
The beginning

Its half time, the players in the field are tired but yet still eager to finish the second half the team they are playing is better than them. They know that they might lose but they want to fight till they can't anymore. Trying to imagine this scenario is easy for us, for we are able to relate with it and this applies to alot of areas in life including College. The students are the players that are tired but determined to keep on fighting the team we are playing is better than us which is the school. Dont get me wrong, just as a match between teams others will get injured, removed from the field, banned..etc but overall the goal is usually the same. College life is never easy no cap it has its own way of turning it self in all directions and as one starts college they have high expectations like how long it will take for them to finish, what job they will get after, if your an entrepreneur what idea you will implement to get money, but soon as you realize that its never as easy as our minds put it usually its too late, we are close to the finish line of the school. Its safe to say that my college life was pretty interesting too, i learnt the value of friendships the struggle, saw what we go through to fit in, what laziness usually bring, what expectation a person need to set for your self to achieve else non of those would work.