
The Three Teams

After all of Airon's friends arrived they decided to come up with a plan. The plan consisted of how to defeat the demons and recruit more human warriors. Dar would lead a team of at least five people on supply raids, Ethan was in charge of a group to design and develop traps, And Airon would lead a separate team to gather more teammates.

The first raid that D'Artangan led was for food and water as well as weapons the first store they raided was a Walmart that way they could get non-perishable foods and bottled water. There were also bows and guns and ammo. The first trap that Ethan's group made used gasoline and a lighter. The way the trap worked was when a demon stepped on a pressure plate, the gasoline would spew up onto the demon and then a lighter would light.

The first rescue mission Airon's group had was at the town market. The demons had managed to trap five people in the back room so Airon's team had to hurry. Arion's team was equipped with a shotgun a .22 and three katanas. The katanas were from Dar's house. When they got there the demons were just about to burst into the backroom but Airon equipped with the shotgun blew off the lead demons head. While his team dealt with the rest of them. When the team got into the back room on of the people back there said to stay back or burn. That was when Airon realized witches were real.

He called out and said, "they were not demons and to please let them come in." The witch responded with "who are you and why are you trying to rescue us." To that Arion replied "My name is Airon and the other four people are my brother Kevin, my trusted friends Matt, Alex and Mason. We are a self-organized rescue party we rescue any humans and apparently witches that haven't succumbed to the demons yet." The witch replied with "What does apparently witches mean." Kevin then says "It means we didn't know witches actually existed, what is your name". "My name is Chloe" replied the witch. "Okay, Chloe why don't you come with us we have shelter, food, water and other assorted supplies, as well as a place you could practice your magic." Finally, Chloe said, " My coworkers and I are coming out."

When the rescue team finally got back they had a meeting and discussed their successes. Another thing they discussed was how long it was gonna take to get enough supplies to last through the winter and when they could start a greenhouse and forge. Airon had invited Chloe to the meeting so she could weigh in. Chloe was about five foot four inches had blond hair and a meek face. As well as burning red eyes marking her as a fire witch.

During their discussion, they decided to send out two more teams to get more supplies. Those two teams were D'Artangan's team and Airon's team they also agreed to take on more teammates if they found any. After the meeting Airon found Chloe practising her fire magic. Airon then procceded to ask her " Do you want to join us on our supply gathering." To which she politely declined.