
The Fetters Of Hidden Love

"Don't you have to finish their challenge because you lost the game, miss?" "Then, why are you in a hurry to leave if everything isn't done well, hmm?" "I will let yourself go. But after that, you must fulfill your promise to come hotel." __ Avnan Zhafier Rheizada. ... "Can we forget about it? I just don't want to, you're sorry for the decision that has been made. you make, Dear Lord," "So, I'll go now to make everything okay between us." "I just don't want to, you made a mistake for deciding to follow them." __ Aurestella Dhivya Caldwell. ... Auristella Dhivya Caldwell (24) had to accept the challenge of asking Avnan Zhafier Rheizada to sleep with her(28), a boss at a large company where she works as an office girl, for losing the nature of the game he does with his friends. ... Did Auristella manage to meet that challenge? How does their story continue afterward? What destiny will happen to their lives in the future? Everything will find a journey of life unpredictable. And only God's destiny can determine how humans can live life ahead of time.

putri_badrfier22 · Urban
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20 Chs

Part 18

When Auristella was still grumbling, suddenly, someone caught her mouth from behind. She seemed to be pulled and forced into a car. But Auri needs to find out who did it.

For some reason, all of a sudden, the only person that remembered in her mind was Avnan. It made her mutter Avnan's name, and asked the man for help.

'Avnan, help me.'

Auristella had tears in her eyes as a black cloth covered her face. She wanted to rebel, but because her hands were tied behind her back, Auri couldn't do anything.

"We have arrived. If you want to survive, go to this room and never try to escape. We will watch over you even from afar."

The bodyguard who brought her opened his voice. It turned out that they had arrived in front of a very luxurious hotel. However, she was not surprised by this luxury because things that smelled luxurious were used to her.

"Who are you? Who ordered you?" Auristella was furious after those people removed her blindfold and freed her mouth to speak.

"Don't act too much, woman. If you want to survive and not end up with all of us, do it quickly, and don't ask too many questions." The words that were a threat flowed freely. The cold, unfriendly voice forced Auristella to obey the big man's words.

"I'll finish you off if you dare mess with me. Avnan won't let you guys go just like that. If I get hurt, even if it's just a little, I'm sure Avnan won't let you breathe freely. Remember that!"

Even though Auristella was afraid and obeyed the order, it didn't mean she would be a weak woman who attended. The threats she gave were no joke. Auristella plans to report this to Avnan the next time she can contact the man.

'Ah, dammit! I don't have a number that can connect to him,' Auristella cursed in her heart, realizing she had forgotten not to save Avnan's number. It's not that she doesn't keep it but doesn't have it.

'I can contact them. At least they can send me some help. This is not a difficult thing.' Auristella remembered her four friends. They will always be ready to help each other.

'Just clean up the people in the room, then wait for help. I could easily beat the person behind this over there. Considering that I have a fairly high martial arts knowledge.' Arrogant Auristella, who prided herself.

Auristella was already in the elevator to the highest floor in the building—the place where the room was told by the bodyguards who kidnapped her. Auristella had already sent a message to her friends. If, in a while, she does not contact them, it means that she needs their help.

'But if I were to face ten big guys like them at once, it wouldn't be worth my strength. Who dared to do this to me? Just watch out that he's an old man with a short build, a big belly, white hair, and wrinkled skin.'

'I will chop his body. Even if necessary, I immediately made him feel the punishment of castration consciously,' continued Auristella, continuing to grumble in annoyance. Her safe and peaceful life tonight must fall apart.

When she avoids her meeting with Avnan, they are trapped and become victims of kidnapping like this. Luckily Auristella belongs to a brave woman who is not afraid of anything. So she could deal with this matter properly.

"This is not a room. But a residence that is more akin to an apartment for the person who owns this hotel," Auristella muttered as she entered the room she was told.

'shit! The old man's room must be upstairs.' Auristella thought to herself and figured out a place that wouldn't make it difficult for her to conclude.

"But what do you remember feels very masculine. Like there's no old man scent here, ah, it must be because he wanted to trick me. So the older man put on the same fragrance as the young man. A lousy trick," she hersed mockingly with a crooked smile.

Auristella continued up the stairs towards the two brown bedroom doors, which looked more extensive than the others. She was sure she was. The primary bedroom must be where the older man kidnapped her was staying.

When she opened the bedroom door and went inside, Auristella didn't find anyone. She continued to wander around the large and luxurious room. She was staring warily as if someone suddenly attacked her.

"I've been waiting for you too long, Sweety. Don't you miss me, hmm?" whispered a man behind Auristella and hugged her. Not only that, even that had rolled up Auristella's right ear seductively.

"Who are you?" Between hesitating and not, Auristella asked like that. She seemed to recognize this man's voice. But for fear of mistaking something, better ask, right?

"You have forgotten me, Sweety? In that case, okay. I will remind you who I am."

After saying that, with a swift and unreadable motion, the man turned Auristella over. Then without a word, he immediately attacked her lips fiercely and lustfully. Auristella could not breathe and then hit him to stop the unrequited kiss.

"Unlucky! You're crazy to want to kill me like that, huh?!" Auristella snapped in a big voice filled with anger. But after seeing the face of the man in front of her, her guts immediately shrunk.


'Why did he get here? And again, does it have to be shirtless to meet me like that?' she thought, her eyes roaming the naked body before her.

It was clear how the broad chest would be hot if it were in her arms. Not only that, Auristella's eyes fell on his six-pack stomach, which tempted her to put her hands there—touching and feeling the body which she thinks is very sexy.

Again, Auristella's eyes dropped even lower. Immediately, her cheeks flushed red. Something in there, covered by a towel, seemed to be sticking out like preparing to go to war soon.

Auristella forgot the question that had been rattling around in her head. A sentence that wants to be said out loud. It turns out that you have done this to me, Avnan?! Telling them to kidnap me and then threaten me. Like that?!

"Why are your cheeks red like that, Sweety? You like it, don't you?

"You're crazy, Avnan!"

Seeing the adorable Auristella in his eyes, Avnan couldn't wait anymore. He pushed the woman, who landed on the king-size bed behind him.

Avnan kissed Auristella passionately. His hand did not stay still. The left hand was used to hold his weight. At the same time, the right hand is directly above Auristella's left mountain. Squeezing it with excitement and occasionally turning it.

What Avnan did manage to make a sigh escape from Auristella's lips. Although, at first, she wanted to rebel, the initial pleasure she received made her lulled.

"Ah, ooooh."

"Good, Sweetie. I love hearing your melodious sigh. Keep sighing so I am even more excited to give you incomparable pleasure."

Avnan said that in between activities enjoying Auristella's lips. Then the kiss went down to the neck of the ladder that had been left exposed for other men to look at.

Wanting to avenge that unwillingness, Avnan licked every inch his tongue could reach. Giving a lot of kiss marks everywhere, Avnan managed to make a sigh after a sigh back out of Auristella's lips.

"Aakkh… Eemmhh, Avnan. I ...."

Also, Avnan's hand has moved down the thigh that is not covered by the cloth because the mini dress used by Auristella was lifted to her current position lying on her back.

"I missed this, Sweety. I've only been apart for a few hours, and it's already making me unable to bear to feel it again."

Avnan's hand was right on Auristella's. He caressed gently from outside the cloth covering the pleasure hole and occasionally teased her, pressing his finger in a circular motion.

The thing that made Auristella fly even more with that touch. This is just the beginning. No, it's not even in their early stages of foreplay. That being said, what Avnan was doing was just a start before he did the actual foreplay.