
The Fifth Key To The Gate

Sha-kai: " I'm tired of this pain. I'm tired of being cursed, I'm tired of being hunted!" Sha-kai: " it's time for our race to fight back, we won't sit back and be killed like animals. It's time to show the heavens that we are here, and we are here to stay." Sha-kai is Young upper class men highschool student, and in a short time, his normal depressed life was turned inside down, founding out that the world he knew was not so, and to make it worst he wasn't human as he thought. A lot of secrets was kept from him and a lot of unfortunate events happened to him during this period. But all he knew is one thing, he will not just stand by and be killed. He and his friends stood up and face both the heavens, and every demon in hell. What will he do about his new life, Tune in and find out what will happen in the long run of the thrilling adventure and decision making of this young boy.

lucimodeus · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 20

Sha-kai Pov:

As we both stood their, we were waiting on the next person to make their move. Both me and Maliki looking at each other keenly and watching each other. I then saw him made a move.

Maliki: " Heaven's Blast!"

He held out his hand and a huge amount of energy started to gather. Before I knew it this huge blast of pure heaven energy was heading straight at me.

Sha-kai: " Shit! Demonic Shield!"

The blast then hit the black energy shield at full force. Immediately it begun to crack. I then teleported out of the shield and appeared behind Maliki but he was expecting that, He immediately slash at my head and I barely dodged it by swinging my body side ways. But he didn't held up, he stopped his sword in mid cut and slash downwards at me. I instinctively protect myself by using my sword and it hit me straight to the ground. Slamming me against it. My body then bounced up back from the force of the impact.

Sha-kai: ( In pain) " Dammit, this guy is really trying to kill me."

Just then I saw him started to dash towards me, I heard him mumbled something.

Maliki: " Time Zone:"

Without waiting I summoned Demonic Shield and poured most of my Magic energy in it. As the black energy shield popped up, that was Maliki before me again.

Sha-kai: " Shit!"

Maliki: " Time Eternity Slash Barrage!"

Just then, it seem as though time had frozen, then started once again. I was teleported out of the demonic shield and was couple of meters away from it to the left. My body was hurt in several places. As I looked, I had over 10 near to critical slashes and blood pouring.

Sha-kai: ( In Pain) " What tha hell! How did that happened. cha-"

Kate: " He froze time."

Sha-kai: " He did what now! "

Kate: " It seems as though he froze time while giving numerous amounts of critical cuts in the moment you were frozen."

Sha-kai: " What!? Is such a ability possible."

Maliki: " Yes indeed. It's called Energy Zone."

I then hit the ground with force and pain. I then started to slowly got up.

Sha-kai: ( In pain) " Energy Zone? First I'm hearing of that."

Maliki: " Really, Energy Zone is a super rare and unique technique an individual can achieve when had exhausted all their power but is high in determination. Which makes them use the natural energy in their surroundings and achieve great power and abilities.

Sha-kai: " I See. So is that what you just used a while ago."

Maliki: " Yes, in the last war against the demons and fallen angels I achieved this power. Now I will kill you with it."

Voice: " Not if I can help it!"

Then a woman appeared before me, in a black and blue dress dress, with battle a mini breast plate, metal arm pads and metal leg pads. Her hair was silver, pale brown skin and wonderful blue eyes.. in her hand held was my katana. Looking at her, I was shocked of this form and wondering what she was doing.

Sha-kai: " Kate.... Since when could you take physical form... no.. no time for that.. What are you doing?"

Kate: " Buying you some time. Now go. Get out of here Sha-kai."

Then she dashed off to the enemy, I couldn't move because my legs were in pain but I could still stand. I watched her fight in desperation to protect me, and I smiled. I then cross my hands little before my chest like an X and got in position. I shot out all three of my wings and boosted all my remaining energy in my attack. My right hand which was in the left direction was bursting with Light energy, which activated White Lightning. And my left hand which was in the right direction was bursting with Dark energy, which activated Black Lightning. With both opposing energy in each hand the chaos in the surrounding made the natural energy go wild in the atmosphere. I then Said out loud.

Sha-kai: " Black and White Devastation!"

I then shoot off at incredible speed once more with both my arms with energy bursting out of control. With insane level of speed, in a blink of an eye I was between Kate and Maliki, I then hit Maliki dead on and was about to end him.

Sha-kai: " This is it! This is the end!"

But to my surprised he was smiling. I then looked down and saw the attack being shielded by his sword.

Maliki: " Time Zone:"

Sha-kai: " Holy Shit."

Kate: " Sha-kai! Get away from him, Now!"

Maliki: " Time Eternity Slash Barrage."

And just like that, time stopped moving and then I was going down with a lot of blood pouring out of me and in incredible pain. As I fall out of the air, I saw Kate fighting him up their with everything she got. While I was falling and just watching as things go down like that. I then started to remember.

Flash Back:

Sha-kai: " Where Is she! Where is Kate!"

Mom: (Crying) " I'm sorry Sha-kai, but She didn't make it."

Sha-kai: " What do you mean she didn't make it!"

Mom: " Kate, her little sister, and both of her parents died in the car accident. The car span over and caught on fire. All of them burned to death. While for some reason you were thrown out of the car in time.."

Sha-kai: "What..."

Mom: " I'm truly sorry Sha-kai." ( While hugging Sha-kai)

End of Flash Back

Sha-kai: "No. Not again. I can't lose her again..... I CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN KATE!"

I then closed my eyes and started to focus. I was working on a new technique where I fuse all my three power types in one, I've never done this before but I started the practice of it back home ever since I started training with my old man.

Sha-kai: " This will be the first time using this technique but its all I have left of remaining energy that I stored away."

I then started to hear my own heart beat. Boom, boom, boom. As I shot open my eyes and release the tremendous amount of energy I have stored away.

Sha-kai: " Activate! Chaos!"

And just like that I disappeared and reappeared between Kate and Maliki. With Kate in my arms and I hitting Maliki Straight down to the ground letting him crash into it. He then started to get up and look at me in aww. My body was bursting with raw and chaotic energy. My skin was a glowing mass of black and white energy, my school shirt was rip open and was glowing as well, it even change in looks. Changing from a regular school shirt into a long cape like shirt with long sleeves and was glowing with black and white energy just like the rest of my cloths and body. My hair was glowing black and my eyes were glowing a bright and sharp cold silver, and finally my three wings went into one, and were huge. they were glowing black with some other colors on some of the feathers glowing different colors of the rainbow.

Maliki: " What the hell is that form and energy. It's the first I'm seeing it."

Sha-kai: " Oh this, it's something new... this form allows me to use my stored up power which I was using to create a new type of energy. Utilizing my Angel, Fallen Angel and Demon energies at once. It boost my power and abilities by x5."

Maliki: " By x5!"

Sha-kai: " Yes, so if you don't mine. I wish to wrap this up quick. It's my first time using it in combat so I don't know how much damage I will do to you."

I then placed Kate down and looked at my hand. I then image a weapon and created one with the raw energy.

Sha-kai: " Chaotic Blade!"

This military knife of raw chaotic energy then burst into life in my hand and I looked at Maliki. All three of us were ready. Ready for round three of this long battle we started.

We all then dashed off towards each other, starting a intense knife and sword battle with Maliki and Kate as my back up. Left, right, upper cut, and twist. My last move Maliki dodged it and kicked me to the side catching Kate in his way. I watched as if in slow motion as he was about to swing the sword and cut Kate.

Maliki: " I'm Impress with your boost of power. But it's not enough. Now watch her die first!"

Sha-kai: " Noo! Leave her alone!"

I then felt something click inside of me, and then I knew what I should do next. Like something just awakened in me. My eyes started to glow even brighter and my power was about to release to it's full extent.

Sha-kai: " I Said Leave Her Alone! Chaos Zone!"

Maliki and Kate froze and started to look at me in shock. The whole entire area changed suddenly. The bright area of light was now a storm of Chaotic energy bursting around with Black, Red and Dark Blue lightning striking all over. It was like I froze time my self and could see everything. I then quickly teleported Kate next to me and finished my attack.

Maliki: " Impossible!"

Sha-kai: " Chaos Staarrrr!!!!!"

This huge amount of energy then started to shoot straight to Maliki from behind and hit him dead on, pushing him down to the ground hard and giving him a painful hit. I then didn't waste anytime, I could hear voices in my head and I could know what I needed to do to beat this guy...

Sha-kai: " Secret Technique: Nine Chaotic Blades of Sealing."

Suddenly, eight more knives appeared behind me and the one I had in my hand made it nine. I then dashed towards Maliki once more and started beating him to a bloody pulp. Cutting him everywhere and pushing him back. I then stabbed him in his right hand with one of my knives and quickly grabbed a next with my hands. I then disappeared from in front of him and reappeared behind him and stabbed him in both his shoulders deep from behind and the next palm of his hand as well. I then trip him to the ground and stabbed him in the joint of both his knees making sure he can't walk, and quickly teleported in the air and kick the next two knives I had left in both his hand joins pinning him down to the ground. I then flew up back in the air and start fusing energy in the last knife.

Maliki: (In Pain) " S-such incredible power."

Sha-kai: " Secret Knife Technique: Nine Chaotic Knives Sealing!"

And just like that I threw the last knife and it hit him straight in his chest deep.

Maliki: " Shit! So much pain. I can't move."

I then looked at Kate and Started to feel weak.

Sha-kai: " Dammit, I'm reaching near my limit of use of this power. My body isn't all that familiar with it's drain of energy as yet. Gotta end this with this final move."

I then started to raise my left hand and accumulate all the energy I could in this final blast.

Sha-Kai: " Chaos Zone....:"

Maliki: " What the hell are you doing? No Stop!"

Sha-kai: " Chaos Blast!!!"

This huge mass of energy shot straight at Maliki and started to tore pieces of his body apart. He screamed out in pain.

Maliki: " AHHHHHH!!!"

Sha-kai: " Just disappear already, and be done with you lowly angel."

And here end the epic battle between these two destructive force of nature.