger now, he could maintain this form at least a few minutes. Oren opened his eyes only to notice he was standing over the ocean. After a few seconds of stupor Oren remembered where he was and the events that lead up to this point. He swept out his senses, in this form his senses couldn't be rivaled. He immediately found what He was looking for.

Psssshhhhh.... A person sized water bubble just appeared at his side.

A the same moment Oren pointed his arm forward, finger outstretched.... The electricity on his body started to rumble.. .....ZZZZzzzzzzNNNNNTTTTTTZZZZ.... A massive beam of lightning poured from his finger tip, splitting the ocean in two. For a moment the seabed was actually visible, that terrifyingly powerful blast was aim directly at that enormous cave.....

...ZZZZZZZzzzzznnnnnnnntttttttZZZZZZZzz... ...Boommmm..... A massive explosion rang out. It was much larger than the fallout from Harvey and Orens energy collision in demon ridge. The power seemed to split space apart as the entire pocket dimension shook from the tremendous energy.

...Swooooooooossshhhhhhhhhhh..... Before the debris settled, a massive wind gust blew the dust towards Oren, who now had 8 Orbs of water beside him. Inside these bubbles his entire squad was floating safely at his side.

He had actually used a secret water technique to teleport them to him. He even teleported Esholyn from the cave she was at in the first bubble he created before he launched his attack on the cave. He could sense Her inside but he also sensed...

"Who dares attack my home?!....." Out from that cave came that massive blue dragon its body was crackling with lightning. It had stopped Orens blast with a blast of its own. It noticed Oren and flew into the air.

...Swish.. Before the Dragon could get a chance to attack... Oren teleported himself appearing right in front of the Blue dragon, launching a mighty fist.. ...Booooooooom.... Oren punched the dragon square in the nose sending that massive creature backwards stumbling a bit. As the massive beast stabilized itself, Oren flew forward.... ....Baaaaaaanggggggg.... This time Oren launched a wild kick at the dragons chest completely toppling the beast sending it falling to the ground ...Boooooom.... The impact created a massive crater as Oren stood in the air over the Dragon.

Oren was super charged he was really going to be able to beat this beast. He went in for the kill, this time aiming the draconite elbow blades on his black armor right at the beasts vitals.....

.....ZZZznntttzzz.... With a flash of lightning the dragon teleported itself behind Orens team causing Oren to stop his assault. They were still in the orbs he created! Oren gathered to keep them at a safe distance, but now they are sitting ducks!

"If you do anything to them I will kill you here and now," Oren yelled. He could do nothing but threaten. His teleport was instant but so was the dragons he wouldn't be able to save them, plus he only had two or so minutes left before his transformation would end.

"Calm down Holy aura user... Oren I believe it was?" The Dragon spoke out, "I have not harmed the girl in anyway. In fact I actually found her quite amusing, how about you stop attacking me and speak to her, besides you only have a few moments left with that power. Not to mention you have not truly mastered the transformation, you have only been overpowered by it. You are far from being able to kill me. I have allowed you to vent your anger. If you lift your hand against me again I will show you true power."

"Nonsense! Get from near them and I will show you how you'll die.." Oren responded.

Right now he felt like a god, he had no reason to believe this dragon could defeat him. However The Dragon knew the transformation wouldn't last. He needed to get the beast to move away from his team in order to ensure their safety. If the Dragon stalled him out they would all be killed.

While Oren was thinking this....

The Dragon roared. "How about this? If you lose to me, you will all stay here as my students as long as I wish but if you beat me.. Well I'll be dead so you'll do as you wish, but before I die I will tell you how to actually get to the sacred mountain."

"Move away from my friends, I will accept your challenge," Oren responded. he was actually puzzled as to how the dragon knew where he was going, but since He was certain he could win plus now he could get information on his destination. This was simply two birds with one stone.

Zzznnnnttzzz....In a flash of lightning the dragon was gone...

....ZZzzzznnnntzzzz.... Another flash and It suddenly appeared over Orens Head... Oren could only raise his arm to block ...Baaaanggggg.... He was sent careening into the sea, causing the sea to split while leaving a monstrous crater in the seafloor, which was quickly swallowed again by the ocean.

The Dragon literally only lifted a finger! He simply plucked Oren out of the sky! This was not a creature humans could contend with!

After a few minutes Orens waters orbs burst. His teammates had all freed themselves safely landing on the sand. They all stood facing the distant blue dragon, all but Esholyn who ran towards the Dragon. Emera rush to try to block her path however Esholyn instantly teleported!... Appearing near the Ocean where Oren had fell.

She paid no mind to the Dragon above, who interestingly enough, just flew back to its cave entrance, watching as Esholyn retrieved Orens body from the sea. She had easily done this by commanding the waves to spit him back out. Thanks to the earthstone her power over the ocean was second to none.

Oren was back in his human form. Esholyn swiftly picked Oren up as the water receded. She knew He was alive because his aura had not dissipated. He was however unconscious. Whaaaackkkkk..... Esholyn palm smacked Oren across the face, letting him fall in the wet sand...

"Hppppfff... serves you right," She pouted as she walked towards the rest of the group.

Oren immediately hopped to his feet, "What was that for?" Oren said, as He stared at them.

The boys just smirked, as Sheara crossed her arms obviously siding with Esholyn.

"Oren!! How dare you attack my teachers home you even go so far as to pick a fight with her. Then you put our lives on the line. Oren I have half the nerve to dump you."

Esholyn cursed Oren out but She was smiling ear to ear the whole time. Oren had actually come for her. He knew the odds were impossible but he came anyway. Her feelings for him had greatly deepened, He even attacked a Dragon on her behalf. What girl wouldn't fall for a man who fought a monster for her?

Oren was confused did he miss something, and what was Esholyn talking about, whos her teacher? He was mainly stuck on her last words. Dump Him, doesn't that mean they're together as a couple?

Oren just stood there, he then looked at the cave opening. The dragon had already went inside. He remembered how the dragon had hit him. Just a little tap and Oren nearly died, he was even knocked out of his transformed state. He suddenly shivered at the might of that monster. If it wanted them dead there would be nothing they could do to stop it.

"Oren get over here," Johnny yelled out. Snapping Him out his daze.

Guys whats going on?" Oren said as He quickly walked over.

"Well its seems not all dragons are evil" Harvey answered him.

He was confused but seeing his friends so relaxed he knew they weren't in danger. He hadn't yet told them he had gotten them imprisoned, he would wait for that.

"Okay Oren as I told them, before you awoke and attacked Lord Melias." Esholyn spoke with a matter of fact tone, but she was still all smiles.

Oren could only listen although he was now even more lost. When did he fall asleep the last thing he remembered. He was walking into the ocean!

"Lord Melias has offered to teach me how to master the earthstone. Under her knowledge I've gained so much insight. Shes also offered to help all of us master our abilities as much as she can." She then winked at Oren before continuing. "We will be here for a few years although it will only be a few months outside. I have already agreed and as my guards you guys can only agree also. Teacher knew that you would fight with her Oren, after, I told her you would come for me. She didn't believe you were brave enough, but she said if you were to challenge her she would train you too, but only if you agreed to stay willingly...."

So thats what it was! Oren didn't even notice he'd been duped.

So how long was I out oren said as he put somethings together then he looked towards the cave. He then looked back at Esholyn so hold on what happened.....

Esholyn went on to explain that the Thunder Dragon Melias had originally intended on trading her To the Black Dragon for The Centaur Queen. However she didn't actually trust Her brother to be fair on their deal so she was going to have him return her to full power before she made the trade. However after arriving here She decided that if they really could stop the black Dragon it would be better for all beings. So she decided to take them in as students and prepare them.

Come to find out, Esholyn knew Oren was going to refuse, so Esholyn told The Dragon Melias to trick Oren by bluffing him into a losing battle. With the bet being he'd agree to stay. The only thing is the two of them didn't plan on Orens transformation, but Oren was in the ocean for several hours before he floated out of the water and attacked the dragon in his transformed state. Which gave Esholyn enough time to inform the team of her plot. Of course they all agreed even Emera was intrigued she was a Venom Dragon Serpent. She was a descendant of The True Venom Dragon. The dragon had the ability to speak to Emera telepathically. She had told Emera somethings about her heritage and promised to help Oren.

After Esholyn Explained the situation She told Oren to go to the cave to talk to the dragon personally...

As He got closer to the massive entrance he realized there was a barrier on the entrance... He stopped right Outside of it.

"Come in," He heard a voice say but it wasn't the loud voice of a dragon it was the voice of a woman.

Oren was now even more frazzled just what was going on here.

"There's a force field here how am I supposed to get in." Oren responded

"Oh silly me" The Womans' voice spoke as the barrier vanished.

Oren then entered the cave.

He was surprised to see... Not a dragon, but an outstandingly beautiful woman. She was draped in a blue gown very similar to Esholyns, except for the powerful lightning energy that danced along the designs. Oren was stunned this woman was was simply mesmerizing.

"What do you want from me?" He wasn't sure how to approach his predicament. He obviously realized this woman was the Dragon and he could no longer sense her aura in his regular state but Her entire being was crackling with lightning energy.

"Oren," She answered, "I am The Lightning Dragon Melias, also known as, Melias The Thundergod, before anything shouldn't you be calling me teacher or master." She smiled as she looked at Oren her blue eyes was brimming with electric energy. She looked like a goddess! A truly magnificent goddess of thunder.

Oren was at a loss he definitely made a deal with this Woman Dragon or whatever. Although she tricked him He was stuck here. He could only accept his fate, but this was a good thing for his team.

He slightly bowed saying, "teacher guide me well."

"That's more like it," The ThunderGod Melias replied.