
The Feyn

In a world where magic is outlawed, a mysterious witch chooses to save the lives of her oppressors by hunting down dangerous monsters.

willowunderwood · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Evil Unseen

Riona and the Commander were escorted to the Fairhand dungeon set high in the military fortress. A guard locked the cell door and crossed his arms. "Don't worry, Commander Stone. Commander Berry will be here shortly." He said before walking away. Stone grasped the rusted cell bars before lowering his head with a sigh. Riona watched from the wooden bench by the window, still perplexed they hadn't bothered to gag or bind her. She laid on her back and stared at the ceiling.

"Take this time to rest, Commander." Riona said, "It's a free bed. We've been on the road for some time."

Stone stood up and took his seat on the cot. "I see your demeanor doesn't change no matter the cell you're in. I'm surprised they didn't gag you."

"No more surprised than I." Riona replied, turning her head to Caleb. "Although, gagging me wouldn't have stopped my magic in Pinehold. I was just being cooperative. Not everyone understands magic. They took my staff, they might have figured that was my magic focus. They're not entirely wrong." She tucked her feet in, bending her knees up. "If your Commander friend is still in his right mind, he'll listen to reason and let us go."

Stone paused and looked up at the cell door again. "Strange being on this side of the bars."

"It's not so bad. Food, a bed, water. Shelter."

Stone narrowed his eyes. His mind raced with uncertainty. "Something's not right."

"I would imagine…" Riona grunted as she shuffled to find the sweet spot of comfort on the bench. "...being in a prison cell would feel strange to you."

The Commander shook his head. "No no no, this…" He tightened his grip on the bars. "...everything." He looked back at Riona. "I know these men. I served with them. We fought wars together."

Riona laced her fingers behind her head. "And now they've cast you aside into a cell without hesitation. Walking up to city gates with a witch might be difficult to argue against. You didn't bring me in chains."

"Yes, but how would they know you were a witch on sight? Your white hair aside, you're dressed as well as any noble I've seen." Stone said with a shrug. "We'll see what happens."

An hour had passed. Riona had kept her eyes shut and listened intently on the town outside of the window. She kept an ear for conversations, not to eavesdrop but simply to listen to the state of Fairhand. The sound of laughing children, and camaraderie among fellows was comforting to her and made her short stay in the cell more pleasant. Commander Stone, on the other hand sat on the floor, staring blankly at the ground as his thoughts raced in front of him.

It wasn't long before footsteps were heard down the halls. Boots on stone floors and the clashing of plate armor grew louder and louder until the door to the prison opened. Caleb immediately stood up, straightening himself in his usual militaristic discipline. There approached a familiar face accompanied by two guardsmen. A man in similar styled armor to Stone's stood in front of the cell. He was huskier than Stone was, but around the same age. He had a boxed beard that brushed across his armor when he turned his neck, and a clean shaven head that shined with the sweat and sunlight. With his big arms crossed, he spoke in a deep but jovial tone.

"Caleb Stone, my friend." Commander Berry smiled. "It's been a long time, hasn't it. I wish we could've reunited under better circumstances."

Stone took a step forward. "You could make that happen, Bailey. Just open the door."

Berry leaned to the side, catching a glimpse of Riona behind Stone. "I really wish I could, but, you seem to be in unpleasant company."

Stone frowned and gestured back to her. "If you're so suspicious of her, why did you put us in the same cell?"

Berry gave a hefty sigh. "Because not long before the two of you arrived, a panicked civilian came rushing to our gates claiming that Pinehold was under attack by foul witchcraft." He leaned to the side, tilting his head toward Riona. "He gave a very accurate description of this woman, and claimed she had taken you under her control."

Stone chuckled. "Come on, that's ridiculous. Bailey, you'd take the word of a civilian over mine?"

Commander Berry shrugged. "I have to look at the facts, Caleb. He warned us well ahead of your arrival. What reason would he, a farmhand, have to abandon his home, and sprint across the countryside just to slander your name? And to the best of my knowledge, you have not been replaced as Commander of Pinehold. The fact that you're here means you've abandoned your post, or there is no post left to abandon. That means Pinehold is indeed destroyed." He again pointed at Riona who now looked at him. "And that woman is responsible."

Stone lowered his head. "Pinehold is gone, Bailey." He gestured back to Riona. "But this woman had nothing to do with it." He stepped forward, his voice raising. "There are nefarious villains out roaming the wilds and I believe they threaten the capital. Why would I come to Fairhand's gates so calmly if I had helped kill an entire town!?"

Berry paused and shrugged. "Perhaps you did not anticipate the fleeing citizen. You intended to infiltrate Fairhand without alarm and then reduce it to rubble just like Pinehold. I don't know, Caleb. I have to go with the evidence here."

"Damn it, Bailey!" Stone pushed away from the cell door and took a quick pace back around the cell before approaching Berry again. "Have you known me to be anything but a man of the kingdom?!"

Commander Berry's eye twitched like something flew into it before looking at Stone with a more dismissive disposition. "Yes yes, well, you're to remain here until further notice." Commander Berry then turned to walk away, escorted by his guards.

Stone pounded a fist on the cell bars. "Bailey! Are you listening to me!? Edgemere is in danger! Damn it!" He lowered his head with a sigh. "I'm sorry, Riona." Riona looked to where Berry had left and narrowed her eyes.

"It's all right, Commander." Riona said, looking back to the ceiling. "We'll get out of this yet."


A few days passed by without so much as a meal brought to the cell and the occasional break to relieve themselves. Whenever Stone asked about what was going on he never got a response. Guards merely told him Berry would talk about it, but he would never come to do so. With each passing day, Stone grew more impatient. While Riona would lay comfortably on her bench in general silence and her usual insouciant attitude, Stone would ramble on about the distinct lack of protocol that was taking place in Fairhand. What infuriated him more was that he knew Commander Bailey Berry to be as strict with rules as he was. Fairhand seemed to be in no state of emergency. A prisoner would have had a hearing by now, especially for crimes as heinous as destroying an entire city. At first Stone thought Commander Berry sent scouts to confirm the status of Pinehold, but it had long passed the time for any competent man to make the trek and back. Despite all this, neither Stone nor Riona were going to attempt to break out of prison. Stone knew the destruction Riona was capable of, but he respected her obedience to the law. He could only trust in Riona's plan… or hope to escape.

The following night, they slept. Stone found himself restless again. He laid back in his cot, staring at the ceiling as he stirred from his sleep. The prison cot was starting to wear on him, causing aches and pains. He wasn't sure how Riona was able to rest so soundly on a wooden bench. After another few minutes of trying to rest, he swung his feet off the cot and leaned forward, his elbows on his knees as he stared at the floor. He tried his best not to make any noise and stir Riona awake.

Finding himself lost in his thoughts again, something drew his attention. He felt a presence in the cell but he wasn't sure where. He calmly raised his head, his eyes looking around the moonlit cell. Finally his eyes locked onto the wall by Riona. A large spider the size of his hand had been crawling down the stone and toward the witch's body. It had already climbed onto her thigh and began walking towards her head. Stone stood up as slowly as he could, hoping to be unnoticed by the arachnid. The spider stopped right by Riona's ear and stood there for a time. Stone continued to approach, confident the spider's eyes were not on him and raised his hand, ready to swat the creature.

With a swift whip of his arm, he swung his hand at the spider, only to have Riona's hand catch his wrist. Stone looked at Riona's now open teal eyes that stared at him before she shook her head. Stone pulled his hand back, raising his arms in surrender as he backed away to his cot with an apology written across his face. He thought better than to question Riona, as strange as her ways were. He watched as Riona rested with the spider beside her.


With another uneventful day passing, and no sign of Commander Berry, Stone let out a heavy sigh. It felt like another day of no progress, and no closer to an escape. After they had finished the meager breakfast provided, they waited another few hours with no word from anyone. It wasn't until a soldier came in, strangely off schedule, that any hope was raised.

"You have a visitor." The guard said before leaving the room. Shortly after, entered a familiar but weary and sunken face. It was Captain Levitt from Pinehold. He looked far more weary and disheveled than he was used to, but Stone was happy to see that one of his men had survived Pinehold's destruction.

"Commander Stone." Levitt said, giving him a customary salute.

Stone stood up quickly with a smile. "Captain. You're alive!"

Levitt looked past the Commander and spotted Riona as he spoke. "A lot of our men didn't trust leaving you in the woods with the---Riona." He met eyes with Stone. "They sent me after you. I lost your trail for a bit, but found what I assumed to be the remnants of that tree monster, but no sign of you." In that brief pause, Stone recalled the entire ordeal. He saw the unnatural monstrosity of the spriggan monster, and later the wooden husk like humanoids of Pinehold. "With no sign of you, I assumed you went back to Pinehold but when I arrived there, the city…"

Stone frowned. "I know."

"What happened?"

Stone looked back at Riona. "She's been trailing the villain who did this before we arrested her. I figured if we left her alone, Pinehold might still be around. I don't know. I'm just glad you're all right."

Levitt looked at Riona again. "So she's good then."

Stone looked back at her. "I trust her."

Levitt nodded. "Then that's enough for me." He leaned more so Riona could see his full face. "Forgive my suspicions, Miss Riona. I judged you poorly."

Riona gave a warm smile. "No harm done, Captain." She answered, and turned her attention to the barred window.

Stone gripped a hand on the cell bars. "Any news?"

Levitt raised his brows. "I… well I was hoping you could tell me. Why has Berry arrested you?"

Stone pointed a thumb back at Riona. "Likely my present company here. A surviving civilian from Pinehold said Riona destroyed Pinehold."

"They didn't even bother to gag or bind her?" Levitt questioned. His eyes swept the cell. There were no shackles or gag laying around. "They just threw you in here?"

Stone sighed. "Strange, I know."

Levitt leaned in closer, passing a glance at the prison door. "Strange indeed. The folk here… ever since I arrived they've been… I don't know… off. It's unsettling."

Stone looked toward the prison door. "I don't know the men as well as I do Commander Berry. But even he seems… he's not the man I served with."

"Yes! Do you think---" Levitt hushed his voice. ...this is the work of magic?"

Stone looked back at Riona then looked down.

"Possibly." Riona added, her eyes still looking outside. "I've been given recent reason to think so." Riona stood up from her bench and approached the cell bars.

"You have?" Stone asked. "You never discussed this with me."

Riona ignored Stone and stood as close as she could to Levitt. Despite his proclaimed trust in her, he still took a small wary step back. "Do you trust me, Captain?" Riona asked.

Levitt looked between her and Stone. "I've never questioned the Commander's judge of character."

Riona shook her head. "No. Do you trust me?"

Levitt paused. "You've given me no reason not to."

Riona nodded, slowly reaching her hand up so as not to startle him. "I'm going to give you something. A precaution. Because if my theory is correct, then we will need you later."

"What do you mean?" Levitt asked.

"I can't say…" Riona looked at the prison door. "Not now."

"A-All right…" Levitt furrowed his brows.

Riona beckoned him closer. "Come here." Levitt looked at Stone who nodded to him. With a hesitant step forward the Captain walked to her. Riona gently held the captain's shoulder while using her other hand to press a thumb to his forehead. He felt a warm sensation as a glowing rune appeared before fading away. She then released him, watching as he touched his forehead.

"My head feels…" Levitt tapped his skin repeatedly.

"The feeling will fade away in time."

"What did you do?" Stone asked.

"A small protection spell." Riona replied.

Levitt quirked a brow. "Protection against what?"

"An unseen enemy." Riona said. "Try your best to stay away from the townsfolk as much as possible. Come visit us again when you can. Hopefully I'll have learned a bit more by then."

"I will. Thank you, Riona." Levitt nodded to the both of them. "Commander." With that he took his leave out of the prison.


The next day came without much news until the sudden audience of Commander Berry startled the two prisoners. Once again escorted by his guards, Berry stood with arms crossed.

"Commander Stone." Berry addressed.

Stone stared at him. "What's taken you so long?"

"I've been busy." Berry said. The response was curt, and almost reactionary.

"With what?" Stone asked, trying to read the Commander's behavior.

Berry went on as if Stone never spoke. "I've given your imprisonment some thought."


Berry pointed at Riona. "We figured you wouldn't have done those things under any volition of your own. So we've slated Riona for the gallows. That'll surely free you of her mind control." Berry gestured for the guards who began opening the door. Stone panicked looking back at Riona whose eyes fell to the floor in thought. Just as the cell door opened, Riona scowled and then stood up from her bench.

"Kill me, and he dies." Riona staring at Berry with an unusual intensity. The guards looked unsure of what to do, looking back to their commander. Berry and Riona kept their gaze locked on each other for an uncomfortably tense moment. She noticed his eye twitch, much like it did before.

"Lock the door." Commander Berry said, his gaze never leaving Riona. The guards quickly obeyed, shutting the cell door once more. "If that's the game you want to play, Riona. So be it. Let's go, men." He turned around and walked out of the prison.

"I think you've only bought us more time." Stone said.

Riona nodded, "As was my intent."

Stone looked at Riona who was fixated on the door, but more lost in thought. "Riona?"


"What is?"

"To the best of my memory… I never told Commander Berry my name." Riona looked at Stone who paused for a second. He certainly didn't say it. The only one that could've known was Levitt but he wouldn't have had a reason to. "I thought so."

"Wh-what does that mean?" Stone asked, but Riona ignored him and walked to the window. "Riona?" She stuck her hand through the window bars and it wasn't long before Lilia came and perched on it. With a small squeeze, Lilia came into the cell.

"I have an idea. But we'll have to wait until Commander Berry comes back." Lilia scooted in and hopped closer to Riona's shoulder.

"That could take another day."

"However long it takes, next we see him, I need you to keep him talking for as long as possible."

For the next hour Riona spent her time stroking Lilia's head, but suddenly panicked upon hearing familiar footfalls in the hallway. Quickly she stood to send Lilia out of the window, and letting the owl fly into the city. She gripped the bars on the window as shut her eyes. All sound became louder to her. The footsteps in the hall sounded like they were right by her and the mechanics of the door and its hinges were nearly intolerable. Commander Berry and his guards entered, perplexed that Riona hadn't acknowledged them but ignored her to focus on Stone.

"We've come to a decision." Berry started. "Given the strange nature of this… foul witchcraft, we've taken account of the sacrifices that need to be made." The guards straightened out in a far more disciplined posture than they'd presented before.

"And?" Stone asked.

"Riona is too dangerous to be kept alive, or imprisoned. Whatever hold she has on you…" For that brief paused, it looked as if Berry didn't want to utter the next words, but something compelled him to. "...you both face the gallows."

"Bailey you can't be serious!" Stone exclaimed, gripping the bars.

"I will not keep a witch in my prison for eternity. It's a waste of food and my men's time. Escorting her to the capital is a risk to my men as well. And the fact that she has you under her control… well… we all know how dangerous you can be on the battlefield, Caleb. You didn't earn your medals sitting around. So with that said. You're both to be executed."

Stone sighed, letting both the anxiety subside and his anger cool. "As a man of the law…" Stone straightened out, exemplifying the same authoritative disposition expected of a commander. "...you know the rights we have then."

Berry grumbled in response.

"We're allowed a full day, an hour visit from friends or family, and a last meal."

"That's n---"

Stone stared the commander in the eye, raising his voice as if his position still held leverage. "It's the law, Bailey. And as the law states, you are hereby required upon declaration of my sentence to read me the entirety of the Book of Justice, section 18, part 5, or this sentence is null." Commander Berry's face turned from frustration and anger to eventual surrender.

"Fine, fine!" Berry sighed. "How did it go again… uh. Ah yes, Book of Justice. Section 18. Part 5." And with some minor pauses, Berry began reciting the segment of law that Stone demanded. It was frivolous talk, and filled with unnecessary words that most people in the kingdom wouldn't have understood. It droned on for a while, boring even Stone who knew it himself. Still, Riona asked to keep Berry talking and he would do just that. After a few more lengthy minutes, Berry concluded. "...henceforth by decree of the King." He sighed. "Satisfied?"

Stone glanced back at Riona who gave a subtle nod. "Yes."

"Well, then Caleb. A day." Berry turned on his heel and walked out of the prison. The guards looked wide-eyed, their eyes darting back and forth between Stone and Berry. After a moment they trailed after him.

Stone relaxed his posture, his body weary from the time spent in the cell. He turned around to face Riona who was still gripping the window bars. "Well, Riona?"

She finally released the bars, strangely out of breath as she turned around and slumped onto her bench. "Pardon me."

"Are you all right?"

Riona nodded. "That required a lot more focus than I thought."

"What did? What are you---" He stepped to the side, trying to look around for some type of invisible force to confirm his suspicion. "----were you casting magic?"

"In a way." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "I was projecting my conscience."

Stone narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Sure…"

"Don't worry about it, Commander. We should have an answer shortly." Riona stood up, extending her arm outside of the window again. Not but a few minutes passed before Lilia perched onto Riona's arm. Bringing the owl in, Riona set her on the floor. "So?"

Lilia ruffled her feathers and gave a soft hoot.

"It worked?"

Lilia nodded.

"Was it… was it him?" Riona asked, uncaring that Stone was watching the one-sided conversation.

Lilia growled.

"That fool… he's led us straight to him."

Stone felt left out of the conversation and leaned in. "Pardon me. I don't speak owl. What's going on?"

"Good news, Commander." Riona said as she stood. "Your suspicions were right." Stone looked expectantly. "Commander Bailey Berry. You said he was acting strangely. It wasn't without reason… and not in any way he could prevent. There are outside forces at work."

Stone passed a glance at the prison door. "Here? In Fairhand?" Riona nodded. "How do you know?"

Riona wiggled her fingers. "Magic."

"Right…" Stone sighed and sat on the cot. "So… what do we do? Tell Berry?"

"That would surely complicate matters." Riona shook her head. "No, we're going to escape the prison." She said, cracking her knuckles.

"I'd imagine you're not going to just… blow a hole through the wall."

"Something a bit more subtle, Commander." Riona sat down on the floor and began petting Lilia. "I'd rather act on that in the morning however. After some rest."

"Rest…" Stone bit his lip. "You realize they hang us tomorrow."

"We have an entire day, yes?" Riona asked. Stone nodded. "A full 10 hours from our sentence?" Stone nodded again. "We've plenty of time." Riona shut her eyes and repeatedly stroked Lilia's feathers. "Be ready, Commander. I'll need you as awake as ever."


Through a night of utter quiet, the morning came without disturbance. After a few minutes of stretching out the aches of sleeping on awful accommodations, they heard a commotion in the hall. There were raised voices and disagreements before the prison door burst open. There entered Captain Levitt, followed by a few guards still trying to beckon him back.

Stone approached the cell doors and shouted at the guards. "I believe we are still owed our visit." The guards grumbled and let Levitt go before leaving the prison. Levitt approached the cell, dusting his armor off before standing in front of Stone. "Commander."

"Good morning, Captain." Stone nodded. He was pleased to see Levitt's face looking more lively, hopefully due to some rest and good food.

"Commander, what's going on? There's been whispers of execution all through the ranks and some of the townsfolk."

Stone nodded with a frown. "Aye. Berry thinks I'm under Riona's mind control. Originally, he was going to kill her to free me, but she's convinced him that if she dies, so will I."

Levitt looked at Riona with a questioning gaze. "I needed to buy time, Captain." She said.

"But now he'll kill you both!" Levitt grasped the bars.

"I know. But I had to make sure of something."

Levitt paused as thoughts ran through his mind. "You've figured something out, haven't you? Something magical?"

Riona nodded. "A suspicion which I will explain later. But for now, we can not stay here any longer."

Levitt furrowed his brow. "You're going to escape?"

"Yes, and we need your help." Riona said. Levitt looked expectantly. "Do you think you can find a key to the cell door?"

The Captain lowered his voice to a whisper. "You want me to break you out? I'll be put in the same lot as you!"

"No you won't. Trust me." Riona said. "Can you do it?"

As Levitt pondered his decision, Stone crossed his arms. "The Captain used to be part of our reconnaissance team. That shouldn't be a problem for him. There was nothing he couldn't steal, nor defense he couldn't penetrate." He stared at Levitt. "We're not asking you to break the law if you don't want to, Captain. These are… extraordinary circumstances."

Levitt nodded. "I can do it, sir." He backed away and walked back out of the prison.

A suspenseful hour passed before Levitt returned. Riona spent her time stretching her limbs and trying to perk herself up from the dreary conditions she was forced to endure. Following Riona's lead, Stone did the same. Old injuries came to haunt him with a few sore joints and old wounds that liked to remind him of time's long past.

Levitt returned, creeping into the prison while cautiously looking over his shoulder before shutting the door behind him. "I got it, sir." He said with a proud smile. He wasted no time unlocking the door. He slowly inserted and turned the key, careful not to make any loud noises as he did. With a soft click the door was opened.

Stone and Riona stepped out, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief even with just one foot outside of their confinement. Levitt moved over to another door in the prison that led to a closet. With another quiet turn of the key, he opened to reveal Riona and Caleb's belongings. The both of them took their things and equipped them as necessary before turning back to Levitt.

"Thank you, Captain." Riona said with a bow.

"Good work, Levitt." Stone nodded. "You haven't lost your touch."

The Captain chuckled. "It's nothing, sir. Is… is there anything else I can do?"

"There is, actually." Riona said, turning to Levitt. She took the back end of her gnarled wooden staff and poked Levitt in the chest. The wood seemed to grow and rapidly morph into thick twigs that wrapped around Levitt like binding wreaths. His arms were restrained to his body, and his ankles tied to each other.

"Riona!" Stone called out.

"W-what are you doing?!" Levitt exclaimed.

"Saving your life." Riona said, pushing him back before easing him gently to the ground against the wall. "If the guards find out you aided us under your own volition, then I can't promise they won't charge you with crimes no less severe than ours. This must look like I coerced and tricked you. Understand?"

"A-aye… ma'am." Levitt surrendered.

"Don't worry, you'll be free soon enough. By the time the Commander and I are done with our business, everything should be back to normal." Levitt nodded.

Stone kneeled down, putting a hand on the Captain's shoulder. "Sit tight, Captain."

Riona smiled warmly at Levitt before raising her hand to his forehead. "Rest well, Captain Levitt." With the simple wave of her hand, the Captain instantly drifted to sleep.

Stone looked at Riona. "Now what?" Riona hurried down the prison hall and found an area where the guards would typically sit and rest. There was a table by a window littered with playing cards and half melted candles. She quickly opened the window and looked down to a dark but fairly empty alleyway between buildings. Stone peeked his head out to see as well. "That's a far jump, Riona." The witch reached down to the floor below with an outstretched arm and began acting like she was pulling on rope that was just too stubborn to move. Stone wanted to help but realized she was tugging on nothing. After a moment, a great vine emerged from the dirt ground and crawled up the side of the building, eventually making its way into the prison room and anchoring itself on a cell door. "That works."

Using the vine as a rope, both Stone and the Captain made their way to the floor unbeknownst to anyone. Riona looked up and saw Lilia perched on a nearby building. As their eyes met, Riona marched toward her avian companion. The two merged into the busy streets of Fairhand, moving into the congested crowds and moving through the marketplaces. While Stone's military garb helped him blend in with the usual law enforcement, Riona did her best to keep her head down, and even holding her staff upside down to appear like a normal walking stick. Still she kept her eyes towards the roof, looking for Lilia who would fly in certain directions and leading them around Fairhand. Eventually the owl led them to a quiet section of town where the roads were far less crowded. She perched on a house and spread her wings before diving around the back of it. Stone and Riona made their way into the quiet small yard behind the home.

Riona watched as Lilia flew to a window sill and gazed inside the home before looking in her direction. Riona gave a nod before casually walking around the house, outside of public view and through a backdoor. Quietly she and Caleb creeped in, hearing a voice shouting in another room. The single-room home was bare of decor and only retained basic necessities. Although there was a large alchemy station in a far off corner and a wall filled with maps and papers with various notations scribbled on them. As the voice grew louder, Riona peered around a corner and saw a plainly dressed man, a little younger than her, sitting on the floor. His eyes were closed as he continued to talk. He seemed to be upset, and barking orders at soldiers who Caleb could identify by name. Riona motioned to move forward.

"...this is a matter regarding the safety of Fairhand, soldier. It would behoove you to obey my orders when I give them." The man paused. "What do you mean they've escaped? Find them! I want every single one of you to find that witch!" Riona squatted down in front of the man. He was truly unaware of her presence as she stared at him. "Do you realize how dangerous she---" Riona tapped his chest. His eyes opened to see the smiling face of Riona.

"Hello Tomas." Riona said.

Tomas' eyes widened with a gasp. "Ri---!" Before he could finish his word, Riona's smile quickly faded and her hand gripped around his neck. She stood up, picking him off his feet with ease before spinning around and slamming him against the nearest wall. Tomas grasped at Riona's hands as his face turned red, then purple.

Caleb approached her. "Riona, we---"

Riona kept her eyes on Tomas. "Guard the perimeter, Commander. I don't want any interruptions." Her glaring eyes almost never blinked as they burrowed fear into her victim. "Now then… Tomas, my friend." She gave an eerily calm smile. "I'm going to let you down now. And you're going to answer my questions, understood?" Left without options, Tomas nodded. Riona dropped him to the floor as he gasped for breath, coughing violently. Riona squatted down to his level and pointed her bladed staff at his neck. "That was clever of you, Tomas. Puppetting Commander Berry with that plagued runaway from Pinehold. I see you could control the entirety of Fairhand with such authority under your strings. It's too bad you didn't infect Captain Levitt. I'd still be in that prison cell were it not for him."

Tomas finally managed to catch his breath, his voice still raspy. "How did you find me?"

Riona waved the bladed end of her staff as she inched closer. "A little spider told me something was awry in Fairhand."

Tomas furrowed his brows. "Spider.... You mean?"

Riona smirked and glanced quickly at the window. "She's not far."

Tomas' eyes nervously twitched, but he feared breaking eye contact with his assailant. "Suspicion is hardly enough to find my home."

"Ah yes… I had a little help from a friend." Riona gestured her head to her left. Lilia walked into the room and flew onto the nearest shelf. "You see, Commander Stone told me the men here were acting out of character, namely Commander Berry. Captain Levitt confirmed it. Once I figured that someone was being manipulated, I concluded that only you were capable of such a task. You and those mind-controlling spores of yours. Once I found a moment you were speaking through Commander Berry, I conveyed his words from my ears…" Riona gestured again to Lilia. "...to her mind. She then listened around the city for the words being spoken elsewhere. You have to speak them yourself for it to voice through other people, don't you?"

Tomas scowled. "You're too clever for your own good, Riona. That's what landed you in this mess to begin with."

Riona shrugged. "Perhaps. But it was your carelessness that landed you in this one."

Tomas growled in frustration, "You're such a damned nuisance! You always have been."

"I can't help it. Now, where are the others? What is your plan? Tell me and maybe…" She tapped his shoulder with her blade as she said every word in beat. "I. just. might. let. you. live."

Tomas chuckled. "You fool. You think apprehending me will stop what I've done. You think Commander Berry is the only one I control. The spell has infected several dozens of people in Fairhand and more by the second. I'll have the entire city by tomorrow morning." Riona pressed her blade to his throat with enough pressure for it to bleed.

Tomas extended an arm outwards, his fingers ready to make a snapping motion. "Ah ah, all it takes is the snap of my fingers and the curse will mutate the poor souls of Fairhand into the monsters you faced in Pinehold. You couldn't push your blade fast enough. And my life isn't worth theirs. Is it, Riona?" Tomas stared at her, watching her hesitate. He gently pushed her blade aside as the intensity in her eyes faded. "That's what separates you from us. You're afraid of getting your hands dirty. Instead you sympathize with these weak and pathetic fools and submit to their archaic laws. You're the very reason why we're doing this and nothing you can do will stop us!"

"Nothing?" Riona narrowed her eyes before looking at Lilia. The owl spread her wings, her eyes glowing pure white as she stood statuesque. Suddenly everything in the house became grayscale as everyone lost their sense of color. Every sound and voice had a faint echo to it. The confused Tomas panicked and snapped his fingers. Nothing happened. His eyes widened as he snapped them over and over.

"W-What is this!?" Tomas stammered. Riona grabbed him by the neck, her fingers digging deeper as she slammed his body onto a table, dragged it across knocking things to the floor before throwing him into the center of the room.

"It's no use, Tomas. We are both cut off from the magic leylines. We have no power here. The difference now is that I'm so much stronger than you."

Tomas wobbled as he struggled to stand. "What kind of familiar can cast spells?!"

"Familiar? No." Riona gestured to the motionless owl. "Don't you recognize her?" Tomas furrowed his brow. "Surely you remember Lilia." Fear and panic took hold of Tomas upon hearing the name as genuine terror made him scurry back on his hands.

"HELP!" Tomas screamed.

Riona rolled her eyes. "No one can hear you, Tomas. I thought by now you'd understand negation magic." Tomas made a run for the door but Commander Stone had kept his post as ordered. Riona grabbed Tomas by the ankle and dragged him across the room, his fingernails digging into the floorboards before he was thrown against a wall.

"What are you planning, Tomas? I won't ask again." Riona demanded as she marched toward him. She grabbed him by the collar, ready to punch him.

"All right, all right!" Tomas put up his hands. "I don't know everything! We were all told

to do our part and weren't told what the others were to do. Probably in case you ended up catching one of us."

Riona tugged on him, bringing Tomas closer to her face. "And you were told to do what?"

"Build an army!" Tomas kept his eyes closed, and his head turned away from Riona. "I was supposed to infect as many towns and cities as possible to march on the capital."

"Why the capital? What is so important there?!"

"I don't know!"

"Liar!" Riona shook her hold on Tomas.

Tomas reflexively raised his hands to protect his face. "Honest! You know I'm far from the top of the chain. Once the invasion began, the others would initiate their missions. We would be told what to do there once the plans were underway."

Riona eased her grip on him. "So you were the catalyst in all this… well it's a good thing I found you first."

"Stopping me will only delay the inevitable." Tomas scoffed. "You think our plan could falter on the failure of one person?"

"So they don't need you."

"The plan continues with or without all of us. Even if you managed to stop some of us, you'll never stop Greyne."

Riona froze for a second. "She's alive?"

Tomas scoffed. "If you can call it that, especially after what you did to her."

Riona walked away and approached Stone.

"You're a fool, Riona!" Tomas shouted. He then directed to Caleb. "And you a bigger one for following her."

Riona ignored his mockery and lowered her voice to speak with Stone. "This is your kingdom, Commander. I know what I would do, but I cannot step beyond my boundaries. What shall we do with this man? What does the law dictate?"

"If he truly is responsible for Pinehold. By my first hand witness of the crime, the sentence is death without trial."

"We can't kill him here. As far as Fairhand is concerned, Tomas is a citizen. Match that with news of our escape, the blame will be put on us for sure. We'll still be considered criminals by your laws, moreso."

Stone's eyes shifted from Riona's and looked at Tomas who was making a run for the window. Before Caleb could even speak, Riona spun around and hurled her staff at Tomas. The blade impaled the wall before Tomas ran into it and fell to the ground holding his nose.

"What are you thinking?" Stone asked.

Lilia made a series of squeaking noises.

"Brilliant idea, Lilia." Riona marched over to Tomas and picked him up by the shoulders before pinning him to the wall, ensuring his hands were immovable. Lilia perched on Riona's shoulders, her head level with Tomas'. The owl's eyes glowed, and then so did Tomas'. An ethereal glow like a wispy smoke flowed from Tomas' facial orifices and into Lilia's eyes.

Completely frozen in the process, Tomas heard a familiar female voice as Lilia's eyes stared deeper into his. "The way is shut to you, Tomas Baxter."

After a moment, Riona dropped Tomas to the ground. He was weak and barely able to stand up himself. His heavy eyes opened to see Lilia walk over to him. She spread her wings and suddenly there was a flash of light before he fell unconscious.

It wasn't long before Tomas woke up. His eyes opened to look at Riona who was sitting on the floor in front of him.

"Rise and shine, Tomas."

"What?" Something felt different to Tomas. His body felt unusual and foreign. "What have you…" His voice had changed, it belonged to a woman now, but in his waking stupor he didn't notice. Tomas looked down at his hands to see pale feminine hands. "...what is…"

"Have a look for yourself." Riona said, holding her bladed staff to him so he could see his reflection. In it, he did not see his own visage, but Riona's.

"Ah!" Tomas gasped.

"I think you look quite good." Riona smiled. In a panic, Tomas snapped his fingers. Riona sighed. "Lilia cut you off from the leylines. The fact that you continue to try only exacerbates your depravity. You really are unredeemable. Lucky for you, Commander Stone has decided to give you a headstart." Tomas looked at Stone who opened a door to the outside. Without hesitation Tomas sprinted out of the home.

"Help! Help they're trying to kill me!!!" He shouted in Riona's voice. "Murderers! Madmen!"

Riona slowly stood up, dusting herself off. She looked at Stone who was watching Tomas sprint down the road. "The man's never been known for his physicality. You best get your justice before the city guard does. I'm going to search through his things. I'll find you later." Before Stone could leave Riona added. "And Stone?" He looked back at her. "Burn his body. I don't know how long that illusion will keep." The Commander nodded and gave chase.

"Help!" Tomas continued. "Killers! Murderers! They're trying to kill me!" Commander Berry spotted Tomas running through the crowd with Stone closing the gap.

"What's this? The witch? Stone?!" Berry questioned.

Caleb turned to the sound of his name. "I've broken free, Bailey." Stone shouted, never slowing his pace. "Catch her while she's weak!"

Berry nodded and shouted as loud as he could. "All men, on that witch now!"

Tomas pushed through crowds, dodging guards, as he already began to feel winded. An arrow pierced his thigh before he fell forward. Pitifully he crawled forward, crying as he did so. "Please… I can't… die like this. Not like this… please… mercy!" A boot stepped in front of him, blocking his path. He looked up to see Commander Stone. Caleb felt conflicting emotions as he saw what was an exact copy of Riona grasping at his garb with tear filled eyes and genuine fear in his voice. "No no… please! No! Not like this." Stone shut his eyes, quickly remembering Pinehold and its people. The Commander scowled and kneed Tomas in the face then took his head with one swing of his blade.

"For Pinehold." Caleb whispered. Moments later Commander Berry ran over to Stone who cleaned his blade and stared at the body.

"Caleb." Berry started. "I uh…" He blinked looking at the corpse. "It's been a very strange few days. I don't know, I just haven't felt myself."

Stone simply raised a hand. "No words needed, Bailey."

Berry shrugged. "Well at least that's over, yeah?" One of the guards knelt down to examine the corpse.

"Burn the body." Stone said.

"What?" Berry questioned.

"Soon. And thoroughly. Scatter the ashes. We don't know what will happen if it's left like this. Just to be sure." Berry snapped his fingers to his men and they quickly took the body and head off the streets out of public view. Stone reached into his satchel and pulled out a book. "Here." He held it forward.

"Is that…" Berry took it.

Stone nodded with a heavy sigh. "The manifest of Pinehold. Give it to your messengers. I believe some closure is due for the families."

"Why not take it to the capital yourself?"

Stone chuckled. "I'm a little too old to be running messages, Bailey. Your messengers are faster than me. Besides, I have somewhere to be. Pinehold is gone, and I think there is more to this threat than a simple witch."

Commander Berry snapped his fingers at another soldier. "Get Commander Stone some travelling supplies." He turned to Caleb, resting a hand on his shoulder. "At least stay the night. A prison cot couldn't have made for a good rest."

"Maybe a meal." Stone tapped his stomach. "Your prison food wasn't exactly filling."

Berry laughed. "Sorry about that. You go tell ol' Terry in the inn your meals on me? I'll have supplies sent to you." Berry gave a gentle slap on Caleb's back.

Stone held out a hand. "Thanks Bailey."

Berry gave him a firm handshake. "Good luck, Caleb. I've got more work to process, but you see any more witches out there, you take one out for me."

"I'll do what I can."


Later that evening, Stone walked out of the inn with a full belly and a renewed vigor. After saying farewells to familiar soldiers, and thanked by various folk for killing a witch, he stood out in the street with some degree of relief. With a sigh he prepared to head back towards Tomas' home but was shortly intercepted by Captain Levitt.

"Commander." Levitt said, giving him a salute.

"Captain." Stone nodded.

The captain frowned. "I heard what happened. I don't exactly believe it."

From the back alley of the inn, a shrouded figure emerged of familiar height and voice. "Because you're sharper than most guardsmen, Captain." The woman lifted her cowl just enough to give sight of her face and revealed herself to be Riona. "It was a ruse. We needed a way for Stone to clear his name, and for the kingdom to forget mine." The three of them moved towards the shaded side of the inn, away from the public eye.

Levitt pointed back towards the center of town. "So that Riona you killed…" It took some explaining but Riona made clear of Tomas' fate. "So they've been avenged then. Thank you, Commander. Riona."

"Captain Levitt." Stone said, using his commanding tone.

"Aye sir?"

The Commander inhaled through his nose. "With Pinehold gone, we have no post, and therefore I am no longer your commanding officer. What you do from here is your choice."

Levitt furrowed his brow, not having thought of his future until now. "I don't rightly know sir. Pinehold was my home."

"Then I suggest you take a post here, Captain. Commander Berry is a fine leader. Besides, we could use an eye in this city. This battle is far from over, and you are one of the few who's witnessed what terror is to come."

"I'll do whatever I can to help, Commander."

Riona rested a hand on Levitt's shoulder. "It's possible we may come around again, Captain. If you would, keep a ledger of any strange happenings in our absence."

Levitt nodded. "So you're both going after this evil then?"

Commander adjusted his supply pack. "We can't ignore it. We killed one villain, sure. But from what Riona tells me, there are many more and they plan to attack the capital."

"The capital?" Levitt questioned.

"Captain, if I may…" Riona said, tapping his shoulder again. "I think it would be best to keep all of this magic and villain business to yourself. The skeptical will laugh at you, but more importantly the evil lurking in the shadows will silence you. I may be a 'witch', but I am no friend of these sorcerers and evildoers that lurk around. They are looking for me, just as I am for them. Should they find you're connected to me, then I can't assure your safety."

"My lips are sealed, Miss Riona." Levitt nodded. "I promise."

"Good man." Riona smiled, pulling her cowl over her head and walking down the street.

Stone stretched a hand to Levitt. "Well Captain. Until next time."

"Goodbye, Commander." Levitt firmly shook Caleb's hand. "And farewell Miss Riona."

Riona simply raised a hand in farewell as she continued to walk.


As the sun fell on the valley, Riona and Caleb Stone continued into the forests. Thankfully with the supplies from Commander Berry and what Riona took from Tomas' abode, they were plenty equipped for the road ahead. The chilly night air didn't affect their warm coats, and an oil lantern provided plenty of light. Despite the canopy, the moonlight was bright enough to keep their surroundings lit as they walked down the dirt road.

"So what were you doing while I was killing you?" Stone joked.

"Searching Tomas' things."


"Lots of journals. Chemical experiments, rituals he's tried and failed." She adjusted the cloth cowl around her neck as the night grew colder. "His magic wasn't perfect, but he made sure not to repeat mistakes. Aside from that, he wasn't lying." She locked eyes with Stone. "Whatever the others told him, it was the bare minimum. They're operating independently. And that makes things difficult."

"So they do intend to strike the capital."

"Yes. Something is there. Something secret. Whether or not the king knows about it is another matter entirely, but Tomas and his cohorts want it. And if they want it, then it's surely dangerous. But there are only three of us." Riona said, looking up at the soaring Lilia above. "I imagine digging up a dark magical secret in the capital would be more difficult than sniffing out troublesome villains."

"Hm…" Stone grunted. "Riona… when Tomas mentioned this Greyne person. You seemed to----" Riona stopped in her tracks, and Stone did the same.

"A topic for another time, Commander." Riona said sternly. "Please."

"Very well." Stone nodded. The two began to walk again. "I'm following your lead, Riona. You have my sword and my wit but anything regarding magic is beyond me."

"You're still sure you want to follow?" Riona walked backwards, matching Stone's pacing as they conversed. "Fairhand seems like a proper new home."

"I can't just... forget all of this. How will I rest knowing all this malevolence is waiting to take me and my people in our sleep?"

Riona frowned. "I'm sorry for bringing this upon you."

"You've done nothing of the sort, Riona. Fate works in strange ways."

"Speaking of which… our next destination should take us some place that might give us some clarity." She turned around and walked forward again.


"I have a feeling you're not going to like this." Riona moved the lantern closer to her and illuminated her shoulder closest to Stone. There on her epaulet rested a similar creature to the one he saw in the cell nights before. Looking forward, as if guiding Riona, there rested a spider beside her.