
A World Unknown.

Somewhere in the Dark Forest, 2 days after the battle in Draxis City.

A team of 6 were moving as fast as they could through the thicket of trees. 4 humans, 2 beasts. They were maintaining a strict formation. If you looked from above it would look like an arrow. In the lead a young man named Harvey took point. His body barely tangible as he moved like a streak of blue lightning.

After Their meeting with the Queen. The Kingdom was made aware of certain matters. Upon hearing of their mission, The kingdom spared no efforts to make sure these youngsters were well off. Whether it be weapons, armor, or magically enhanced items. The kingdom worked tirelessly to make sure this group, the future hope for humanity was fully prepared for the outside world.

Harvey who was the top junior swordsman of the city. Now wielded two lightning blades just like his father, although they were designed specifically for Harvey. Drawing on the energy of the two blades Harvey is now almost fully capable of bringing out the true power of his duel lightning swords. His movement speed was dozens of times faster than when he fought with Oren, If not more!

Behind Him was the Princess Esholyn. Her entire body seemed to be made of water vapor. She looked liked a small cloud trailing Harvey. Esholyn herself was probably gifted the most treasures out of the group. In fact over 75 percent of the items in the Cities Treasury were technically hers anyway.

Tailing Her, a huge Light Sphere was hovering about a foot or two above the ground maintaining its' pace a short distance behind her. This light ball was actually Johnny! He was now using His light magic after receiving a family heirloom he just inherited.

Johnny was gifted an incredibly powerful scepter that acted as a magic amplifier. The scepter actually belonged to His mother. Although Johnny had always been a light mage his essence was weak. For Instance Esholyn was 12 but her light essence level was on par with his and he was 16. His power level has remained stagnant ever since he was young. The funny thing is Johnnys' innate light level was high even as just a baby. As a child His mother who used to be the Queens best friend and was said to be even more powerful then the Queen herself used to train him. She would always tell him that he possessed a great power and by the time he was 10 his ability far surpassed his peers.

However, during that time Johnnys' mother was killed by a spy for the dark dragon. Johnny then had his power secretly sealed by queen Abigail after being told that someone was killing off light mages, telling him that the seal would keep him safe. Nonetheless now that everything was on the line, Johnnys power seal had been removed allowing his light essence to surge. He was now a lot stronger than Esholyn in terms of light magic. Coupled with His mothers scepter not even Oren could compete with Him in magical control. Not to mention He was always an ace caster. It's just that his magic wasn't strong.

Following in the back was none other than Oren.

Orens' innate power was rapidly growing by the second. His uncle James had used a few secret techniques during the time they spent in the scroll. Helping Oren to slightly unlock the holy energy hidden within his body. He then taught Oren the basic things, like how to use his magic senses. He also showed him how to collect magic essence for combat, plus a few other fundamentals. Oren was a fast learner and his innate magical energy far surpassed James expectations. Oren was actually able to achieve magical flight! Which is something most humans could never dream of. Oren and James became increasingly close as uncle and nephew. James loved having a strong nephew to carry on the family name. While Oren was happy knowing that somewhere in the world there was someone who didn't forget about him.

When James was done teaching Oren fire magic. He then told Oren that He was the only fire mage in the world. Vaguely explaining how fire was as earthen essence. Not an element that the dragons used, and thus only he and Oren possessed the ability to use fire magic. He refused to go into detail on why only he could use fire essence. Only telling Oren that He was similar to Him, the difference being that James wasn't born with any magical essence at all. Whereas Orens' magic was hidden within himself.

At the moment Oren was flying in back of the formation. He was making sure to keep his eyes mainly focused on the human members of the group. Through his senses he could feel, Emera and Merc auras respectively, as they were on the left and right of the group keeping pace with the team of youngsters.

The Group had been moving two days straight. Which was nothing compared to them, they could move forward for a week before the least of them would be feeling any fatigue.

They were under strict orders. Get as far away from the City as possible, as fast as they could, and that is exactly what they were doing. They weren't planning to pause for rest anytime soon.

They were actually excited, Orens' uncle had given him a magic map that displayed the continent. Since none of them have ever been beyond the dark forest so seeing the vast landscape projected by the map. They were all extremely eager to venture into the the wild.

8 days later the group arrives in an area near the edge of the Dark Forest.

The group had finally stopped they had set up a resting area, with Esholyn and Oren working together to build an underground bunker. It was fairly well hidden, plus with Emera and Merc above ground guarding the area. The group could rest and recuperate safely

"Okay so whats the plan? we are supposed to pass through something called demon ridge?" Johnny was addressing Oren.

At this point Oren had assumed leader of the group with Harvey as co leader. The Lead was based on experience not strength, Oren had spent more time outside the city than anyone so rightfully he was the best coordinator. While Harvey had actually been in war battles, albeit only to shadow his father he still was the best pick to handle tactics and planning.

Besides most of Oren plans came from Emera!

"We've made it through the forest fairly easily. I did sense a few beasts in the Area but they wont dare attack, although there are some decently high level beasts. I haven't sensed anything that can threaten us." As Oren responded He paused for a second to pull out the map.

When he unraveled it, a miraculous scene sprang forth. The map produced a magnificent hologram of the continent. Everyone was still in awe at this sight. Even though this was their second time seeing the map. They were still shocked to realize that the area that represented the location of the Dark forest was truly like a single droplet to an ocean. They had lived their whole lives in fish bowls.

Oren resumed speaking after a few moments. "Ok so we are here." Oren spoke pointing at a certain location on the map, "and this is were we are going." Oren said pointing at another location. "So look Im not gonna lie to you. Like I said before we left the city, Even at our fastest pace it'll take us about 4 to 5 years to get to where we are going. Then there is always the chance the place doesn't even exist, but we cant turn back now. Johnny's right the next area is known as Demons Ridge."

Oren paused as He had a thought then turned to Harvey smirking then said "Hey do you remember in Geo class, didn't you have to take extra lessons on Demons Ridge' for harassing that girl..." Upon Hearing this Harveys' face turned red.

"Hahahahaha...." At the same time Oren said this Johnny started laughing.

Harvey looked at Oren with a mean face stating. "You know very well that it was Johnny and you who were pulling pranks. I've still yet to get you guys back. I got three weeks of detention over you two...and"

"Whatever man that was never proven. So what' are you gonna tell us about the mountain range or not." Johnny interrupted.

Harvey just ignored him. While continuing. "And... I didn't have to do extra studies on demons ridge. It was on the next region over known as The Chaotic Sea, which is to the east of the ridge." Harvey said this with a matter of fact tone in his voice.

"But if you two weren't always goofing off you would remember that the lesson the day before was a study on the the warbeasts that rule the two areas." He paused smirking back at Oren and Johnny saying. "I actually have a book on the subject." Harvey spoke as he materialized a school book from his storage ring.

"Awe man only Harvey would bring homework with him." Johnny complained. As Harvey started flipping through the pages.

Harvey still ignored Him as He found the page He was looking for.

"Ok so look there isn't much known of the Warbeast that rules the Demon Ridge. It does however say that the Ruler of this ridge is a thunder element beast but not what type. Even then its rumored that it is only a subordinate to another even more terrifying beast. Which is the only reason it hasn't lost its' territory to the Leviathan Lord who is said to be the Master of the chaotic Sea. Still this book hasn't been updated in two years so things might have changed." Harvey kept a stern face, as he finished talking even Johnnys face got serious.

This was no time for jokes. They had all just come to a realization. This is really happening!! They were no longer in there respective comfort zones. They were now cast into a world unknown. As far as they knew the Dark Dragon, the warbeasts, and the ancient monsters were all terrifying Myths or half truths. They studied these things in class but this was a whole different situation. They knew from their studies just how terribly powerful these creatures of legend were said to be. Some were even said to be gods among the continent, and this wasn't even speaking on the almost 'all powerful' Black Dragon that wasn't even supposed to be real as far as they thought.

Now they thought, If the Dark Dragon is real then the countless legendary beast from the story books may be real too. This idea made them slightly shudder.

"Okay so what, with Oren with us who cares about a few beast am I right. I mean come on what problem is there. Not to mention we all got major powerups, what can we not handle if an incident arises." Johnny spoke trying to bring the team spirit back up.

"Listen guys we can't turn back, when we leave here we move in formation. If we run into trouble I will act first to gauge the enemies strength." Oren spoke giving Johnny a shut up look. He had no intentions of giving false imaginations to his friends, he wasn't immortal or invincible.

He had never left the Dark Forest and He wasn't sure exactly what was out there. That fight with Leo may have been easy because Leo was a weakling. Anyone of them now could have killed Leo if he didn't have those weapons. Even in his beast form.

However those weapons damaged Oren who had never been hurt by anything before. Then He thought about how his uncle used to pound him into the dust over and over while He was training in the scroll. The first sparring session was nothing compared to afterwards when his uncle got serious. Oren still remembered his ribs being cracked during one of the sessions. James made a point, to prove that Oren wasn't as indestructible as Oren thought. A point He beat into Oren continuously....

After Oren was done making the plans on how to move. He let Harvey plan tactics for what to do if a battle broke out. After the preparations were made the team all exited the bunker.

After getting into formation the team of 6 was was again on the move. Headed for the region known as Demon Ridge.

....After the team was gone a figure emerged from the forest....

"That damned Oren brat sensed my presence, I can't attack yet. Not while I'm still being tracked by that bastard, but my master knows the beast of the ridge. Ill see if I can get him to pull a few strings. Afterwards Ill take care of that damned wolf."

....Flash.... That mysterious person suddenly vanished.