
Chapter 1

I am Matia Kalista princess of the harmoin town and the next generation queen

yes I am the next generation queen brother has run away when I was 5 and he was 15 now that I'm 14 I am mad at him for leaving us me and sister were always together


"HELP!!" Maids came running to sister Gabriella's room

I was curious and went to her room as well as I walked there I heard a maid screaming...

"PRINCESS GABRIELLA HAS BEEN POISONED!!" My heart skipped a beat my little sister has been poisoned

I ran to my sisters room as I was running there I have been pushed by mother and father running with tears flowing from they're eyes

I wasn't sad nor jealous I get it she is poisoned

As I came there sister was sleeping I came very close to her and kissed her forehead

As the day past by Gabriella was healed but she was acting strange...

as on the day of the test for who was responsible for Gabriellas posoining I was suspiciously dragged there

as the time past by it was my turn I wasn't nervous because sister knows it isn't me


The test went positive "W-what!"I said in curiosity

I could see from the mouth of sister a smirk forming

" Y-You!"Mother yelled as she slapped me in the face

"You MONSTER!"She yelled again as I could see anger in her eyes

" You tried to kill YOUR OWN SISTER"She yelled loud as she can

"But i-" My sentence was stopped by a cry heard from Gabriellas direction

"How dare you sister Matia You are a Monster" She faked her cry as mother comforted her

father called the guard's "Guards Put her to prison and make sure she is locked in there for good" As I heard that my heart shattered

"F-father wait-" My sentence got cut off again by the Guard's pulling me away "FATHER MOTHER I DIDN'T DO IT I SWEAR!" Tears fell from my eyes as they're faces slowly disappear

I could see Gabriella smirk as I got taken away

The guard's roughly threw me in the prison cell "Wait please let me out" I say as I beg for my freedom but it was not worth it

As time past by I was sent to the court room to prove my innocent

"Let us start".....