
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · Urban
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331 Chs

Chapter 290 Meet again

Is half a life enough!

 Su Meng opened her mouth and was dumbfounded.

 Some pain, others say, the past, all the past, why do you still want to hold a grudge.

 Just like those hidden under the Mi red lights of the families, under the lights of the ten thousand families, many families of many stories.

 Often, the one who has been let down and bullied is the one who has to be forgiven.

 Look, I have apologized, why do you still remember, you are just holding a grudge, you are just being petty, you are a person, not generous at all.

 And then the bystander, righteous, look, he has apologized, what else do you want? Can't you be a little kinder?

 However, those who suffer, only those who have experienced it themselves can realize it.

 Su Meng looked at the painful Jane Tong, she wanted this fool in front of her to be happy.

 But the fool is not really stupid, the fool is more than anyone is awake, but also more than any one person to be determined. Otherwise, Su Meng can not imagine, after experiencing from heaven to hell, overnight, everyone shouted.

 After experiencing those stakes, how many people can continue to live without changing their mind.

 Even her own ... Su Meng exemptedly picked up the wine cup, and then fiercely poured a mouthful.

 Even she herself ... has not changed?

 Jane Tong picked up the bag, leaving, and then looked deeply at Su Meng: "Dream sister, you say, in this world, who really understand who?"

 Asked inexplicably.

 Su Meng did not understand: "You ..."

 "In this world, one may not even understand oneself." Su Meng looked at the woman standing in the doorway and told her with a calm face, "Sister Meng, your Boss thinks he understands me."

 "..." Su Meng opened her mouth, why did she feel that the topic was getting closer and closer to a feeling that she couldn't tell, a weird heart-stopping feeling.

 She looked at the door and she saw the woman smile slightly, "He's wrong."

 "Squeak", the door opened and closed, in the other room, only left Su Meng heart-stopping stiffly stood at the table, and the Pu'er tea aroma filled the air, other than that, as if there was no trace left that Jane Tong had ever been here.

 After Jane Tong left, Su Meng for a long time did not return to God, standing quietly, pondering the woman left the word.

 Always feel, that fool seems to have already made what decision.

 Jane Tong out of the club, the night wind blowing on the body, she wrapped the coat again, cowering, tilted her head to look at the sky, murmured softly: "really cold ah."

 The parking boy brought the car to her.

 "Leave it."

 "Okay, Ms. Jane."

 She called out to the parking boy who was about to leave, "Wait, you drive the car to the parking lot."

 "And you?"

 "Don't want to drive tonight. Come back tomorrow to pick it up."

 "Okay, you wait a moment."

 The parking boy went and came and handed the car keys back to Jane Tong.

 It had been a long time since she had taken the subway and squeezed the bus.

 Tonight, especially, she wanted to take the subway and squeeze the bus.

 The time on her wristwatch showed 20:30, the night was approaching, and the streets were still crowded.

 Crowds of people come and go, the sound of footsteps and conversations in the ears, one by one.

 In the woman's eyes, there is an almost envious emotion.

 The subway to bus did not drive away the loneliness she thought, still, alone.

 Still, heavy hearted.

 Still, can't escape this damn cage.

 Cell phone call-

 She picked up her cell phone, glanced at the caller's name, eyes full of gravity, thumb pressed down, a hint of tension and anxiety under her eyes.

 "I'm sorry, Ms. Jane, we've done everything we can."

 The formulaic female voice on the other end of the line said familiarly.

 "But a week ago, didn't you guys say that there was a suitable one?"

 "Ms. Jane, I'm really sorry, we've contacted that person as fast as we could, but it was really unfortunate, when we found that person, that person had a car accident and passed away. Just asked for death today. We've done our best."

 Jane Tong subconsciously squeezed her cell phone tightly, "So, is there a suitable one in his family?"

 "Sorry." The female voice on the phone said formulaically.

 Jane Tong fell silent.

 "Miss Jane? Miss Jane? Are you okay?"

 Jane Tong snapped back to her senses, "It's fine, regarding your remuneration, I will remit every penny to the account you provided."

 "Miss Jane, don't worry, since you have found us, we will do our best on our side, I believe, in this world, there must be more than this one case that can be successfully matched with your elder brother."

 "Good, trouble you guys."

 She finished indifferently, knowing in her heart that this kind of opportunity, didn't just happen.

 Even if there was, whether Jane Mo Bai could still afford to wait.

 Put up the phone, she slowly touched to her own back, the scenery outside the window quickly receding, she could not see the outside scene, blurred, the most dazzling, is the roadside colorful.

 Slowly, closed her eyes.

 Getting out of the car

 It was still some distance from where she lived.

 She walked in that direction, walking very, very slowly, in which, of course, there is the reason that the legs and feet are not convenient, but also in the heart of the resistance.

 After walking more, her legs and feet started to hurt.

 Behind a cold wind whistling past, "piercing" sound, a sharp brake, a black Maybach, close to her side stopped.

 She wrinkled her eyebrows ... how there will be such a driving.

 The door of the car, then opened smoothly.

 "Ms. Jane, please come with us."

 She looked coldly, "It's dark, can you see with sunglasses."

 The man let out a light laugh, "As long as I can see Miss Jane herself."

 "What if I say no?"

 "Then I have to 'invite' Miss Jane to get on the car."

 Jane Tong coldly looked at the man, "Shen Yi, the Shen family's family motto, what will happen to the person who betrays?"

 "Miss Jane, speaking of which, your surname is Jane, I at least still have the surname Shen."

 "Heh ~" Jane Tong mocking light laughter, a glance at the past: "Shen Yi, who are you working for now?"

 "Shen Yi at least surnamed Shen, naturally work for the Shen family. Ms. Jane why knowingly ask." Shen Yi face impatient: "Well, I still have to deliver, Jane Tong, you think clearly, is your own obediently get on the car, or to people 'please' you get on the car?"

 Jane Tong dropped her side hand, slightly sweating, pretending to be calm: "Okay, I'll go with you."

 She quietly sat in this Maybach, glanced sideways at the window, the building she lives in, is not far away, sitting in the car, still able to see the lighted window.

 The car door closed, Shen Yi sat in the passenger side: "Ms. Jane, we meet again."

 "Yes, meeting again.

 And yet you're already someone else's dog."

 Shen Yi seemed to be enraged and irritated, "Then because of whom? Jane Tong, no matter what, I'm still better than you, an outlaw murderer!"

 Jane Tong gently pulled the corners of her mouth, not making a defense ... Is she a murderer, Shen Yi does not know?