
Born of the flames

Once's upon a time in a far away land there was a girl name Asuna . She had a mom and a dad but when she was 7 both of her parents die.She got adopted by a King that control all and his name is Kie Yuki(the most powerful fire dragon).King yuki was powerful but not as powerful as the girl he is about to adopt. Asuna was given power by King yuki but he never imagine that she could get this powerful.She is now 17 year old and living in the human world because she is was sent here to protect the little dragons that was in the human world living with human as there mom and dad. There are also evils monster trying to take the power from those little dragons because they don't know how to use their power so it was easy for the chukakabara (evil monsters)to trick them and give them make one of their dreams to come true but not for long as soon as the chukakakbara get the power from the little dragons they will take away the wish that they granted and the little dragons will not have power anymore.